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Dynamics Of Azeri-Armenian-Turkish Relations: A Three-Legged Chair

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  • Dynamics Of Azeri-Armenian-Turkish Relations: A Three-Legged Chair

    By Harut Sassounian

    AZG Armenian Daily


    All indications are that Armenian and Turkish leaders have agreed
    in recent weeks to improve their long frozen relations based on
    the following terms: Turkey will open its border with Armenia,
    establish diplomatic relations with Yerevan, and set up several
    inter-governmental commissions, one of which would deal with
    Ottoman-Armenian relations, including the issue of the Armenian

    Many Armenians both in Armenia and the Diaspora have serious
    problems with the apparent willingness of Armenian authorities to
    participate in a historical commission specifically devoted to the
    Genocide. Turkish officials have repeatedly stated that their intent
    in involving Armenians in a joint commission is to discourage other
    countries from adopting resolutions on the Armenian Genocide.

    Another serious obstacle to Armenian-Turkish rapprochement is the
    Artsakh (Karabagh) conflict. For years, Ankara had made the withdrawal
    of Armenian forces from Artsakh a pre-condition for normalizing
    relations with Armenia.

    Last week, the Presidents of Armenia and Turkey as well as the Foreign
    Ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey were in New York to attend
    the General Assembly of the United Nations. While it is not known
    what the three Foreign Ministers discussed in their private meeting,
    one can gain an insight into their discussions from remarks delivered
    at the U.N. by Turkish, Armenian and Azeri officials.

    Turkish President Abdullah Gul addressed the General Assembly on
    Sept. 23 and gave a glowing report on Turkey's recent diplomatic
    initiatives. His aim was to lure U.N. members into supporting Turkey's
    candidacy for a non-permanent seat at the Security Council next month,
    as well as facilitating his country's eventual entry into the European
    Union. In contrast to previous U.N. appearances, when Armenian
    and Turkish officials would get involved in acrimonious debates,
    Pres. Gul concentrated on his visits in early September to Armenia
    and Azerbaijan and expressed the hope that frozen conflicts in the
    region, "including the occupied Nagorno Karabakh," would be resolved,
    "on the basis of respect for the principle of territorial integrity."

    Pres. Serzh Sargsyan addressed the General Assembly two days
    later, recalling his invitation of Pres. Gul to Yerevan to watch
    with him a football match between the national teams of the two
    countries. Pres. Sargsyan stated that he was "pleased with the Turkish
    President's bold decision to accept my invitation which made him the
    co-author of my 'football diplomacy' initiative." The President also
    said, "I am confident that the time has come to solve Armenian-Turkish
    problems, and on that issue I observed a similar determination by
    Pres. Gul. I am convinced that it is necessary to move fast and
    resolutely in that direction."

    In contrast to his courteous words toward Pres. Gul, Mr. Sargsyan
    was very critical of Azerbaijan. He discussed at length the status
    of Artsakh and its right to self-determination, even independence. He
    castigated the 39 U.N. members who had voted earlier this year for a
    pro-Azerbaijan resolution on Artsakh which encouraged Azeri leaders
    to become more belligerent. Pres. Sargsyan concluded his statement
    by describing Armenians as "a people who had survived genocide."

    Interestingly, Pres. Sargsyan delivered his remarks in Armenian -
    a first in U.N. history. Despite his fluency in Russian, he chose
    to speak in Armenian, not one of the six international languages
    spoken at the U.N. Unfortunately, the circulated English text of
    the President's remarks, while generally well translated by Armenian
    personnel, deviated occasionally from the Armenian original, altering
    the meaning of some of his words.

    Two days later, the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Elmar Mammadyarov,
    addressed the General Assembly and called for "the withdrawal of
    Armenian troops from occupied lands and restoration of full sovereignty
    of Azerbaijan over these territories." Devoting a major portion of
    his remarks to the Artsakh conflict, Mammadyarov praised the states
    that had sided with Azerbaijan in the earlier General Assembly vote.

    It is abundantly clear that while Armenian and Turkish leaders are
    treating each other with courtesy and respect in their U.N. remarks
    -- indicating that they are making headway in their rapprochement,
    this does not seem to be the case between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The
    officials of the two countries used the U.N. podium to publicize
    their disagreements.

    Since Turkey has made the resolution of the Artsakh conflict a
    pre-condition to normalizing relations with Armenia, it remains to
    be seen how the on-gong war of words between Armenia and Azerbaijan
    would impact the improvement of Armenian-Turkish relations.

    Here is a possible scenario for regional developments in the upcoming
    weeks or months: After Turkey de-links the Artsakh conflict from
    Armenian-Turkish relations, it would open the border with Armenia and
    establish diplomatic relations with Yerevan. In return, Armenia would
    participate in a historical commission with Turkey and the government
    of Artsakh may make a face-saving gesture to Turkey and Azerbaijan
    by withdrawing from a small portion of the buffer zone that has no
    particular historic or strategic significance for Armenians. However,
    when Turks and Azeris realize that Armenians are unwilling to make
    further territorial concessions on Artsakh, Turkey could then break
    its newly established relations with Yerevan and once again close
    its border with Armenia.

    It is difficult to predict if such a scenario would actually
    materialize. Would Turkey's leaders be willing to place their country's
    interests ahead of those of Azerbaijan? Would Armenians accept to
    withdraw from some of the buffer zones around Artsakh?

    After the upcoming presidential elections in Azerbaijan and
    parliamentary elections in Turkey, it would be more apparent if the
    budding relationship between Armenia and Turkey survives the lack of
    progress in the resolution of the Artsakh conflict.