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The Russian Challenge - Part I

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  • The Russian Challenge - Part I

    Katinka Barysch

    YaleGlobal Online
    Oct 4, 2008

    The US and Europe increasingly seem at odds over an assertive Russia,
    flush with oil money, strong militarily and ambitious with an educated,
    nationalistic population. This two-part YaleGlobal series explores
    the implications for Europe, the US and the world. In the first of
    the series, Katinka Barysch, deputy director of the European Centre
    for Reform notes many common interests held by the US, Russia and
    Europe. Because of geographical proximity and ample trade relations,
    Europe tends to be cautious in its approach with Russia, Europe's
    reliance on negotiations and a tough approach from the US complement
    each other. Barysch points out that transatlantic unity is essential
    in trade, NATO and global governance. Europe is realistic about
    aggression in its neighborhood, moving carefully because the costs
    of conflict would be immense. - YaleGlobal

    Rise of an assertive Russia requires transatlantic alliance to develop
    greater cohesion

    Hello, George, I'm with Nicolas: Signs of division between the US
    and Atlantic allies over Russia is not good for stability

    LONDON: The American response to Russia's invasion of Georgia was
    swift, tough and coherent. Europe's reaction, on the other hand, seemed
    dithering and divided. This general impression left some observers to
    predict a transatlantic split between US cold warriors and European
    appeasers. Fears of a transatlantic falling-out are exaggerated but
    Washington, Brussels and the other European capitals need to align
    their strategies how to deal with a more assertive Russia.

    It's true that some US officials made more hawkish statements in
    the aftermath of the Georgia war. "Today, we are all Georgians,"
    proclaimed Senator John McCain in Tbilisi. Secretary of State
    Condoleezza Rica warned that Russia could be on a "one-way path to
    self-imposed isolation and international irrelevance," putting the
    country's applications for the World Trade Organization and the
    Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development on hold. In
    Europe, meanwhile, Italian and German political leaders pleaded for
    continued engagement with Russia.

    But many moderate, or realist, voices emerge in the US. And extremely
    critical statements come out of Poland, Estonia, Sweden, the UK and
    other European countries. Because the EU consists of 27 sovereign
    countries, its internal divisions are much more visible than those
    between, say, the US State Department and the White House.

    More importantly, those who compare the immediate US reaction with
    the European one miss the point. The US administration has openly
    backed Tbilisi. The EU has been more reluctant to take sides. After the
    August invasion, this caution paid off because the EU - through current
    President Nicolas Sarkozy - could offer to serve as mediator. Backed
    by an angrily growling America, the EU's mediating role was all the
    more effective. The Americans found it easier to be firm and critical
    because they could rely on the EU to do the negotiating.

    Nevertheless, there's scope for a transatlantic rift over Russia -
    especially if Moscow's attempt to tighten its grip on the neighborhood
    does not stop at the border of South Ossetia and if the more hawkish
    McCain wins the election.

    With a relationship so much more intertwined, Europe's approach to
    Russia will always differ from the American one. The US does not
    trade much with Russia and has limited direct dealings. US-Russia
    relations are arms-length and strategic. The EU gets more than 40
    percent of its gas and a third of its oil imports from Russia. For
    Russia, the EU is by far the biggest and most lucrative market. There
    are 2,000 kilometers of common border and a potentially explosive
    shared neighborhood. Russia's elite has businesses in Germany, holiday
    homes in France and offspring in English schools. The Europe-Russia
    relationship is immediate, multi-faceted and messy.

    Therefore, if tensions between Russia and the West continue
    to deteriorate, the Europeans and the Americans would react
    differently. The US response would be fast and focused on its military
    strength in Eurasia. The EU would struggle to maintain unity,
    although it did a good job at its September 1 emergency summit on
    Georgia. Its focus would be on reducing dependence on Russian energy,
    drawing Ukraine, Moldova and other eastern neighbors closer to the EU,
    and putting the European operations of Gazprom and other state-owned
    Russian companies under greater scrutiny.

    Nevertheless, there are areas where transatlantic unity is needed in
    face of a more aggressive Russia, including trade, NATO and global

    Trade: The EU has not threatened to block Russia's WTO accession. It
    has a strong interest in getting Russia to respect international trade
    rules and submit to the WTO's dispute settlement procedures. It is
    rightly reluctant to use an already weakened WTO to make a political
    point. Moreover, blocking the negotiations would have little immediate
    consequences: Russia's accession is in any case some time off because
    of Moscow's increasingly erratic trade policy, US refusal to repeal
    the Jackson-Vanik amendment and vetoes from WTO members Georgia and,
    possibly, Ukraine.

    Going beyond that, economic sanctions are almost a non-starter for the
    Europeans. The EU is in no position to replace Russian energy supplies
    in the foreseeable future. Fully aware that this dependence is mutual,
    Moscow has been notably careful not to mention energy in its angry
    exchanges with the West. The EU could try to limit Russian sales of

    non-energy goods or keep Russian investments out. But in the absence
    of a UN mandate, such steps would violate the EU's own rules for
    openness and non-discrimination. Most Europeans think that the more
    integrated Russia is into the international economy, the less likely
    it is to turn into an angry and isolated autocracy.

    NATO: For numerous Americans, the Georgia war is good reason to get
    Georgia and Ukraine into NATO as quickly as possible. Most Europeans
    are not so sure. Some fear upsetting Russia. But most point to the
    distinct lack of enthusiasm that most Ukrainian voters and politicians
    exhibit towards joining the alliance. And they worry about sending
    soldiers to defend a country led by someone as hot-headed as Mikhail
    Sakaashvili. Central and Eastern European countries have traditionally
    been strong supporters of further NATO expansion. Now they worry that
    the resolve behind Article 5 may become diluted. Poland and others
    already call for "Article 5 plus" guarantees from the US.

    Some Europeans are more sympathetic to the idea of a pan-European
    security forum - not in the form proposed by Russian President Dmitri
    Medvedev, a fairly crude attempt to split Europe from the US. But
    some kind of dialogue will be needed, on issues such a new arms
    limitation treaties, Eastern Europe's other "frozen" conflicts -
    Transdnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, perhaps Crimea - the Balkans and
    the Black Sea region, or the risks attached to militarization of the
    Caucasus. A strong push for Ukrainian and Georgian NATO membership
    at the December summit would make Russia recoil from any such dialogue.

    International organizations: Long before the Georgia war,
    Senator McCain advocated throwing Russia out of the G8. The idea
    chimes with his plan for a League of Democracies, and it makes
    Europeans queasy. They hope that Russia will satisfy its craving
    for international respect through membership in global clubs rather
    than flexing military muscle. Most Europeans are also convinced that
    the world's most pressing problems - climate change, terrorism, the
    proliferation of nuclear weapons - must be addressed by all countries
    working together, not only those that practice democratic pluralism
    and liberal capitalism. Many would therefore support expansion of the
    G8 to include China, India, Brazil, South Africa and maybe others. If
    the current G7 members pushed for this expansion while at the same
    time sidelining Russia, Moscow would take note.

    Europeans have no illusions about the nature of the Russian regime. The
    share of those worried about Russia's authoritarianism and its use of
    the energy weapon is higher in Germany than it is in the US, according
    to the latest Transatlantic Trends survey. But the Europeans often
    draw different conclusions from the same analysis because the costs
    of a breakdown in relations between Russia and the West would be so
    much higher.

    Katinka Barysch is deputy director of the Centre for European Reform
    in London.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress