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Commited to Almaty programme of action, Mins pledge to address needs

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  • Commited to Almaty programme of action, Mins pledge to address needs

    7thSpace Interactive (press release), NY
    Published on: 2008-10-04


    Outcome of High-Level Review Must Inspire `Our Sense of Solidarity'

    To Bolster Infrastructure Development, Market Access, Assembly
    President Says

    While landlocked and transit developing countries bore the primary
    responsibility for building transport systems to improve their trade
    position and bring in needed investment, speakers in the General
    Assembly today urged development partners and international
    organizations alike to support those efforts in a spirit of shared

    With that in mind, Assembly delegations adopted a consensus resolution
    containing a Declaration that recognized the particularly severe
    economic and social limits imposed on landlocked countries by their
    geography, capping a two-day High-Level Midterm Review of the 2003
    Almaty Programme of Action. The Programme, adopted by a ministerial
    conference held in the Kazakh city for which it is named, outlines
    specific measures to help landlocked countries and their transit
    country neighbours bolster development and cooperation.

    By the Declaration, the Assembly encouraged landlocked and transit
    developing countries to allocate a greater share of their public
    investment to transit transport infrastructure, supported, as
    appropriate, by investment from donors, international financial
    institutions and development assistance agencies. Improvement of those
    facilities should be integrated into overall development strategies.

    Further by the text, the Assembly stressed that accession of
    landlocked and transit developing countries to the World Trade
    Organization be accelerated, and that development partners provide
    assistance in that matter. As high trade transaction costs kept many
    landlocked developing countries from participating in world trade, the
    Assembly urged that current talks on market access for agricultural
    and non-agricultural goods consider products from such countries.

    To accelerate implementation of the Almaty action plan, the Assembly
    called on landlocked and transit developing countries to undertake a
    set of actions, including to promote learning lessons from existing
    regional infrastructure initiatives; further strengthen legal
    frameworks for transit transport operations; promote inter-railway
    cooperation; effectively implement trade facilitation measures,
    including regional customs transit schemes; and consider the
    possibility of granting duty-free zones at maritime ports.

    For their part, donors and multilateral, regional, financial and
    development institutions were called on to provide substantial
    technical and financial assistance, notably in the form of grants or
    concessionary loans. Also by the Declaration, development partners in
    particular, were urged to put into action the Aid for Trade
    Initiative, which would help diversify exports by supporting small and
    medium-sized enterprises.

    Throughout the two-day Review session, speakers pointed to national
    and other efforts as proof they were taking their duties to
    heart. Today, Thailand's representative said his country had
    cooperated in developing transport links with neighbouring countries
    through regional, subregional and bilateral agreements. To ease
    transit transport and eliminate non-physical barriers, Thailand had
    given special privileges to its neighbours by exempting customs on
    commercial goods that moved through the country. Regional transport
    links were also a priority, as seen in the development of the
    East-West, North-South and Southern Economic Corridors under the Great
    Mekong Subregion framework.

    Speaking from the perspective of a transit country, the representative
    of Pakistan underscored his Government's commitment to providing easy,
    efficient and expeditious transit access to its landlocked neighbours,
    to help them expand their international trade. Making Pakistan a
    regional transit hub was an integral part of its national vision for
    its trade and transport sector.

    For example, Pakistan's National Trade Corridor Program aimed to
    improve and upgrade its existing logistics and transport
    infrastructure, including its highways and rail systems. It had also
    begun on constructing new road networks, seaports, airports and other
    related facilities. In the services sector, Pakistan was revamping its
    customs procedures, including the introduction of the Custom Reform
    Project, he said.

    In his closing remarks, General Assembly President Miguel d'Escoto
    Brockmann of Nicaragua said the `balanced and precise' Declaration
    provided guidance to strengthening project implementation in the areas
    of efficient transit transport systems and international market
    access. Indeed, the Assembly's focus on action-oriented programmes
    that were `measurable and feasible' had grounded the Review in terms
    that would benefit landlocked and transit countries alike, he said. It
    also served to inspire greater donor involvement in such areas as
    trade assistance, infrastructure, and financial and technical

    `The United Nations is all about partnerships,' he said, underscoring
    the importance of monitoring progress within the Almaty Programme's
    five stated priorities. While the work outlined in the Almaty Review
    document was ambitious, it must inspire `our sense of solidarity' with
    the people of landlocked countries and their neighbours, he said.

