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The War For South Ossetia

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  • The War For South Ossetia

    Daniele Scalea (Italia)

    Georgia declared its independence on the 9th April 1991 and its first
    President (appointed in 1990 when the country was still USSR-federate)
    was Zviad Gamsakhurdia, former leading dissident in the communist era.

    The independence proclaimed through the "Georgia to Georgians"
    slogan couldn't but concern the several ethnic minorities living
    around the administrative entity of Tblisi which Gamsakhurdia and
    his nationalistic supporters wrongly regarded as being a monolithic
    national bloc. Namely, the regions of Azarija and Abkhazia (that
    were annexed to Georgia by the Russians who had taken them away from
    the Turks), as well as South Ossetia (whose inhabitants are alike
    those from the Russian province of North Ossetia) claimed the same
    right to independence from Russia Tblisi itself wanted (and put into
    practice). Already in 1989, South Ossetia, autonomous province of
    the socialist soviet republic of Georgia, was scene to violent fights
    between the Ossetians, loyal to Moscow, and nationalistic Georgians.

    The Ossetian regional council came to declaring secession from the
    Socialist Soviet Republic of Georgia but this one reacted by lifting
    Ossetia's autonomy status, thus prompting further fights.

    Newly-born Georgia's internecine clashes weren't inter-ethnic only
    but also political: on 6th January 1992 Gamsakhurdia-led government was

    overthrown by a bloody coup d'etat that was anything but quick since
    it was started two weeks before.

    Gamsakhurdia found shelter in Chechnya (after a brief stay in Armenia),
    under the rebel government of General Dzochar Musaevic Dudaev. The coup
    leaders proclaimed Eduard Shevarnedze as new president, former Soviet
    Foreign Minister at the time of Gorbacev. The fights between the new
    President's supporters and the partisans of the removed one went on for
    two years. On September 1993, then, an outright war burst between the
    Georgian army and the Abkhazians who refuse still today to be subdued
    to Tblisi's authority since they are the majority in the north-western
    part of the country. There were dreadful fights and the Abkhazians
    came off successful since they fought off Tblisi's troops and drove
    out some thousand Georgians living in Abkhazia. Gamsakhurdia snapped
    up the chance and, already on late September 1993, he returned to
    his homeland, leading his armed followers in an revolt attempt. The
    rebellion seemed likely to be successful but Shevarnadze, by approving
    to let Georgia join the Independent States Community, received the
    support by the neighbour countries, not least Russia which provided
    him with men and weapons: within November the rebels were defeated
    and on the following month their leader Gamsakhurdia died under
    circumstances that were never completely cleared up.

    Meanwhile, the long time of disorders and internecine fights cost
    a high price to the newly-born Georgian republic: alongside with
    Abkhazia, also South Ossetia managed to achieve the independence:
    oddly enough, many Chechnyan separatists have fought for the freedom
    of the former, whereas the Russian aid was decisive for the latter.

    The "Rose Revolution": Saakashvili President of Georgia President
    Shevarnadze, during the following decade, got two acknowledgments from
    the people, by winning the elections on 1995 and 2000. The elections
    held on 2nd November 2003, that were allegedly rigged according to the
    pro-US media and organizations, embodied the fuse for a new political
    violent reshuffle, the so-called "Rose Revolution". Shevarnadze
    has often repeated that those who wanted and led that coup were the
    US; and, needless to say, the deposed Georgian President can't be
    suspected of anti-Americanism. For example, suffice it to remind that,
    in the capacity of Russian Foreign Minister, during a meeting with the
    American President of that time, George H. W. Bush, he asked him for
    an advice about what kind of foreign policy Russia was to maintain,
    since he wanted to refrain from pursuing any ambition of defence
    of the national stakes. Yet, as President of Georgia, Shevarnadze
    proved to be too independent and, above all, too prone to keep good
    relations with Moscow. It was probably because of this that the US
    hatched one of the most success ful "coloured revolutions", bringing
    back to power a racist and strongly anti-Russian nationalistic leader:
    the new Gamsakhurdia is called Michail Saakavshili, a jurist who was
    trained at the American universities.

