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BAKU: Latest problems in S. Caucasus connected with Georgia mistakes

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  • BAKU: Latest problems in S. Caucasus connected with Georgia mistakes

    Day.Az, Azerbaijan
    Nov 23 2008

    Mubariz Ahmadoglu: `The latest problems in the Southern Caucasus are
    connected with wrong regional policy of Georgia'

    A interview with the head of the Centre for Innovations and
    Political Technologies.

    [Correspondent] We'd like you to comment on information that Georgia
    would make available its opportunities for the repair of military
    hardware of the Armenian army.

    [Ahmadoglu] One of the main sources of the latest problems in our
    region is that Georgia cannot determine parameters of its regional
    policy. The talk is not about declaration of its integration into the
    European Union or NATO. Georgia's regional policy is full of
    mistakes. Up until now, official Tbilisi wants to integrate into NATO
    and is punished for this by Russia. On the other hand, Georgia has
    closer relations with Armenia, which, in its turn, is an executor of
    Russia's policy in our region. Georgia allows Armenia to use its
    territory to get access to the [Black] sea.

    Armenia has been recently aggravating the ethnic situation in
    Samtskhe-Javakheti, in exchange for this, the Georgian president
    awards the Armenian president an order. Armenians wish to eliminate
    Orthodoxy in Georgia and establish Catholicism, in a reply to this,
    Georgia is creating conditions for Armenia to deliver Russian weapons
    [to Armenia]. It is also obvious that the destination of the Russian
    military base in Armenia is changing as official Moscow is in more and
    more friendly relations with Turkey and wants to further establish
    more solid ties with Azerbaijan. Everyone knows that Russia's enemy in
    our region is Georgia. If one fine day NATO troops arrive in our
    region, then this country would come under double blow on the one
    hand, Russia, on the other hand Iran. One should remember that during
    the war in South Ossetia, Georgia received double blow from Russia and

    All these take place only for the reason of uncertainty of Georgia's
    regional policy. Actually, Armenia is not a regional country, she is
    only a neighbour of this region. Georgia, making manoeuvres with
    regard to Armenia, as if wants to bare its fangs to
    Azerbaijan. Exactly this policy has led the Georgian leadership to the
    current sad realities.

    [Correspondent] What is the point? Why is Georgia trying to prove or
    show something to Azerbaijan? We give them everything, do not we gas,
    oil, low interest credits and so on?

    [Ahmadoglu] All these are connected with ambitions of the current
    Georgian leadership. In fact, for its resources both natural and
    human, for economic figures and others, Azerbaijan is the leader of
    the region. However, Georgia wants that the region is ruled from
    Tbilisi. Exactly, for this reason, they want to prove something to

    [Correspondent] What should be our position then?

    [Ahmadoglu] I have already said that the current problems of Georgia
    are results of its ambiguity. We should remember that some two-three
    years ago, Georgia even did not let closer the Azerbaijani investment
    [in its economy]. One should also recall that as soon as Mikheil
    Saakashvili came to power, his wife and the mayor of the town of Poti
    visited Armenia to ask them to mediate in the issue of investment in
    Georgia by the Armenian lobby. However, they failed to be successful.

    Georgia tried to attract investment from Europe and nothing came out
    of this. Georgia managed to attract investment from Kazakhstan but it
    was not at a sufficient level. Now for about two years, Georgia treats
    the Azerbaijani investment loyally. A contract on supplies of
    Azerbaijani gas to Georgia has already been signed and the price for
    gas is in keeping with world rate. That is to say, we export
    relatively cheap gas and in exchange for this, Azerbaijan will own the
    whole gas network, which belonged to Russia in this country, for five
    years. The gas pipeline going to Armenia through Georgia will also be
    Azerbaijan's property. The current policy of Azerbaijan is relevant to
    Georgia's policy and I think that this policy should be continued.

    [Correspondent] Well, what is a way of warning the Georgian side about
    inadmissibility of implementing plans for the repair of military
    hardware of Armenia in Georgia?

    [Ahmadoglu] I think the fact that the Azerbaijani press is reporting
    about it is a warning to official Tbilisi.