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ANKARA: Embedded Government

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  • ANKARA: Embedded Government

    by Bulent KeneÅ~_
    Nov 19 2008

    For some time we have been hearing quite shocking remarks from the
    ministers, including the prime minister, of the ruling Justice and
    Development Party (AK Party).

    When all of these remarks are collectively assessed, one can
    indisputably arrive at the conclusion that there has been a clear
    change in the AK Party government's policies. Now the government
    seems to be embedded in the establishment.

    Although great hopes and expectations have been invested in him with
    respect to finding a solution to the Kurdish issue and, accordingly,
    54 percent of the Kurds gave their support to him in the elections on
    July 22, 2007, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has recently started
    to use the typical pro-establishment/neo-nationalist discourse. He has
    frequently repeated his motto of "one nation, one state, one flag,"
    which is the most obvious sign of this change of heart.

    Moreover, Vecdi Gönul, the defense minister for the AK Party
    government, which has clearly steered away from the nation's demands
    vis-a-vis the "red lines" of the status quo, praised the forced
    migration of Armenians and the non-Muslim population exchange. Then
    Justice Minister Mehmet Ali Å~^ahin attempted to defend the infamous
    Article 301, which is used to block freedom of thought and the
    press, saying, "I will not allow anyone to describe the state as
    a murderer." All these incidents serve as further evidence of this
    change. In addition, the replacement of Dengir Mir Mehmet Fırat with
    Abdulkadir Aksu, known as a pro-establishment Kurd, as AK Party deputy
    chairman and many other actions can be listed as evidence. However,
    we should not be overwhelmed by individual incidents or lose sight
    of the essence of the issue.

    Like many intellectuals, I think that the AK Party has made a deal
    with the establishment -- a compromise in return for not being shut
    down -- and is now complying with the requirements of this deal. I
    can provide numerous incidents to prove my case. But the sharp turn
    in Kurdish policy and the backpedaling on the EU reform process are
    sufficient to prove it.

    Until recently the AK Party was able to secure the support of all
    kinds of voters from every region due to its image of being outside the
    system and even being wronged by the system. It had managed to become
    the only political party that represented the unity and integrity
    of Turkey, thanks to the great support lent by the Kurds. Clearly
    this was a great opportunity for Turkey. But now I am afraid that
    the AK Party, which has been tamed and has a rough neo-nationalist
    discourse, is misinterpreting the support it received from Kurds
    in the last election. The AK Party is wrongly assuming that Kurds
    will support it at all costs and under any circumstance. With the
    help of this great support, which it assumes to remain intact, it is
    planning to uproot the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP),
    which has been forced to adopt a pro-Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)
    line. For this reason, it prefers a language of confrontation instead
    of dialogue with the DTP. Moreover, it makes the wrong calculation
    of compensating for the loss of votes caused by this discourse in
    the East and the Southeast with the extra votes it may produce in
    the west. With extremely pragmatic tactical calculations, the AK
    Party fancies that this discourse will boost its overall votes in the
    local elections in March 2009. On the other hand, I, as an ordinary
    citizen, see no difference in terms of the interests of Turkish
    democracy between an AK Party that secures 40 percent of the vote
    and an AK Party that secures 50 percent. However, I can imagine what
    kind of a political party will be produced out of the old AK Party:
    an AK Party embedded in the establishment, alienating itself from
    the sensitivities of the nation, losing its reformist identity and
    no longer giving hope for the solution of the Kurdish issue.

    Ignoring the fact that Kurdish citizens are actually an extremely
    politicized group, the AK Party, it seems, plans to secure the support
    of Kurds and even increase its votes in the region through the Village
    Infrastructure Support Project (KOYDES), the Social Support Project
    (SODES) and other educational and economic aid programs in the
    southeastern provinces. However, the signals we get from the region
    do not seem to lend support to this plan. For instance, an academic
    friend of mine who conducts polls in the Southeast told me that they
    had to abandon their recent poll in the region because of the extreme
    reactions to the government's recent discourse.

    The AK Party fails to realize that even if a political
    party wins votes in the region by surrendering to the typical
    pro-establishment/neo-nationalist discourse and abiding by the
    red lines of the military, Turkey will lose its opportunity to
    solve the Kurdish issue and become a true democracy. Because of
    this pro-establishment/neo-nationalist discourse, which is new to
    the AK Party but well known to Turkey, the AK Party has only two
    options. Because of this discourse, the AK Party will either be more
    successful or fail in the local elections. Personally, I think this
    will only bring about a big failure. The AK Party will lose its status
    as the only political party that represents national integrity and the
    entire country. It will no longer be an opportunity for the solution
    of the Kurdish issue, and it will not be different from other parties
    except for having more voter support. In the end, the AK Party will
    lose, but the status quo that does not want a reformist AK Party
    will win.

    Now, let us imagine the reverse. Let us suppose that, despite its
    recent pro-establishment/neo-nationalist discourse, the AK Party
    manages to boost its votes in the region thanks to its social
    policies and increasing investments in the eastern and southeastern
    provinces. It is no doubt that this, too, will prove beneficial for
    the status quo. If the AK Party can increase its votes in the East
    and Southeast despite this discourse, why should the status quo
    establishment reform its existing policies?

    The AK Party should at once pull its head out of the sand and
    lend an ear to concerns about where it is heading. The AK Party
    and Prime Minister Erdogan should not forget that Turkey does not
    need a government that makes short-term plans to increase its votes,
    but one that continues to change the country's social and political
    atmosphere and proceed with democratization and the EU reform
    process. A possible totalitarian AK Party that increases its votes
    with a pro-establishment/neo-nationalist discourse and without doing
    anything about democracy, pluralism and freedom will no longer be a
    source of hope for this country, but a major threat.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress