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IMF Approves New Poverty Reduction Programme For Armenia

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  • IMF Approves New Poverty Reduction Programme For Armenia

    Venla Sipila

    World Markets Research Centre
    Global Insight
    November 19, 2008

    Armenia's fourth poverty reduction programme with the IMF keeps the
    focus on strengthening of the macroeconomic policy framework and tax
    sector reform.

    Building on Past Success

    The now approved new loan arrangement follows the completion of
    Armenia's third PRGF-supported reform programme in May (see Armenia:
    22 May 2008: ). As in the last review of the completed programme,
    the International Monetary Fund (IMF) now reiterated that Armenia's
    progress with its structural reforms and its responsible macroeconomic
    policies have allowed for rapid economic growth rates and reduction
    in poverty. Inflation initially remained low even in the face of
    high GDP growth rates, while it has recently accelerated as rising
    international food and fuel price have been combined with growing
    demand side pressures. However, IMF notes that, nevertheless, inflation
    in Armenia still remains relatively low in peer comparison with other
    countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

    Global Insight Perspective Significance: The Executive Board of the
    IMF has approved a new three-year assistance programme under the
    Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) for Armenia.

    Implications The arrangement supports the government's economic reform
    programme until 2011 with a loan of 9.2 million Special Drawing
    Rights (SDR, some $13US.6 million, with 1.31 million SDR available
    for withdrawal immediately.

    Outlook Especially given the deteriorating global financial and
    economic outlook, and considering that Armenia's external deficit
    remains wide, it remains important that the Armenian authorities
    make further progress with structural reforms. The focus of the new
    IMF programme remains strengthening the fiscal and monetary policy
    frameworks and deepening of structural reforms, the ultimate goal
    being to support growth potential by improved productivity and

    Risks and Challenges Persist

    Further, the international lender notes that, while the deteriorated
    global growth outlook has increased uncertainty also regarding
    development and prospects of the Armenian economy, the country
    remains in a strong position to weather the global turmoil. Indeed,
    the IMF expects that the expected gradual deceleration of Armenian
    growth will lead to a moderation of inflation, while it may also help
    in containing the widened current-account deficit. Looking forward,
    the IMF sees the medium-term outlook as favourable, given attractive
    investment opportunities, even if risks remain.

    The IMF also reiterated that keeping to responsible macroeconomic
    policies remains the key for continued stability, given the sizeable
    imbalances in the economy. The international lender urges strengthening
    of the macroeconomic policy frameworks. In particular, it states that
    the floating exchange rate regime remains the most appropriate approach
    for Armenia, while the monetary authorities are urged to complete
    their journey to fully-fledged inflation targeting. In addition, the
    effectiveness of fiscal policy as a tool for managing demand needs
    to be increased by strengthening the capacity for policy analysis,
    which allows for improvement of the budgetary process and increases
    credibility of fiscal policy.

    The Fund also stresses the need to complete the important tax policy
    and administration reforms. Reforms in these areas would strengthen
    the business environment and improve competitiveness and productivity.

    Outlook and Implications

    Given Armenia's so far relatively convincing reform progress, the
    approval of the new IMF lending facility was expected. As announced
    earlier, the new development programme is worth less than the
    previous arrangement which had totalled 23 million SDR (seeArmenia:
    18 September 2008: ). This is because Armenia has been able to increase
    its income level.

    Before the intensification of the current international financial
    crisis and marked weakening of global growth prospects, we were
    increasingly concerned about the risk of overheating of the Armenian
    economy, while acknowledging the good reform progress. With the
    gloomier global outlook, the inflow of foreign exchange is likely
    to moderate, and the resulting cooling economic momentum will aid
    in suppressing inflation. Moreover, cost-side price pressures are
    also easing with the falling global commodity prices. We also believe
    that, with growth slowing, cooling domestic demand and the resultant
    moderation in import growth will lead to easing of the current
    account deficit. However, as the IMF notes, medium-term prospects
    remain subject to uncertainty.

    While noting Armenia's progress in tax reforms, the IMF has repeatedly
    stressed the importance of continued focus in strengthening tax
    collection and administration further. With the rapid deterioration in
    the global growth outlook and the uncertainty related to investment
    inflows, this remains as important as ever. With external financial
    and economic conditions weak, the risks related to finding financing
    for the wide current account gap have increased. Thus, it remains
    crucial to support Armenia's attractiveness for foreign investment
    by improving the operational environment by completing the reforms
    in the fiscal sector.