    Also speaking today were representatives of the Republic of Korea,
    China, Libya, Switzerland, Ethiopia, United States, Afghanistan,
    Iceland, Malawi, Burkina Faso, Italy, Iran, Russian Federation, Mali,
    Egypt and Armenia.

    The representative of the EuroAsian Development Bank, and the Senior
    Adviser of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
    spoke as observers.

    The General Assembly will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Monday, 6 October,
    to take up the Secretary-General's report on the work of the


    The General Assembly met today to continue and conclude its High-Level
    Meeting on the Midterm Review of the Almaty Programme of Action.


    PARK IN-KOOK ( Republic of Korea) recalled that five years ago in
    Almaty, Kazakhstan, parties of the International Conference had set
    out a comprehensive road map to assist landlocked developing
    countries. The outcome document reflected the global community's
    strong commitment to address their special needs. In that regard, he
    noted the Secretary-General's assessment that, over the last five
    years, landlocked developing countries had made tangible progress.

    As a nation that had struggled against the poverty trap, the Republic
    of Korea sympathized with landlocked developing countries'
    challenges. His Government was strengthening its official development
    assistance (ODA) law, and since 2000, had increased that assistance
    three times in volume. The Government planned to triple ODA to more
    than $3 billion by 2015, as it remained the main source of
    infrastructure development in landlocked developing countries. In
    addition, he said his Government had used trade as a locomotive for
    economic growth, and as such, had extended duty- and quota-free access
    to landlocked developing countries.

    He said efficient transport infrastructure was vital for integrating
    landlocked developing countries into the global trading system, but
    financing gaps remained and could not be addressed without private
    sector involvement. The digital divide was also a concern, and in that
    regard, his Government would share technology and know-how. All in
    all, the Midterm Review showed that, even with progress made, more
    must be done. Landlocked developing country development required joint
    efforts among landlocked developing countries, transit developing
    countries and the global community.

    YAO WENLONG ( China) noted his country's first-hand experience of the
    special difficulties faced by landlocked developing countries,
    especially since China was a transit developing country with parts of
    its territory having landlocked features. He went on to say the
    landlocked developing countries had made noticeable progress in their
    economic and social development in the five years since the adoption
    of the Almaty Programme of Action.

    The Secretary-General's relevant report, which showed that between
    2003 and 2006, gross domestic product (GDP) had risen by 8 per cent,
    foreign direct investment by 11.5 per cent, and official development
    assistance for those countries had grown by an annual average of 21.4
    per cent -` higher than averages of the developing countries as a
    group in the same period -- proved that the Programme of Action had
    played an important role in the promotion of economic and social
    development in landlocked developing countries.

    However, he said there had not been a fundamental change in the
    disadvantaged position of landlocked developing countries in the world
    economic system or a fundamental amelioration as to their special
    difficulties, such as inefficient transport, weak infrastructure and
    high trade costs. In 2007, they had accounted for less than 1 per cent
    of international trade, constituted half of the 20 countries with the
    lowest Human Development Index and represented 9 out of 10 countries
    with the world's highest per-container cost for import-export trade.

    At this Midterm Review, he urged systematic assessment, prioritization
    of future cooperation, and following up on relevant commitments, and
    resolved response to new development challenges. On its part, China
    proposed that the international community should focus on the
    following: reaffirming political commitments by furthering the spirit
    of global partnership; actively responding to challenges by meeting
    new challenges as they come along; increasing development assistance
    by continuing to increase the scale, sustainability and predictability
    of funding; strengthening cooperation mechanisms by strengthening the
    international community's policy coordination and information sharing;
    promoting economic cooperation between regional and subregional, as
    well as public and private, sectors; and exploring innovative
    financing mechanisms.

    GIADALLAH A. ETTALHI ( Libya), recalling the United Nations Millennium
    Declaration, said the Almaty Programme of Action aimed to address the
    challenges landlocked and transit developing countries faced. Many
    transit developing countries neighboured landlocked countries, and
    bore additional burdens. The strengthening and maintenance of
    effective transport systems was a major challenge borne by both
    equally. Indeed, costs were often greater than the countries'
    abilities, and there was no doubt that development partners could
    bolster their efforts to support transport systems.

    Regional cooperation could play an important role in lowering the
    costs of transit transportation, notably by alleviating obstacles to
    cross-border passage and easing the passage of products to nearby
    markets, he said. Basic infrastructure development for transit
    transport was a priority for many African countries, and he supported
    policies made by the African Union, the New Partnership for Africa's
    Development (NEPAD) and other regional groupings.