    Saakashvili served as Minister of Justice under Shevarnadze's
    government, well-known for its repressing character (partly accounted
    for by the Gamsakhurdian insurrection and by the fight against
    separatist tendencies). As President, albeit the incessant emphasis
    on "democracy", Saakashvili has not proven any better in respecting
    his people's civil rights: appointed by "Bulgarian" percentages (96%
    of votes in 2004), he has often accused his rivals of being criminals
    or Russian spies, treating them accordingly.

    After seizing power, Saakashvili has purged the Georgian leadership
    through mass arrests both of former ministers of Shevarnadze's
    government (that is to say his former peers, in controversy with
    which he had stepped down) and of simple local administration
    representatives. In 2004, a group of Georgian intellectuals wrote an
    open letter to denounce the intolerance against political opponents.

    An emblematic case of the dreary situation and of the rampant violence
    in Saakashvili's Georgia was the murder of Sandro Girgvliani. He was a
    28 year old bank manager and on the night between 27th and 28th January
    2006, in a Tblisi's bar, he had a quarrel with some high officers=2
    0from the Interior Ministry, who were there to celebrate the birthday
    of one of them, Inspector General Vasil Sanodze. Girgvliani and his
    friend Levan Buchaidze, after leaving the bar, were shoved into a
    Mercedes and brought to the outskirts of the town: Buchaidze managed
    to escape but Girgvliani was beaten to death and his body was found
    the following morning,.

    The investigation from the "Imedi" tv station managed to shed light
    upon the case, denouncing the Interior Ministry's responsibilities. The
    alleged murderers were arrested and sentenced seven to eight years,
    yet whoever gave the order has still gone unpunished: in spite of the
    popular protests, all of the high officers from the Ministry retained
    their charge.

    Badri Patarkatsisvili, owner of the "Imedi" station that not only
    reported the authorities' responsibilities in Girgviliani affair but
    also other similar cases, underwent several fiscal investigations
    and political pressures so that he would be induced to curb his
    journalists' autonomy.

    Irakli Okruasvili, former Georgian Defence Minister, accused his former
    ally Saakashvili of wanting to attempt the life of Patarkatsisvili
    himself who, meanwhile, entered politics as the rival of the
    President: two days later, Okruasvili was arrested with the charge
    of corruption and money laundering, and only after having disavowed
    the accusations against Saakashvili he was released. Expelled to
    France, where he got asylum, on 5th November 2007 he appeared on
    "Imedi" tv where he confirmed the authenticity of the accusation
    against Saakashvili while accounting for the disavowing due to the
    forced imprisonment. Few months later, he was convicted with final
    judgment by the Georgian magistracy, the same one which abstained
    from investigating over the alleged murderous will of Saakashvili
    against Patarkatsisvili. Incidentally, on 12th February 2008 Badri
    Patarkatsisvili was found dead in his British residence, few hours
    after having a meeting with Boris Berezovskij, Russian "oligarch"
    and Putin's implacable enemy. The Georgian businessman, who was only
    50 years old and had never suffered of heart problems during his
    lifetime, died from heart attack. The local police classified his
    case as "suspicious".

    Saakashvili has regularly adopted the iron fist against any opposition.

    During the second half of 2007, the government reacted by putting
    down the demonstrations sponsored by his political adversaries:
    on November 7th, after repeated attacks from the police, a group of
    protesters decided to resist the institutional violence and thus the
    fights took place.

    Saakashvili quickly exploited the pretext in order to proclaim the
    state of emergency for nearly ten days while imposing, amongst other
    things, the censure on the national media.

    Yet, the mass protests forced Saakashvili to step down and face,
    on Januar y 2008, a new electoral test: he won, notwithstanding the
    strong criticism both from the OCSE (generally much acquiescent
    towards US-sponsored candidates) and from the opposition, which
    denounced systematic fixing and manipulated opinion polls.

    Mikhail Saakasvili has never forgotten the crucial support from the
    US for his violent seizure of power. During his mandates, he has
    always been a staunch ally to them, emerging also for his nationalism
    liable to rash actions and for his visceral Russia-phobia, that is
    after all widely shared by his fellow countrymen. Georgia entering
    the NATO is Saakasvili's main target and he has dispatched a hefty
    amount of troops following the US all over the main theatres of war
    and occupation: Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo.

    [...] When Saakashvili became President, South Ossetia was living in
    peace for about a decade: in 1992 Tblisi, Moscow and Tskhinvali (South
    Ossetia's capital) agreed upon a ceasefire, setting up in the area a
    mixed peacekeeping force made up of Georgians, Russians and Ossetians.

