By Marietta Khachatrian
AZG Armenian Daily
In Tirana, the capital of Albania, a seminar will be held in December
dedicated to the protection of children's rights and health.
Attaching importance to the seminar the UN Children's Fund
representative Leili Moshori Jilani met with the Armenian NA Speaker
Hovik Abrahamian and offered to help the Armenian parliamentarians
to participate in the seminar.
According to Mrs. Jilani, the perfection of the legislation on
protection of children's rights and health is very important. By the
way, the issue will be heard in the Armenian NA in December.
Mrs. Jilani mentioned that legislative solutions are needed also in
the sphere of prohibiting the artificial food of the newborn infants,
as they have undesirable after-effects on health.
The NA Speaker expressed readiness to provide assistance in the spheres
of health care, education and science. At the same time, he assured
the UN Children's Fund representative of the Armenian NA participation
in Tirana seminar. He also attached importance to the future hearings
of the NA Commissions on Health Care, Human Rights and Public Issues.
By Marietta Khachatrian
AZG Armenian Daily
In Tirana, the capital of Albania, a seminar will be held in December
dedicated to the protection of children's rights and health.
Attaching importance to the seminar the UN Children's Fund
representative Leili Moshori Jilani met with the Armenian NA Speaker
Hovik Abrahamian and offered to help the Armenian parliamentarians
to participate in the seminar.
According to Mrs. Jilani, the perfection of the legislation on
protection of children's rights and health is very important. By the
way, the issue will be heard in the Armenian NA in December.
Mrs. Jilani mentioned that legislative solutions are needed also in
the sphere of prohibiting the artificial food of the newborn infants,
as they have undesirable after-effects on health.
The NA Speaker expressed readiness to provide assistance in the spheres
of health care, education and science. At the same time, he assured
the UN Children's Fund representative of the Armenian NA participation
in Tirana seminar. He also attached importance to the future hearings
of the NA Commissions on Health Care, Human Rights and Public Issues.