    Confirming the need for partnerships between landlocked developing
    countries and transit developing countries within the framework of
    regional integration, he also called on regional institutions to
    increase aid and focus on bridging the remaining gaps that would tie
    landlocked countries with the rest of the continent.

    Libya supported policies that aimed to link African countries via
    roads and networks, as that would help advance service sectors, and
    activate trade, with other countries and international markets, he
    said. Libya was exerting strong efforts to build desert roads, which
    provided opportunities for economic and social stability. In closing,
    he confirmed the need to support the efforts of the High
    Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked
    Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States to implement
    the Almaty Programme, saying that the success of implementation would
    help expand economic integration, which served the interests of all.

    PETER MAURER ( Switzerland), stating that `Geography may be a
    challenge, but geography is no destiny', commended the progress and
    success of the Almaty Declaration. He noted that the unexpected
    spillover effects from emerging economies benefited some of the
    landlocked countries through regional alternatives to overseas
    markets. Besides the potential to help landlocked developing countries
    reduce the high transport costs and dependence on transit corridors,
    he hoped that the high export earnings of those emerging markets would
    provide additional investment capital and regional integration of
    capital markets.

    To ensure the continued progress of the Declaration, Switzerland and
    several landlocked developing countries had submitted a proposal
    regarding article V of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
    (GATT), and focused on the issues of maintaining and protecting
    freedom of transit, the discipline transit fees and charges, and
    limits on certain regional and bilateral transit agreements.

    Continuing, he said that the coalition of the landlocked developing
    countries, as well as their partnerships with transit countries and
    development partners, were further examples of the success of the
    Declaration. However, he called for additional improvement. The World
    Bank and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
    needed to keep developing common and reliable indicators and monitors
    as these developing economies responded to both world-market and
    regional integration. He concluded stressing Switzerland's commitment
    to help landlocked developing countries `integrate into world

    DESALEGN ALEMU ( Ethiopia) said, despite increased international
    attention being given to landlocked developing countries through the
    Almaty Programme of Action in 2003, the United Nations Conference on
    Trade and Development (UNCTAD) XII and the recent United Nations panel
    discussion on the matter, those countries continued to face challenges
    due to their `geographical handicap'. That handicap created serious
    constraints in their effort to achieve poverty reduction goals and
    improve the standard of living of their populations. A lot remained to
    be done to mobilize concrete support to address their economic

    Continuing, he called for `realistic and suitable' strategies by
    collaborating with neighbouring coastal States to develop efficient
    transport, customs and other relevant infrastructure systems in
    landlocked countries. Because of their disadvantaged position, in
    terms of geography and transportation, landlocked developing States
    should be provided with special market access to give them leverage in
    the international market. Financial and technical assistance were
    required to help those States overhaul major infrastructure systems,
    including railways, highways and dry ports.

    It was `high time we created the conditions that would enable us to
    see smooth and harmonious interplay between the Almaty Programme of
    Action and the World Trade Organization aid for trade initiative', he
    said. In that regard, landlocked developing countries should strive to
    seek support through improved international legal instruments. In
    addition, by seeking regional liaisons, they could make sure their
    efforts were not duplicated. By focusing on the diversification of
    non-traditional export items and improving its communication and
    transport systems, Ethiopia was taking steps to ensure its own
    competitive and comparative advantage. Those were self-financed
    projects that, in the future, would require assistance from
    development partners. Recalling the Africa regional meeting ahead of
    the review of the Almaty action plan that took place in Addis Ababa
    this summer, he said concerned bodies should take the lead in
    advocating and contributing to `the pumping of new resources', to
    landlocked countries.

    T. VANCE McMAHAN ( United States) said the United States, through its
    Millennium Challenge Corporation, was providing unprecedented levels
    of assistance to important national development strategies in some 13
    of the landlocked developing countries today. It was also assisting
    with transfer of know-how and technology, and collaborative
    institution-building. Those partnerships were aimed at broad
    transformation and achieving a permanent boost to rates of economic
    growth in those countries.

    He said the Millennium Challenge Corporation currently had signed
    large grant agreements, called compacts, with 10 landlocked developing
    countries for over $1.9 billion. In Mongolia, for instance, it was
    funding a $188 million project to rebuild and commercialize the
    national railroad system, while another $23 million project was aimed
    at strengthening the legal infrastructure for property rights near
    Mongolia's rapidly growing urban centres. In conjunction with the
    Asian Development Bank, $25 million would go to establishing a
    vocational training network for over 30 career paths essential to
    building an urban/industrial-based economy.

