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Ilarionov - Russia Prepared War with Georgia, Was Started by Russia

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  • Ilarionov - Russia Prepared War with Georgia, Was Started by Russia

    Georgiandaily, NY

    Andrei Ilarionov ` Russia Prepared War with Georgia and It Was Started
    by Russia
    October 04, 2008

    Former advisor of Vladimir Putin in economic issues Andrei Ilarionov
    has opposed his former chief for two years already and openly
    criticizes the Kremlin policy. Ilarionov showed his protest at the
    very beginning of Russian aggression perpetrated on Georgia. He
    introduced his opinions about Georgian-Russian war reasons to Katon
    Institute Summer School listeners in Ukraine on September 4. His
    viewpoints appeared to be interesting and we decided to present brief
    variant of his opinions expressed in summer school.

    A.I.: The most important thing is to find out the reason of starting
    war in Georgia. This was larger scale war, where all kinds of sub
    divisions took their part. In spite of the ceasefire agreement, war
    continues on Georgian territories.

    If the Kremlin aimed at protecting the people who wanted existence
    independently, it had to recognize Chechnya. Chechen people have been
    fighting for independent for 10 years and it has not stopped fight for
    independence for 200 years. Moscow used tanks, hails, aviation,
    artillery and chemical weapon against Chechnya. Chechen warriors were
    killed exactly by chemical weapons.

    Comparison of amount of damage in Chechnya and Tskhinvali is
    impossible. 134 people died in war activities in South Ossetia. 80% of
    them were fighters, the rest were peaceful civilians. It is obvious
    that death of each person is tragedy, but we can not compare these
    numbers to those dead in Chechnya. 200 thousand people died in
    Chechnya from both sides.

    Russian government has not recognized independence of Chechnya and
    Kosovo. It has not recognized them even after Abkhazian and South
    Ossetian recognition. It is obvious that Russian government has double
    standard policy.

    When Russia states that it acted in South Ossetia to protect its
    citizens is at least unbelievable. 90% of South Ossetian population is
    Russian citizens, but about 48 thousand Ossetian nationalities and 20
    thousand Georgians lived in South Ossetia. Up to 10 thousand of
    Ossetian citizens supported Georgian oriented Ossetian administration,
    headed by Dmitri Sanakoev.

    Sanakoev was one of the leaders of separatist movement in 90-ies
    opposing Kokoity. He created administration where there were Ossetian
    and Georgian villages.

    Russia has to take more interest in Russian citizens living in
    Turkmenistan, whose rights has been violated since period of Turkmen
    bash's government.

    Announcements made by Russian government about its actions aiming to
    protecting Russian citizens are hypocrisy that was used as reason of
    starting war activities.

    First number stated regarding ethnical cleansing was 1400, then it was
    1600 and later 3000. The first announcement about genocide was made on
    August 8, at 5 o'clock by Kokoity who was in Java, who was not in
    Tskhinvali and who left the capital as soon as the war activities
    started. Russian official propaganda stated that victims of genocide
    were 1600. Russia continues the same today, in spite of the fact that
    Putin who visited Vladikavkaz stated that there were several tens of
    dead people. Special group of Russian office of general prosecutor
    found out after one month work that 134 citizens were dead, 80% of
    them were warriors, and others were peaceful citizens. According to
    international law, genocide was proved only in three cases. Genocide
    of Armenians, Genocide of Jews and genocide in Rwanda carried out in
    1994. Genocide is discussed in Sudan, where more than half million
    people died. Genocide was not discussed in other cases and it is
    qualified as ethnical cleansing.

    Even in case of Kosovo it is not said that it was genocide, in spite
    of the fact that 30 thousand Albanians were killed and one million
    left the territory of the state.

    Destroying each other by Georgians and Abkhazians is considered to be
    ethnical cleansing. 3 000 Abkhazians and 17 000 Georgians were killed
    in 1992-93 war activities. After collapse of Soviet Union, Abkhazians
    made up 17% of Abkhazian population, Georgians ` 52%. 250 thousand
    Georgians left Abkhazian territory as a result to Abkhazian
    events. Georgians now live only in Gali region of Abkhazia.

    None of official versions of Georgian-Russian wars are close to truth.

    I think that reasons of starting war between Russia and Georgia are
    processes developed in Georgia in the last 4 years. A lot of reforms
    were carried out in Georgia ` in economics among them. Georgia
    developed as modern, European, democratic state. Responsible
    government was formed in Georgia that is responsible for the
    population. Work of state institutions became transparent.

    I can not name state in the world that has developed in the shortest
    period of time with so many reforms and in different fields so
    successfully. Liberalization of Georgian economics made it possible
    for the state to grow rapidly. Georgia imported electro energy to
    Russia before August events. Nobody would believe 3-5 years ago that
    Georgia, having energetic problems would import energy. Economic
    wonder took place in Georgia.

    Abkhazia and South Ossetia are Stalin enclaves economically,
    especially South Ossetia. Population in South Ossetia has not been
    working for the last 4 years and living on subsidies of Russian budget
    that increases annually. Subsidies for South Ossetia made up 700
    million USA dollars last year. If we divide this amount of money into
    40 thousand residents of South Ossetia, we receive picture that Moscow
    never financed any of its regions like South Ossetia. Moscow
    practically decayed the local population by financing them; they have
    become unused to working. Russian journalists, who visited Tskhinvali
    together with Russian tanks, told how none of the masters were found
    to fix the water pipeline problems. On the question why the local
    population didn't fix the pipeline, they responded: - do it
    yourself. According to Putin's command, additional 10 milliard Russian
    Rubles were allocated for South Ossetia.

