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Strange Not To Participate In The Negotiations

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  • Strange Not To Participate In The Negotiations

    Gevorg Harutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    20 Nov 08

    As we know the President invited the leaders of all the registered
    parties to participate during the discussions on the topic "The
    Process of the Peaceful Settlement of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict". The
    leaders of the parties, member to the Armenian National Congress,
    also received this invitation, but they refused to participate in
    the discussions. On this occasion

    Representative of ARFD Supreme Body, Chairman of NA Committee on
    Foreign Relations Armen Rustamyan expresses his viewpoint.

    "The initiative of the President is really commendable. It lays an
    important foundation to hold discussions regarding vital issues
    and directly hear the positions of the political forces. All the
    political forces are given the possibility to have influence on the
    decisions of state and national importance. The decisions will be
    well elaborated and pro-Armenian, because they will derive from the
    general interests. I hope the initiative of the President will be
    ongoing and the thematic discussions will be regular.

    It is very important for the structures that consider themselves
    political forces to be able to express their standpoints and
    positions directly to the country's President. So it is an exclusive
    occasion. And it is very strange that some political forces use this
    occasion to put forward th eir preconditions.

    In such circumstances the best thing to do for the political forces
    is to estimate their role in the right way. If the political force
    comprehends that they are unable to have any influence on the
    situation, that they are not a real force, then their refusal to
    participate in such an important discussion is quite understandable.

    It is hard to imagine any political force, the participation of which
    in the discussion of Karabakh issue will not be helpful. Of course
    if that force has got a standpoint and stance.

    So it is strange why the parties acting in the radical pro-oppositional
    field refused to participate in the discussions organized by the

    When Ter-Petrosyan announced about the closing of the demonstrations,
    when he announced that the settlement of Karabakh conflict is very
    near and he doesn't want to hinder this process, so why doesn't
    he want to help the process? Why doesn't he want to use his chance
    and meet tête-a-tête with someone who has direct participation in
    the negotiations? Because Serge Sargsyan's failure is our failure,
    isn't it.

    So it is senseless to avoid responsibility, or to abstain from taking
    necessary actions. Dashnaktsutyun is also concerned and we will
    definitely participate in that political discussion, because we can
    influence the decision and that way we can find a more pro-national
    solution. We can discuss a ll those issues inside the coalition
    but it is not right to miss any chance that can contribute to the
    settlement of the conflict. Besides that we must understand that
    the joint discussion of all the political forces will bring to more
    comprehensive solutions."

    --Boundary_(ID_kh5BzMONcGTnPahZ2 f90SQ)--