    Also, in Armenia, the Corporation was providing $235 million to
    increase economic performance in the agricultural sector, through
    strategic investments on rural roads and irrigated agriculture. That
    compact would directly benefit approximately 750,000 Armenians, or 75
    per cent of the country's rural population. The Corporation was also
    working with Mali to transform the country's agricultural production,
    reducing vulnerability to drought and targeting agro-processing and
    higher-value crops.

    Explaining that the Millennium Corporation Challenge initiative was
    about helping United States development partners achieve their
    national priorities, based on common values, he told the meeting that
    its programmes were thus premised on the expectation that once the
    foundation of accountable public management and a regulatory
    environment, that encouraged private economic activity, were in place,
    investment in people and infrastructure would have a permanent and
    transforming impact on economic growth. He stressed that the
    Corporation did not replace the United States' traditional foreign
    assistance to landlocked developing countries, but supplemented it.

    ABDULLAH HUSSAIN HAROON ( Pakistan) said the unfolding global
    emergency, manifested by the triple crises of food, fuel and finance,
    was making the implementation challenge even more complex and
    daunting, not just for the landlocked developing countries but also
    their transit neighbours. An effective strategy to improve the transit
    transport system was particularly relevant in the wake of increasing
    commodity and oil prices.

    While committed to helping landlocked developing countries with its
    limited means, Pakistan believed a concerted effort was necessary to
    develop policies and mechanisms which would generate the necessary
    financial resources to invest in transit transport infrastructure
    projects. Those investments needed increased financial assistance from
    development partners, donor countries, and international financial and
    development institutions. In addition, he said that an early
    completion of the Doha Round of World Trade Organization negotiations
    that would be oriented towards development was necessary. A successful
    round that would remove the distortions in the global trading regime
    and provide enhanced market access, particularly for landlocked
    developing countries, had never been more urgently needed. The
    sustained impasse in those talks was alarming, he added.

    As a transit developing country, Pakistan actively participated in the
    implementation of the Almaty Programme and was committed to providing
    easy, efficient and expeditious transit access to its landlocked
    neighbours, to help them expand their international trade. Making
    Pakistan a regional transit hub was an integral part of its national
    vision for its trade and transport sector. For example, Pakistan's
    National Trade Corridor Program aimed to improve and upgrade its
    existing logistics and transport infrastructure, including its
    highways and rail systems. It had also begun on constructing new road
    networks, seaports, airports and other related facilities. In the
    services sector, Pakistan was revamping its customs procedures,
    including the introduction of the Custom Reform Project, he said.

    ZAHIR TANIN (Afghanistan) said that, while many landlocked developing
    and transit countries had, with the help of their development
    partners, achieved certain progress towards realization of the Almaty
    Programme of Action since its adoption five years ago, due to a
    variety of impediments they had faced, many such countries, including
    Afghanistan, had not yet been able to fully use trade as an effective
    instrument to achieve their development goals.

    He said that Afghanistan had been able to address many challenges in
    meeting the Almaty objectives, notably with much-needed international
    and regional community support. While appreciative of the financial
    support to help improve its transport and transit infrastructure, he
    regretted that a significant portion of the donor pledges had not yet
    been delivered. Much of that aid was also delivered without full
    regard to the goals of the Afghan Government and the Almaty Programme,
    he noted, and he urged the international community to increase its
    assistance in such priority areas as the regional and national road
    networks, and improvements to, and modernization of, the existing
    airports and dry ports.

    He also noted that regional economic cooperation was becoming an
    integral part of globalization strategies of almost all its
    neighbours. As a result, Afghanistan now had the unique opportunity to
    realize its potential as a `land bridge' country between Central Asia,
    South Asia and the West Asian region. While Afghanistan was aware of
    its responsibilities towards its neighbours regarding the creation of
    solid institutions and mechanisms, it would at the same time encourage
    its neighbours and other countries in the region `to work with us in
    similar pace and in the same spirit', he concluded.

    HJÃ?LMAR W. HANNESSON ( Iceland) said that, while there had been
    various positive developments in landlocked developing countries in
    recent years, and fairly consistent economic growth, the
    Secretary-General's report showed that `considerable' effort was
    needed to improve their competitiveness. Iceland was fully committed
    to implementing the Almaty Programme's five priorities, and recognized
    that the specific situations of landlocked developing countries made
    poverty eradication even more challenging.

