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Why Are They Afraid of Independent Experts?

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  • Why Are They Afraid of Independent Experts?


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    04 Oct 2008

    As claimed by the co-thinkers of L. Ter-Petrosyan, the number of the
    people killed as a result of the March 1-2 incidents exceeds the data
    presented in official reports. Over the recent period, they circulated
    such kind of unfounded rumors through almost all the possible media.

    In witness of their statements, they have now released a video disc
    prepared by the so-called `Public Committee Investigating the March 1
    Incidents'. The disc contains films showing different parts of body
    (jaws, tongues and cheekbones) `found' in the vicinity of the `Fish
    Store', i.e. material evidence on the existence of the 11th victim.

    Naturally, it was necessary to send the video disc for expert
    examination. And that was what the relevant bodies did. They carried
    out the examination and found out that the details shown in the films
    were not parts of a human body.

    During the September 26 session of the NA Interim Committee
    investigating the March 1-2 incidents and their causes, Shota
    Vardanyan, Head of the Scientific-Practical Centre of Forensic Medicine
    of the RA Ministry of Health, gave an official report as to what had
    been found out as a result of the expert examination carried out with
    the participation of the best specialists of the republic.

    According to Sh. Vardanyan,
    the expert examination helped find out that
    `the given bone fragments are not human; they belonged to a piglet. As
    to the tongue, it belonged either to a sheep or a calf, but not to a
    human being. The same can be said about the jaw; facial bones, in
    general, are not so thick, whereas that thickness is vividly seen on
    the picture. And the same is true for the structure of the teeth. Those
    are stemmed teeth i.e. six teeth with two stems, which are peculiar to
    pigs only.'

    If some of L. Ter-Petrosyan's co-thinkers and the media supporting the
    Armenian pan-National Movement considered the results of the expert
    examination false and not corresponding to the reality, i.e. an attempt
    of concealing the crime committed, they should have made claims for
    conducting a new expert examination with the participation of
    independent international experts. Whereas we didn't hear or see any of
    them make any claim of the kind. What we saw instead was false
    statements becoming more and more widespread and defamatory
    publications about the NA Committee and Sh. Vardanyan.

    Let's note that the new expert examination will provide answers to many
    questions or at least help find out who or which of the parties makes
    false statements. Despite the absence of the jaw and the other parts of
    body, the up-to-date computer technologies, the methodology of
    conducting examinations and the relevant professional background20make
    it possible to find out whether those parts of body belong to a human
    or some animals.

    Unfortunately, instead of assisting the NA Interim Committee in
    revealing the truth and making claims for a new expert examination with
    the involvement of independent international experts, the relevant
    European structures and officials have, politely speaking, chosen a
    strange mode of action.

    Their unconstitutional and illegal demands for releasing the detainees
    accused of certain publicly dangerous crimes and terminating the
    prosecution against the individuals who weren't directly involved in
    the acts of violence are, as a matter of fact, undisguised attempts of
    interfering in the inquest, prosecution and generally, the internal
    affairs of a sovereign state.

    We believe it's high time the Armenian authorities made relevant
    statements on the impermissibility of such actions.

    The above-mentioned attempts are a striking evidence of an interested
    and impartial attitude as well as a confirmation of the hypothesis that
    the March 1-2 incidents were an attempt of staging a colored
    revolution, with the visible `ears' of the west lying behind.