    Big military base is being built in Java now. Russian tanks were
    withdrawn to Java before August events. Russian military technique
    supply has been gathered in South Ossetia for 4 years. Russian
    propaganda used to say that Georgia was the most militarized state in
    Caucasus. Let's compare the numbers and we'll perceive that this was
    not so. South Ossetia, where there lived 40 thousand people, had 87
    artillery equipments. Georgian military budget increased in 30 times
    in the last 4 years: from 30 million USA dollars to almost 1
    milliard. Georgia allocated 8% for military field in 2008. But budgets
    of Abkhazia and South Ossetia were much higher than it was needed and
    what is the most important, Abkhazia and South Ossetia were provided
    by weapons by Russia. Only 6 from 1000 people in Georgia were military
    servants, 60 in Abkhazia and 65 in South Ossetia, this means that both
    of these regions had ten times more unit compared to Georgia. Georgia
    had 4,6 artillery equipments on 100 000 men, Abkhazia-35, South
    Ossetia ` 190. Georgia had 5 units of armored carriers on 100 000 men,
    Abkhazia-75, South Ossetia ` 391.

    Russia deployed big amount of military technique in South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia in May and July. More than 1500 armored technique, artillery
    equipment, tanks and different kinds of technique were taken to
    Abkhazia. We don't have information of GDP in Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia, but we can approximately say that Abkhazia spent 50% of its
    budget on military equipments, South Ossetia spent ` 60%. It is
    obvious that Russia provided them with weapons free of charge.

    We can say that there were Russian military bases before start of
    military activities in Abkhazia and South Ossetia on August 7. Aim of
    Russian government was to change Saakashvili's government in
    Georgia. Nobody even hid it in Russian government. War against Georgia
    was prepared 4 years ago. After Georgia had solved Ajarian problems
    painlessly, Moscow started to think about changing
    Saakashvili. Russian energetic company's heads were called to the
    Kremlin in 2005 and the government told them to make problems in
    providing Georgia with electro energy. They were rejected by the heads
    of the companies and they started to act themselves. All oil pipelines
    and electro lines leading to Georgia were exploded. Russian government
    stated that it was done by terrorists. It was found out later that
    terrorists used the same explosive materials used by Russian special

    Georgian special units detained Russian spies and they were extradited
    to Russian government without noise. In spite of this Russian special
    units didn't stop working in Georgia but on the contrary, their works
    were reinforced. Georgian special services detained 4 Russian agents
    in 2006 and it was noisy ceremony of extraditing them to
    Russia. Russia started economic blockade against
    Georgia. Transportation, wine, `Borjomi', blockade followed
    this. Russia strengthens Abkhazia and South Ossetia in military
    field. Russian diplomats don't hide that war had to be started before
    September in Georgia. Russia rehabilitated Ochamchire and
    Sokhumi-Ochamchire 54 kilometers railway. Russia deployed 50 echelons
    of military technique to Abkhazia.

    There was impression that war had to be started from
    Abkhazia. Georgian villages were fired on August 1. If Ossetians used
    to stop firing after respond from Georgian side, this didn't happen
    this time. Ossetian side continued to fire with artillery
    equipments. Ossetian information department didn't hide on August 6
    that there were Russian units in South Ossetian territory.

    Russian defense minister assistant Nikolai Panko and head of
    reconnaissance service visited Tskhinvali on August 3. They had
    meeting with Kokoity. Kokoity moves to Java after their departure and
    evacuation of the population starts on August 3. Russia started war
    activities on August 3. 58th army is already mobilized near Georgian
    border for this time and 9000 soldiers, 700 units of armored technique
    are sent from Russian regions. Russian frontiers occupied Roki tunnel
    on August 6. Russian information sources informed from August 3 that
    war had started in South Ossetia, this was when war activities didn't
    took place.

    Georgian side tried to negotiate with Ossetian side on August
    7. Georgian reincarnation minister Temur Iakobashvili visits
    Tskhinvali who has to meet with Kokoity together with Russian special
    tasks ambassador Popov. Popov says that he was not able to be on the
    meeting due to problems of car tyre. He is offered to change the tyre,
    but he says that the extra tyre is also damaged. Iakobashvili meets
    with peaceful forces commander in Tskhinvali Marat Kulakhmetov, who
    offers to Georgian side to cease fire. Iakobashvili tells the proposal
    of the general to President Mikheil Saakashvili on phone at
    18:30. Saakashvili makes televised announcement at 19:00 that Georgian
    side is interested in peace. He demanded and practically bagged to
    reach ceasefire. He declared ceasefire partially, but Ossetian side
    started to bomb Georgian village Tamarasheni and then other villages
    at 22:10.

    Russian journalists in Tskhinvali said that there practically wasn't
    Ossetian population in Tskhinvali. According to official information,
    34 thousand people were evacuated before starting war
    activities. After emerge of Russian defense ministry tank colonies,
    Georgian government concluded that war was started by Russian

    Fights to three direction start after this. Tskhinvali assault,
    skirmishes near java and Roki direction. Both sides had big losses. It
    must be stressed that tanks that entered from Roki tunnel reached
    Tskhinvali only on August 10. Russian troops occupy Kodori Gorge in
    Abkhazia at the same time. Russian ships are near Georgian
    coasts. Russian defense ministry had sub divisions mobilized in Zemo
    Larsi and Georgian-Armenian border.

    It is obvious that the war is not over and it continues. Russian
    government has not refused to overthrow Georgian government. Russia
    doesn't hide that Georgian pro-Western choice is unacceptable to it. I
    think that everything starts from now on. Russian government acted
    like scoundrels, when they attack weak ones. Russia of course wouldn't
    attack NATO member Baltic States. Kiev's strive to the West is also
    unacceptable to Russia. Moscow didn't like when Kiev supported Tbilisi
    in August events.

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