    He said his Government was concerned that landlocked developing
    countries continued to build an unsustainable level of external
    debt. Iceland was a financier of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
    (HIPC) Initiative, and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative. More
    was needed regarding development financing, and Iceland aimed to be
    among the top contributors of ODA, having doubled its budget for
    development cooperation in the past four years.

    Noting that women played a fundamental role in development, he said
    Iceland had increasingly directed development cooperation at
    gender-specific projects. In closing, he said aid for trade was an
    important initiative that could reduce the adverse effects of
    landlocked developing countries' geography, and it should be part of a
    broader development policy for them. It was more urgent than ever that
    market access for goods originating in those countries be facilitated.

    CHIRACHAI PUNKRASIN ( Thailand) said that in addition to Africa, whose
    development needs had been discussed in the past few weeks, the
    landlocked developing countries deserved ongoing attention from the
    international community. Believing that opportunity was crucial for
    ensuring development and prosperity, Thailand had cooperated in
    developing transport links with neighbouring countries through
    regional, subregional and bilateral agreements in line with the Almaty
    Programme priorities. To ease transit transport and eliminate
    non-physical barriers, Thailand had given special privileges to its
    neighbours by exempting customs on commercial goods moved through

    With regard to infrastructure, Thailand had made the construction of
    transport links within the region a priority. For example, the Asian
    Highway Network had moved ahead with the development of the East-West,
    North-South and Southern Economic Corridors under the Great Mekong
    Subregion framework. The Singapore-Kunming Rail Link under the
    Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Mekong Basin
    Development Cooperation, once realized, would link the ASEAN members
    with China, he said.

    On a bilateral basis, Thailand had provided financial assistance to
    its landlocked neighbour, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, as
    well as Cambodia and Myanmar, for projects that would strengthen
    transport connections. For example, Thailand had provided assistance
    to build a road linking Huay Xai to Luang Num Tha in the Lao People's
    Democratic Republic, part of the Route 3 of the North-South Economic
    Corridor under the Great Mekong Subregion framework. Thailand would
    continue to actively support the development of transport links to
    improve the living standards of people in the Mekong subregion. While
    acknowledging the efforts of the United Nations Economic and Social
    Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) in the region, he said
    there was more work to be done. Thailand urged other development
    partners to help develop transport connections by providing technical
    and financial assistance related to infrastructure development.

    STEVE D. MATENJE (Malawi) said his country, like similarly situated
    countries, being both landlocked and least developed, faced daunting
    challenges, not the least of which were those of rising oil costs,
    lack of direct access to the sea and isolation from major
    international markets. All of that resulted in prohibitive transport
    costs and formidable obstacles to Malawi's import and export
    trade. Unless those challenges were addressed with urgency, landlocked
    developing countries such as Malawi would remain uncompetitive in the
    global economy and the development gap between them and the rest of
    the world would continue to widen, resulting in their perpetual
    dependence on foreign aid.

    Accordingly, he urged development partners to `walk with us, and not
    carry us on their shoulders', on the journey to economic prosperity
    and independence by assisting landlocked developing countries to
    remove obstacles to their import and export trade in order for them to
    create the much-needed wealth necessary to reduce poverty.

    He said it was for that reason in fact that the United Nations adopted
    the Almaty Programme of Action, as a commitment of the international
    community to address the special needs of the landlocked countries as
    called for in the Millennium Declaration. With that in mind, the
    Malawi Growth and Development Strategy had identified transport
    infrastructure development as one of the six key priority areas for
    the country to achieve economic growth in the medium
    term. Accordingly, the Government was vigorously pursuing a multimodal
    inland transport system to improve road, rail, air and inland water
    transportation with a view to facilitating internal, as well as import
    and export, trade.

    With regard to inland water transportation, the Governments of Malawi,
    Mozambique and Zambia had concluded a Memorandum of Understanding to
    develop a waterway project known as the Shire-Zambezi Waterway
    Project, aimed at connecting the three countries to the sea through
    the Shire River in southern Malawi and Mozambique, and the Zambezi
    River in Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, he added. The project was in
    line with the Almaty Programme of Action as well as the Brussels
    Programmes of Action for the Least Developed Countries, both of which
    were aimed at addressing the special needs of landlocked developing
    countries and least developed countries such as Malawi.

    MICHEL KAFANDO (Burkina Faso), joining statements given by Mali and on
    behalf of the `Group of 77' developing countries, said 2008 had seen
    unprecedented socio-economic crises, including those of food and
    energy, as well as the effects of natural calamities. For landlocked
    developing countries, that had translated to destruction of

    The fact that landlocked developing countries were far from the sea
    had caused turmoil in trade, he said. The fact that they were
    landlocked was the major concern of the Almaty Programme, and he was
    happy to see that the Assembly's Review had benefited from the
    conclusions of the ministerial meeting at Ouagadougou, and another
    meeting in Ulaanbaatar. Those meetings had enabled States to assess
    the implementation of the Programme. They had also allowed for
    identifying the best measures to deal with the isolation of landlocked
    countries and improving their competitiveness.

    Continuing, he said he was happy with the theme's current session,
    which asked the global community to help create trade opportunities
    for landlocked developing countries. Infrastructure funding was of
    `capital' importance, and he called on multilateral, bilateral and
    other donors to offer support. He invited developed countries,
    particularly those in the Group of Eight, to be involved in
    preparations for the development financing conference at Doha, which
    would sincerely review commitments made at Monterrey in 2002.

    Noting that half of landlocked developing countries were in Africa, he
    stressed that the meeting at Ouagadougou had launched an appeal to
    public and private investors to bolster infrastructure. Concerned by
    the failure of World Trade Organization trade talks, he said the lack
    of consensus showed a marginalization of landlocked countries in the
    trading system. He called for resuming the Doha Development Round in a
    spirit of solidarity.

    ALDO MANTOVANI ( Italy) welcomed and endorsed the philosophy that led
    to the adoption of the Almaty Programme of Action. Between 2003 and
    2008, Italy's overall development aid to landlocked developing
    countries had increased by 70 per cent, to about $250 million. Last
    year, Italy had contributed $50,000 to the organization of the two
    preparatory meetings in Ulaanbataar, Mongolia, and Ouagadougou,
    Burkina Faso.

    He said the obstacles faced by the Governments of landlocked
    developing countries and transit developing countries were related
    less to their geographical locations and more to complex regulatory
    procedures, lack of cooperation in tackling bureaucratic delays, and
    underdeveloped logistics sectors. While significant efforts had been
    made over the past five years because of the Almaty framework, much
    work had to be done. Regional and subregional cooperation were also
    important vehicles for implementing the Almaty Programme and relevant
    organizations, especially the ones with operations on the ground, were
    important stakeholders. Their continued interest and commitment was
    essential to making concrete progress towards implementing the five
    priorities laid down at Almaty.

    The incoming Italian presidency of the Group of Eight would pay great
    attention to information and communications technology for
    development, he said. The development of transit transport
    infrastructure was not limited to the construction and maintenance of
    physical infrastructure like roads, railways, airports, ports and
    pipelines. Rather, infrastructure development needed to be
    complimented by an efficient and modern storage and transport
    organization, logistics management systems, and integrated information
    and communication networks. Bridging the digital divide, promoting
    good governance, the exchange of experiences and best practices, and
    the proper training and education were consistent with priority one of
    the Almaty programme. Italy would promote projects fostering the
    dissemination of e-government instruments aimed at improving and
    speeding up complicated bureaucratic procedures, for instance in the
    field of customs and logistics.

    ESAAGH AL-HABIB ( Iran) said transit transport issues were of prime
    importance in a globalized world, and noted that some had acknowledged
    they were equated with economic growth that would help alleviate
    poverty. In that regard, the establishment of effective transit
    systems was a top priority for landlocked and transit developing
    countries. The primary responsibility for that rested with those
    countries, so that they could attract and mobilize resources for their
    development. At the same time, he called for development partners and
    regional organizations to be involved in line with the principle of
    shared responsibility.

    In addition, true and full implementation of bilateral, regional and
    subregional agreements was needed, he said, explaining that the Almaty
    Programme was a fundamental framework for genuine partnership between
    landlocked and transit developing countries, and their partners. For
    its part, Iran had taken actions to speed implementation of the Almaty
    Programme by working with the Economic and Social Commission for Asia
    and the Pacific to set up two workshops focusing on rail and road
    transit transport. Further, Iran was making efforts to continue
    implementation of measures to ease customs formalities and grant
    duty-free zones at maritime free ports, among other things.

