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Meindorf Progress: NK emphasizes importance of its return to table

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  • Meindorf Progress: NK emphasizes importance of its return to table

    WPS Agency, Russia
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    November 26, 2008 Wednesday


    by Yuri Simonyan

    NEGOTIATING TABLE; International brokers display cautious optimism in
    the matter of the Karabakh conflict settlement.

    The idea of the Meindorf Declaration (non-use of force in
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement) belonged to Russian President
    Dmitry Medvedev.

    Local experts and politicians differ in the opinion on the
    document. Georgian political scientist Professor Ramaz Sakvarelidze
    assumed that Moscow's activeness in the matter of Karabakh conflict
    settlement had to do with the symptoms of potential restoration of the
    Turkish-Armenian relations. "Turkey promotes the plans designed in the
    West that aim to wrestle Armenia from the Russian orbit," Sakvarelidze
    said. "Medvedev stepped in as soon as Turkey moved into the Armenian
    foreground. He took it upon himself to settle the Karabakh conflict to
    oust the Turks from the process." Sakvarelidze suggested that the
    hasty and unexpected invitations to Aliyev and Sargsjan to visit
    Moscow were reaction to the Turkish factor and questioned Russia's
    resolve to see the conflict settled. "Russia has had ample time to do
    so - with nothing to show for it," he said.

    The reaction to the Meindorf Declaration was particularly tumultuous
    in Armenia while Azerbaijan took it in stride. In Baku, the official
    authorities and the opposition kept emphasizing that a fair settlement
    of the conflict was only possible on the basis of the principle of
    territorial integrity (of Azerbaijan, of course).

    Armenia reacted in a more agitated manner. In fact, reaction to the
    document there including the whole assortment of opinions from
    condemnation of Sargsjan for "having given Karabakh up" to praise for
    accomplishments of Armenian diplomacy. Armen Rustamjan, Chairman of
    the Permanent Commission for Foreign Relations of the National
    Assembly and representative of the Ruling Body of the Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation Dashnaktsutjun, visited Moscow the other
    day. His evaluation of the situations appears to be most reasonable of
    the lot. "There is only one shortcoming in the whole declaration so
    far as I can see - the absence of Nagorno-Karabakh from the process,"
    Rustamjan said. "Yerevan can defend interests of the Armenians but
    issues of the status and return of refugees are prerogative of
    Stepanakert alone."

    The latter seems to be of a similar frame of mind. The authorities of
    Nagorno-Karabakh never miss a chance to emphasize the necessity of
    their return to the negotiating table. A meeting with OSCE Minsk Group
    chairman, Karabakh President Bako Saakjan announced that "... Artsakh
    values every document that may promote the establishment of a
    civilized dialogue in the process of Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict
    settlement, but the process of settlement cannot be universal without
    Nagorno-Karabakh's participation in it." Georgy Petrosjan, Foreign
    Minister of the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, plainly
    told this correspondent that "The lot of Nagorno-Karabakh is not to be
    settled without Nagorno-Karabakh."

    Azerbaijan in the meantime suspects that the demands to return
    Nagorno-Karabakh to the negotiating table are simply a device in
    Armenia's part intended to buy it time. "Stepanakert participated in
    the talks in the 1990s, and what did it avail? On the other hand, if
    the Azerbaijani authorities insist that Nagorno-Karabakh is their
    territory, then their refusal to launch a dialogue with their own
    nationals is not very logical," Professor Rasim Musabekov said.

    OSCE Minsk Group chairman seem to be of a similar opinion. Commenting
    on the trip to Stepanakert on November 15, Russian Chairman Yuri
    Merzlyakov said that the text of the agreement would be drawn with
    Nagorno-Karabakh representatives actively participating.

    American Chairman Matthew Bryza was even more optimistic and suggested
    that unless something happened to worsen the situation now: "the
    solution to the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh may be expected in 2009."

    Source: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, November 24, 2008, p. 11

    Translated by Aleksei Ignatkin