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BAKU: OSCE Plans Frontline Monitoring Due To Ceasefire Breaches

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  • BAKU: OSCE Plans Frontline Monitoring Due To Ceasefire Breaches


    AzerNews Weekly
    Nov 19 2008

    The OSCE mediators brokering a settlement to the Upper (Nagorno)
    Garabagh conflict believe the situation on the Armenia-Azerbaijan
    frontline remains tense and plan to monitor the area for ceasefire

    "The ceasefire violations have become regular during the past few days
    and necessitates holding an urgent crisis monitoring," Matthew Bryza,
    the US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group (MG) said.

    Bryza told a Monday news conference in Yerevan, which reviewed the
    group`s visit to the region, that continuing ceasefire violations
    were alarming and clarification of what is occurring is necessary.

    Andrjej Caspzyk, the OSCE chairman`s special envoy, did not rule out
    that this monitoring would begin within days.

    Caspzyk recently told the press that during the past year 25 people
    have been killed on the frontline between Azerbaijani and Armenian
    troops as a result of ceasefire violations. He did not specify which
    side was responsible for the clashes.

    Armenia and Azerbaijan waged a war over the mountainous region
    in the early 1990s, which claimed some 30,000 lives and displaced
    about one million Azerbaijanis. Armenia has been occupying over 20%
    of Azerbaijan`s internationally-recognized territory since then. The
    ceasefire accord was signed in 1994, but Armenian armed forces have
    been repeatedly breaching the ceasefire along the frontline.

    The purpose of the co-chairs` visit to the region was to discuss with
    the parties those issues stemming from the November 2 declaration
    and to map out further steps toward reaching a solution to the
    long-running dispute.

    The mediators met with President Ilham Aliyev and Foreign Minister
    Elmar Mammadyarov last Thursday. Upon completing talks in Baku,
    they left for the Armenian capital Yerevan, followed by their visit
    to Upper Garabagh on Saturday. On Monday, the diplomats again headed
    to Yerevan where they met with President Serzh Sarkisian.

    Bryza said the co-chairs` visit to the region was successful and
    constructive, adding that the environment of "mutual understanding and
    mutual respect" was increasing between Presidents Aliyev and Sarkisian.

    The diplomat said a positive atmosphere was emerging, which the
    co-chairs should capitalize upon. He added that the key objective now
    was to avoid factors that could potentially harm the road covered in
    the peace process so far and derail efforts aimed at easing tension
    in the relations between Baku and Yerevan.

    Timing of ministerial set A date has been set for the next meeting
    between the Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers to discuss
    the Garabagh settlement. Elmar Mammadyarov and Eduard Nalbandian will
    hold talks on the eve of the OSCE Foreign Ministers Council meeting,
    to take place in Helsinki December 4-5, the Russian co-chair, Yury
    Merzlyakov, announced.

    Merzlyakov said the mediators hoped they would also be able to arrange
    a meeting between the two countries` leaders, but the venue and timing
    of the presidential talks were unknown at this point.

    He emphasized that "no one was trying to artificially prolong" the
    process of resolving the Garabagh conflict. He expressed disappointment
    that the dispute has remained unresolved since Azerbaijan and Armenia
    signed a ceasefire accord in 1994.

    "But I am hopeful that we will now be able to reach the goal that
    hasn`t been accomplished over 14 years," he said, adding that the
    negotiating process would be accelerated while avoiding hastiness.

    Regarding the outcome of the mediators` talks with the leader of the
    self-proclaimed Upper Garabagh republic, Bako Saakian, Merzlyakov
    said that without the participation of the Armenian community of the
    region it would be impossible to set the stage for a settlement to
    the conflict.

    Also, French co-chairman Bernard Fassier, said the Upper Garabagh
    regime was not estranged from peace talks. Armenian media quoted
    Fassier as saying that in the current course of negotiations the
    self-proclaimed republic was contributing to efforts aimed at reaching
    a solution.

    "At times, people think that Upper Garabagh has been alienated from the
    process. What does this mean? The reasons for our frequent visits here
    are not just to try the highly-appreciated Garabagh cuisine or drink
    mulberry vodka. We come here to work with your leadership," Fassier
    told reporters in Khankandi, the center of the occupied republic.

    Territorial integrity The US co-chair has refuted his earlier statement
    that Armenia must return Azerbaijan`s territories.

    During a news conference in Yerevan, Matthew Bryza did not refrain
    from using degrading rhetoric against the Azerbaijani media.

    "The media in Azerbaijan interprets everything in a one-sided manner,
    whether it is politics or agriculture.

    "I don`t remember what language my interview was in - Russian
    or English. But my words were translated at least twice, or
    re-translated," Bryza said.

    According to Bryza, the status of Upper Garabagh cannot be determined
    unilaterally and the positions of both parties to the conflict should
    be taken into account in dealing with the issue.

    "It is possible that a vote will take place in Garabagh at some point,
    but it may never happen - I just don`t know. The presidents have to
    come to an agreement on the matter. As a co-chair, I can`t dictate
    when this will happen and on what conditions," Bryza said.

    As for the possible stationing of Russian peacekeepers in the conflict
    zone, the US diplomat said this was unlikely.

    "Neither side currently wants this. On the other hand, the following
    principle has always been in place: if peacekeepers are stationed in
    the region, they cannot be pulled in from co-chairing or neighboring