    Iran was among the most important transit developing countries, and
    the development and maintenance of its transit routes presented
    challenges, which, if not addressed, might inhibit
    cooperation. Moreover, infrastructure maintenance required more
    assistance from donors and international financial institutions. In
    closing, he said addressing the needs of landlocked developing
    countries required a holistic approach, and he invited the United
    Nations, among other international and regional organizations, to
    integrate the Almaty Programme into their work.

    VICTOR ZAGREKOV ( Russian Federation) said globalization was impacting
    all areas of society and that uneven benefits were fraught with
    problems, including the areas of risk and stagnation. This was
    undermining the development of the landlocked developing countries and
    least developed countries. Russia had set down steps to initiate
    improved transportation links and help the shipment of products of
    those countries.

    Russia was resolved to tackle key issues in the coming decade in
    Euro-Asian transportation. It had a federal system that enhanced
    transport policies and services and improved the effectiveness of the
    transit of goods to neighbouring countries. Russia was dedicated to
    improving the flow of traffic, including the delivery of goods and the
    management of transport systems, he said.

    Because of its geographical location and its expanse over a large part
    of the Euro-Asian continent, Russia was a bridge between East and
    West. It participated in international dialogue on that subject and
    had promoted road and rail networks in Asia. Those neighbouring Asian
    countries had limited access to outside markets, and Russia was
    working with them to improve that situation. For example, it had
    focused on helping shipping companies move containers across the
    continent from Asia across Russia to the borders with Europe. It also
    tried to ensure that its roads functioned without problems so regular
    road shipments could move from the Russian Federation to Asia. He was
    happy with the work of international organizations, particularly the
    United Nations, in that area and reaffirmed Russia's commitment to
    those countries. The creation of global frameworks for effective land
    transportation was also important, he added.

    OUMAR DAOU ( Mali), sharing his country's experience, said first, that
    Mali, as a typical landlocked developing country, was vulnerable to
    the current global crises, notably in food and energy sectors. Mali
    had carried out consistent measures to improve the efficiency of
    transport and transit systems, and had organized the private sector
    into a consulate chamber: the Mali Shippers Council. As for the
    development and maintenance of transit infrastructure, Mali had
    promoted private investment for equipment and storage facilities,
    carried out transport infrastructure work, and upgraded its fleet of
    rail and road equipment. To facilitate trade, Mali had used
    self-assessment methodologies developed by the World Bank.

    Nonetheless, Mali was up against various hurdles, including numerous
    tariff and non-tariff barriers, which impeded trade and raised
    shipping costs, he explained. Secondary infrastructure for transport
    and transit was inefficient on the borders, information systems had
    not been sufficiently developed, and shipping facilities had low
    storage capacity.

    Faced with such hurdles, Mali had undertaken policies to reinforce
    sectoral performance, notably by focusing on local capacity-building,
    restructuring transport companies and upgrading shipping
    infrastructure through the national transport committee. There was
    also a `national week of road safety'. Mali supported the major
    programmes to develop transport within the Economic Community of West
    African States (ECOWAS). In closing, he said Mali was committed to all
    activities to implement the Almaty action plan, and thanked the High
    Representative for his efforts.

    MAGED ABDELAZIZ (Egypt) highlighted different points that would
    continue the economic progress of the landlocked developing countries,
    among them the inclusion of those countries' needs in the Doha trade
    negotiations; more private and direct foreign investment;
    international organizations and donor countries' participation in the
    Ulaanbaatar think tank initiative; a strengthening of South-South
    cooperation, as well as trilateral, subregional and regional
    cooperative initiatives; and developed countries fulfilling their
    commitment to provide 0.15 per cent to 0.20 per cent of the gross
    national index to ODA for the landlocked developing countries.

    He went on to say that, as part of Egypt's foreign policy to support
    and strengthen South-South cooperation, two funds had been
    established. The Egyptian Fund for Technical Cooperation for Africa
    provided assistance to African countries, while The Egyptian Fund for
    Technical Cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States, --
    modified to include developing countries and landlocked developing
    countries -- was in the process of expanding its activities within
    those countries.

    To ensure the efficacy of the funds, Egypt had instituted training
    specific to the needs of each country and their own national
    strategies for development. He noted that several Egyptian companies
    directed investments to landlocked developing countries'
    infrastructure development, including telecommunications and
    construction. He concluded that integral to these funds was trilateral
    cooperation, including with United Nations bodies and donor countries,
    as well as humanitarian assistance.

