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Possible to Overcome The Financial-Economic Crises by Common Sense

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  • Possible to Overcome The Financial-Economic Crises by Common Sense


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    28 Nov 08

    The National Assembly confirmed the bill on the state budget of 2009,
    by 81 for, 2 abstained and 5 against. On this occasion the
    correspondent of Hayots Ashkharh daily had interview with the Chairman
    of the NA Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary issues Gagik

    `Mr. Minasyan what economic and financial goals will the state budget
    of 2009 pursue and what problems will it solve?'

    `The income section of the state budget of 2009 makes up 905,4 billion
    drams, the expenses ` 945,4 billion drams and the deficit ` 40 billion
    drams. 9.2% economic growth is previewed and the index of the inflation
    is 4+- 1,5%. These are the main indexes characterizing the state budget
    of the coming year.

    In my view if in 2009 the world market appears under serious financial
    and economic influences, the indexes of our budget will be rather
    affectionate. So what we need is to predict all the possible and main
    risks and elaborate measures to mitigate their influences.

    The economic and financial crises are usually spread by means of the
    financial system. Thanks God our banking system is rather stable and
    predictable. It is the consequence of the strictness of bank
    legislation, according to which the central bank controls the activity
    of the commercial banks. This is the reason why unlike many other
    countries we managed to resist the first, financial section of the
    economic crises and we managed to avoid the chain manifestations of

    `What do we need to mitigate the influence of the world recession?'

    `The second stage of the crises, financial-economic crisis is quite
    predictable. The volumes of consumption and economic activeness will
    reduce in the world economy and in this case we will also bear serious
    risks. Our exporting values will also reduce, because we mainly export
    products of mineral-raw sphere, the consumption of which has
    significantly reduced in the world market. The consequences can differ.
    The budgetary entrances can also reduce because those assortments will
    not be produced and will not be exported. Certain job cuts are also
    expected especially in Syunik and Lory. The reduction of money
    transfers is one of the possible risks, as it is not a secret that the
    majority of our citizens work overseas and their families solve their
    social problems by the financial means received from overseas. Whereas
    in the Russian Federation for example the financial economic crises has
    significantly spread and the volumes of construction has abruptly
    decreased. And it is also not a secret that our country receives the
    main money transfers from the Russian Federation. And if due to
    recession our compatriots are deprived of their jobs in overseas and
    they return to Armenia, we will face the second consequence: surplus of

    'What change is excepted in the prices of our goods-market?'

    `Financial-economic crisis leads to the fall of economic activeness.
    They usually don't buy the things that they don't need at that moment.
    According to the rules of the market the reduction of demand leads to
    the drop of prices. Essential drop of prices is noticed especially in
    the fuel market.

    In this regard it is noteworthy that in our country the prices of the
    goods are far not elastic and they are not as flexible as the prices of
    the international market. But due to the active interference of the
    Committee on the Protection of Economic Competitiveness the prices of
    some assortments have dropped. In my view this process should be

    I'm confident the stable state of our banking system will make our
    compatriots and the citizens of other countries who have problems with
    other banking systems, to make investments in Armenian trustworthy
    banks. It is a serious method to overcome the crisis, and correct
    activity in this sphere can insure a flow of huge financial means, big
    quantity of credit means and reduction of interest rates. As a
    consequence of the before mentioned, we can manage to ensure even
    greater index of economic growth, than previewed.'

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress