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Karabakh President Bako Sahakyan Visits The US

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  • Karabakh President Bako Sahakyan Visits The US

    20.11.2008 16:16

    President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan is visiting
    the US to take part in the annual fund rising organized by the
    "Hayastan" All-Armenian fund.

    On 19 November Bako Sahakyan met at the central headquarter of
    the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) representatives of the ARS,
    the Armenian National Committee - Eastern Region, Youth Union of
    the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Homentmen and "Hamazgayin"
    Cultural Union, Central Information Department of the Office of the
    NKR President reported.

    Issues related to different projects being carried out in the NKR,
    socioeconomic development of the republic and Artsakh-Diaspora
    relations were discussed during the meeting.

    Bako Sahakyan underlined that new format of relations with different
    Diaspora organizations, in particular with the ARS, has already brought
    positive results. According to Bako Sahakyan, the new format based
    on close cooperation between different Diaspora organizations and the
    government of the NKR is a solid guarantee of effective cooperation.

    The parties stressed the need for deepening the Artsakh-Diaspora ties
    and giving them new impetus. Within this context President Sahakyan
    paid special attention to the issue of further strengthening ties
    between Diaspora youth and Artsakh, to the importance of frequent
    visits to Artsakh.

    On November 19 NKR President Bako Sah akyan met President of the
    Board of Trustees of the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) Carolyn
    Mugar, Vice-chairman Anthony Barsamyan, Executive Director of the
    organization Bryan Ardouny and member of the Board of Trustees of
    the AAA Van Krikoryan.

    Issues related to the current level of cooperation between the AAA
    and Artsakh and prospects of deepening and enlarging it were discussed.

    Bako Sahakyan rated high the role of the Assembly in the development of
    Artsakh and support shown to it and noted that today it is necessary
    to pay special attention to the development of science technologies
    and education, as well as to preparation and training of different

    After the meeting the Head of the State partook at the New England
    Annual regional meeting of the Armenian Assembly of America. The
    leadership of the Assembly at the head of chairman of the AAA's Board
    of Trustees Hirair Hovnanyan, representatives of Armenian community
    of Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts were present at
    the meeting.

    Bako Sahakyan introduced to the participants the current socioeconomic
    situation in the republic, recent developments in the Nagorno Karabakh
    conflict settlement process and answered questions raised during
    the meeting.

    President Sahakyan met a group of Armenian entrepreneurs from

    A wide range of issues related to investments and realization of
    different projects in Artsakh were discussed at t he meeting.

    On the same day Bako Sahakyan met in Boston journalists from Boston
    Globe daily, Armenian Mirror Spectator and Hayrenik weekly newspapers.

    The President gave answers to a wide range of issues related to the
    settlement of the Karabakh conflict, recent development in the South
    Caucasian region, bilateral ties between the United States of America
    and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, socioeconomic situation in the
    republic and Artsakh-Diaspora relations.

    Head of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop
    Pargev, NKR Finance Minister Spartak Tevosyan and other officials
    partook at the NKR President's meetings in Boston.