    ARMEN MARTIROSYAN ( Armenia) began by saying, `Any programme is as
    good as its realization,' and with that, called on States to adopt
    measures that would eliminate the use of unilateral measures, which
    contradicted international law and undermined the multilateral trading
    system. Further, the interests of landlocked developing countries
    should be fully taken into account. The elaboration of divisive
    initiatives ran contrary to the Almaty Programme and would only add to
    tensions, notably those in the South Caucasus, he added.

    Touching on transit transportation systems, he also said that
    assistance should be provided to landlocked developing countries in
    the area of trade facilitation. To facilitate implementation of the
    Almaty action plan, he proposed promoting the development of existing
    transport structure, and thoroughly considering landlocked developing
    country interests when creating development plans, among other
    things. Moreover, it would be necessary for international financial
    institutions to provide long-term grants and loans. Finally, he said
    the Almaty Programme of Action had shown its comprehensiveness, and
    joint efforts would produce results at the next midterm review

    IGOR FINOGENOV, EuroAsian Development Bank, said the Bank had been
    created in 2006 and was an international funding institution aimed at
    promoting the market economy of its members and helping them bolster
    their partnerships. It was open to new members and expected other
    countries to join by year's end. The Bank also wanted to see its
    numbers increase. It worked on projects in the areas of
    transportation, infrastructure, electricity, among others, and giving
    specific attention to the Almaty Programme's call to support the
    landlocked countries of Central Asia. It was examining projects that
    used waterways in the region and transport corridors, from Western
    Europe to China, and North to South.

    He said the Bank was interested in working with the specialized
    agencies of the United Nations, especially since it had obtained
    observer status last year. That gave it new opportunities. The Bank
    hoped to coordinate activities with other agencies and to improve its
    effectiveness, as it improved the lives of the region's citizens. It
    was also open to working on regional projects, he added.

    MARC BALTES, Senior Adviser of the Organization for Security and
    Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), said that, as the world's largest
    regional security organization recognized in the Charter, the OSCE was
    a primary instrument for early warnings, conflict prevention, crisis
    management and post-conflict rehabilitation. Using a comprehensive
    approach, it dealt with the political/military, economic and
    environmental, and human aspects of security, and thus, addressed a
    range of security concerns, including arms control and
    democratization, among others. All 56 participating States enjoyed
    equal status.

    He said the OSCE high-level Economic Forum in 2006 had been dedicated
    to developing transit transportation. During that Forum, it had become
    clear that special attention should be given to OSCE landlocked
    developing countries and, based on that, the OSCE adopted a decision
    on the `Future Transport Dialogue in the OSCE', which provided a
    strong mandate for continued activities to that end.

    His office, along with the Office of the High Representative for the
    Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small
    Island Developing States, had organized a conference in Tajikistan to
    enhance political dialogue on transit transportation in Central
    Asia. The Joint Dushanbe Statement, agreed upon there, highlighted the
    importance of building partnerships. In closing, he assured the
    Assembly of the OSCE's continued involvement in transport-related

    The Assembly then adopted a draft resolution, containing the outcome
    document of the midterm review of the Almaty Programme of Action:
    Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries within
    a New Global Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for
    Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries (document A/63/L.3).

    Closing Statement by General Assembly President

    Concluding the High-Level Midterm Review of the Almaty Programme of
    Action, Assembly President, MIGUEL D'ESCOTO BROCKMANN, of Nicaragua,
    said that over the last two days, the world body had assessed efforts
    to ensure that landlocked developing countries had efficient transit
    transport systems and international market access. The `balanced and
    precise' Declaration adopted provided guidance to enhance
    implementation of further projects.

    The Assembly's focus on action-oriented programmes that were
    `measurable and feasible' had grounded the Review in terms that would
    benefit landlocked and transit countries alike, he said. It also
    served to inspire greater donor involvement in such areas as trade
    assistance, infrastructure, and financial and technical
    assistance. The high-level panel on the role of international support
    for transport systems provided a `dynamic exchange' on such complex
    issues, providing insight into the key partnerships emerging from the
    Programme of Action.

    `The United Nations is all about partnerships,' he said, underscoring
    the importance of monitoring progress within the Almaty Programme's
    five stated priorities. Noting that a global recession would be
    `doubly catastrophic' for the least developed countries that were both
    poor and geographically isolated, he reiterated his promise that the
    Assembly would use its authority to ensure donor commitments for
    funding and technology transfer were honoured. While the work outlined
    in the Almaty Review document was ambitious, it must inspire `our
    sense of solidarity' with the people of landlocked countries and their
    neighbours, he said.