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Armenia: Uranium Exploration Plans Provoke Fears

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  • Armenia: Uranium Exploration Plans Provoke Fears

    By Arpi Harutiunian

    Journal of Turkish Weekly ews.php?id=61471
    Nov 19 2008

    Multi-million dollar project leaves villagers worried that their
    health will suffer.

    The villagers of Lernadzor in the southern hills of Armenia are
    alarmed at plans to prospect for Uranium ore in the area, nearly
    forty year after a local mine was closed, allegedly due to a fatal
    accident linked to radiation poisoning.

    In April this year, a contract was signed between the Armenian
    environment minister, Aram Harutiunian, and the Russian company
    Atompredmedzoloto to mine uranium throughout Armenia.

    The hills around Lernadzor, in the Syunik region, 340 kilometres
    south of the Armenian capital Yerevan, are a prime candidate for
    exploratory work, because the region is well known as a source of
    uranium since Soviet times. Experts believe there are thousands of
    tonnes of ore still in the ground.

    Atompredmedzoloto is the world's second biggest uranium miner,
    dominating the market in Russia.

    The Armenian and Russian partners have said they will start prospecting
    by means of drilling in the hills near the villages of Lernadzor,
    Pukhrut and Katnarat. If they find sufficient amounts of uranium,
    as they expect, they will start to mine them from 2010.

    Harutiunian said that the exploration project will not pose any
    danger and all work will be done strictly in accordance with Armenian

    "There are no grounds for concern because we will monitor...the
    prospecting," said Harutiunian. "And that means that nothing is
    threatening the environment."

    Sergei Kirienko, the former Russian prime minister who is general
    director of Rosatom, the Russian state corporation which owns
    Atompredmedzoloto, said that depending on the amount of uranium they
    discover, the company could invest tens of millions of dollars in the
    Armenian project. He also emphasised that the uranium would benefit
    Armenia's nuclear power industry.

    A new venture, the Armenian-Russian Mining Company, was launched in
    Yerevan in 2008 to develop the project. "By our calculations, the
    joint venture ought to completely cover Armenia's supplies of uranium,
    which is [an important] factor in its energy security," said Kirienko.

    He said that a joint team of Armenian and Russian specialists had
    already identified the areas they wished to prospect - the ones in
    Syunik amongst them.

    However, both locals and environmentalists are alarmed by the news.

    "We heard about this [exploration work] only from news broadcasts,
    we weren't asked what we wanted or what we should do so that the
    village doesn't suffer," said Lernadzor elder Styopa Petrosian. "We all
    know that uranium is a radioactive substance which can very quickly
    create levels of radioactivity that directly affect the environment
    and people's health."

    "If work begins on extracting uranium, Armenia will turn into a
    disaster zone," said Hakob Sanasarian, a leading green activist. "This
    kind of mining could be environmentally destructive for such a small

    Villagers in Lernadzor say that in the 1970s there was a brief period
    of uranium mining during which several miners reportedly died and
    the mine was abruptly shut down. There was no explanation given for
    the closure.

    "I remember just like it was today how the whole village heard that
    several people had died in the mine, but no one found out what happened
    and why," said 70-year-old Babken Gevorgian.

    "All the conversations were about how the miners died from high levels
    of radiation," said Vladik Martirosian, head of the environmental
    organisation Khustup and an engineer in the environmental department
    of the nearby Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Factory. "I think that was
    what happened because we did not even see their bodies. They shut
    the mine and they also shut our mouths."

    IWPR approached Armenia's ministry of energy and natural resources
    about why the mine was closed, but officials were unable to respond
    to our enquiries.

    Another cause for concern is the proximity of the projected exploration
    work to Armenia's biggest and richest national park, Shikahogh. The
    director of Shikahogh, Ruben Mkrtchian, is resolutely opposed to the
    uranium extraction project.

    "The distance between [proposed exploration area] and Shikahogh is
    less than 50 km," said Mkrtchian. "That means that [if] mines open, the
    national park will be subjected to radiation. Animals will definitely
    get sick because of this and trees will start to wither. If that
    happens, the whole ecological balance of the forest will be disrupted."

    Scientist and academician Sergei Grigorian, who will lead the
    prospecting work, says that contemporary mining methods are safe and
    that mining will not pose any environmental hazards. He said that the
    more dangerous process of uranium enrichment would take place not in
    Armenia, but in a joint Russian-Kazak centre in the city of Angarsk
    in Siberia.

    Environmentalists say they have not been convinced. Eveline Ghukasian,
    deputy director of the Institute of Hydrology and Fish-Breeding
    in the Armenian National Academy of Sciences, said, "In Syunik
    [region], where the environment has already been polluted because of
    large-scale mining work, the last thing we need is radiation caused
    by the extraction of uranium. Starting up the mines could have not
    just irreversible environmental effects, but cause early death,
    cancers and birth defects."

    Local officials say they are satisfied with the government's assurances
    about the safety of the project.

    But villagers like Haik Minasian, 20, are sceptical. "Because local
    officials support these government decisions, I am sure that our
    protests won't be heard, they will start looking for uranium and the
    effect on us, local people, will be lethal," he said. "One day we'll
    go to sleep and we won't wake up."