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"Daring Changes" Ahead Declares Sargsyan While Addressing Nation

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  • "Daring Changes" Ahead Declares Sargsyan While Addressing Nation



    Friday, October 3, 2008 - YEREVAN - In a 40 minute speech before the
    nation, President Serzh Sargsyan stood at the speaker's podium in the
    National Assembly Thursday evening and presented his administration's
    intention to implement `daring changes' to drastically raise Armenia's
    competitiveness as it faces a new era of `serious geopolitical and
    regional changes.'

    Addressing the republic's top leadership, including the Cabinet of
    Ministers and the Prime Minister, the chairman of Constitutional Court,
    the secretary of the National Security Council, the chairman of the
    Central Bank, Armenia's human rights Ombudsman and others, President
    Sargsyan spoke of problems facing the Armenian state and society today
    and called for drastic changes to face up to the challenges of the
    modern world.

    Threats and Challenges

    The Russian-Georgian conflict in August sent shockwaves throughout the
    region. The conflict shattered the territorial integrity of the
    Georgian state, raised fears over the security of oil and money flowing
    from Caspian ports in Baku to their Mediterranean counterparts in
    Turkey, and jolted landlocked Armenia to the reality that over 70
    percent of its trade goes through Georgian ports.

    The reassertion of Russian power in the Caucasus and Turkey's rapid
    push to establish a Caucasus platform to manage relation
    s in the region
    has caused a diplomatic frenzy and a series of bi-lateral meetings
    between leaders from different countries in the region.

    Meanwhile, a trilateral meeting between the foreign ministers of
    Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan on sidelines of the UN General Assembly
    late last month is now raising the specter of a possible move by the
    three countries to try and normalize relations, open the borders, and
    resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Sargsyan said that the events in South Ossetia and the ensuing war in
    Georgia had `a sobering effect' on many in the region. `Let's look
    around; the foreign threats have not subsided.'

    `Our republic is entering a new phase of its history, Sargsyan said.
    `In this new period we witness serious geopolitical and regional
    changes. A war in our neighborhood, closed borders, problems of
    external communication, regional relations getting complicated, and a
    clash of superpowers' interests.'

    This is the reality Armenia finds itself in today, he stressed.

    Under these new circumstances, Armenia must exclude `any possibility of
    stagnation in any sphere,' he said.

    `But have we completely sobered up after the latest events?' he asked,
    noting that he sometimes gets an impression that Armenian society
    criticizes problems but remains a mere spectator to them.

    `Today, it is more than obvious that we need not only to20make a clear,
    pragmatic, non-emotional and adequate evaluation of the situation, but
    also make consistent steps to pursue far-reaching goals,' Sargsyan
    said. `We need stability in the country, unification of strength and
    opportunities, new approaches and solutions.'

    He spoke of the current malaise in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    settlement process, highlighting the harsh reality that a state of war
    hampering Armenia's possibilities, continues to exist in the region.

    `The war has not ended as long as there is an arms race,' Sargsyan
    said, talking about Azerbaijan's oil-funded military buildup. `The war
    will not be over, until the arms race comes to an end, until we all
    congratulate the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh for
    their willful decision and peaceful resolution of the conflict.'

    A Competitive Economy

    During his speech, which focused largely on Armenia's economic
    development, Sargsyan's promised to make the Armenian economy more
    competitive and ensure fair business competition. He said the economic
    situation in the country will also improve as a result of large-scale

    He singled out three initiatives that he said will be in the center of
    the government's attention in the years to come. Among them is the
    launch of construction, in the coming months, of a new nuclear plant in
    place of the aging Soviet-era facility at Metsamor; the start of
    on on a railway linking Iran and Armenia; and the
    establishment of an all-Armenian bank and an investment foundation to
    fund large-scale economic projects.

    `The time has come for Armenia to implement large and daring
    initiatives,' Sargsyan exclaimed, adding that such programs not only
    solve important strategic issues, but also have a broad influence on
    the economy and the society, creating thousands of new jobs, opening
    new markets and encouraging the development new enterprises.

    `Construction of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline is the best proof of the
    fact that even the most daring objectives can become reality in our
    country due to consistent work and confidence in our abilities,' he

    `Today we can state the fact that over the years our country has
    learned to stand firm on its feet even under the most unfriendly
    environment,' Sargsyan said. `In a short period of time we should
    essentially raise the global competitiveness of Armenia. We should be
    able to raise the competitiveness of branches of our economy--our
    companies, our whole economy and human resources. We must be
    competitive and the advancement of Armenia should be our supreme

    A Fight Against Corruption

    Sargsyan promised to meet the coming challenges by transforming Armenia
    into a rule-of-law country with a competitive economy, independent
    judiciary and equal opportunities for all citizens.

    The president called on the lawmakers gathered in the National Assembly
    to help him `build a society of resourceful and competitive individuals
    where there is no place for corruption, where corruption is simply not
    beneficial and illogical.'

    `We will criminalize any manifestation of corruption. We will create a
    culture of absolute public intolerance towards corruption,' he added.

    `The fight against corruption will change its face,' he said. `We will
    switch to tougher and more uncompromising methods and a system of
    international standards.'

    `The level of identifying and prosecuting abuse of power will rise
    irreversibly,' he said, promising high-profile prosecutions of corrupt

    He argued that the existence of an independent judiciary is also vital
    for strengthening the rule of law. `We must be able to put in place an
    independent judiciary based on the supremacy of law,' he said.

    Sargsyan stressed the importance of public support for this endeavor
    but made no mention of the lingering political crisis triggered by last
    February's disputed presidential election. His sole reference to the
    tense domestic political situation was an appeal to pro-government and
    opposition parties and media to stop offending each other in public.