    In 2004, after having subdued Azarija, Saakashvili made the tension
    mount again with South Ossetia: yet, for years the clash has never gone
    beyond a "creeping" and "dirty" war made up of kidnappings, dynamite
    attacks and occasional fire exchanges between the opposite militias.

    The outburst of the conflict In the summer of 2008, Georgia marked
    a quantum leap in its war activism. If it has up to now limited
    itself to fostering occasional border clashes and leading a strongly
    anti-Russian diplomacy (suffice it to remind the strict alliance with
    Ukraine of Jushenko and Timoshenko, the attempts to join the NATO,
    the building of BTC pipeline conceived in order to leave Russia out of
    the Caspian Sea source trade), in recent times Tblisi has multiplied
    its provocations with the clear aim to bring about a war. It is hard
    to imagine which plans Saakashvili and his staff have had in the past
    and which ones they will have in the future: maybe to overcome the
    political internal crisis by directing people against an external
    enemy, thus making them gather closer to their President; maybe
    they hoped to seize Abkhazia and Ossetia through blitzkriegs without
    enabling Moscow to counteract; maybe the aim was and really is that
    of embroiling Moscow in a new Caucasian war so as to both wear out
    its military apparatus and to dim its international image with the
    aid of the propaganda juggernaut handled by the US.

    What's obvious, knowing the strict alliance existing between Tblisi
    and Washington, is that the US must have played some fundamental
    role in the crisis bursting out: to say the least, they took no step
    to prevent Saakashvili from setting off this war. Yet, let's stick
    precisely to the chronology of facts.

    To avoid having to go back to older incidents and disputes, a
    reasonable starting point can be fixed at the 20th of April of this
    year when, according to the Georgian authorities, one of their drones
    (a remote-controlled aircraft, part of a lot purchased from a private
    Israeli company, with the green light of the Israeli Defence ministry)
    was shot down in Abkhazia's airspace by Russian crafts. Consequently
    Tblisi demanded a compensation from Moscow which, instead, denied
    the fact. The tension in the area was already high since Georgia
    had started massing troops on the border with the breakaway region,
    namely in the disputed area of Kodori gorge.

    On May 29th a car bomb blasted in Tskhinvali during the independence
    celebrations, injuring six passers-by: the Ossetian President
    pinned the blame for the attack on the Georgian government. On May
    31st three hundred Russian unarmed soldiers entered Abkhazia at the
    local government's demand, in order to help build a railway system:
    at the same time, Moscow increased the amount of peacekeeping troops
    in the province--as a reply to the Georgian mobilization--but without
    exceeding the maximum number fixed by the agreement (that's 3,000
    soldiers): this induced Georgians to cry out against the "occupation
    of Abkhazia", supported by the EU that calls for the Russians to
    withdraw the additional troops.

    On June 17th on the Ossetian border the Georgian troops arrested
    four peacekeeping Russian soldiers accused o f smuggling weapons:
    they are released after a nine-hour third degree.

    In the meantime, drones start flying again over Abkhazia, even if
    Tblisi denies. On the following day, two blasts took place along a
    railway at Suchumi, Abkhazia's capital: the target, according to the
    investigators, were the Russian troops deployed there. On June 29th two
    new dynamite attempts occurred, this time at the Abkhazian coast town
    of Gagrij: six are injured. Two days later, a blast at the Suchumi's
    market mowed down further civilians. The repeated attacks lead the
    Abkhazian authorities to shut the border with Georgia that is regarded
    as being responsible for the terrorist attacks. On July 4th, during the
    night, the Ossetian capital Tskhinvali (at the border with Georgia)
    was briefly bombed by the Georgian artillery (at least 15 mortars,
    according to the witnesses): 3 persons lost their lives and 11 are
    wounded. The incident was confirmed both by the Russian peacekeeping
    forces and by the OSCE envoys, yet the Georgians gave no account;
    Moscow's reply defined the fact as "an act of open aggression", and
    a few days later it begun manoeuvres in the northern Caucasus. The
    Abkhazian President Sergej Begaps claimed he has laid his hands,
    thanks to his secret services, on an invading plan of Abkhazia by
    Georgia which, meanwhile, has massed twelve thousand soldiers at the
    borders, 2 thousand of which only at the Kodori gorge.

    On July 7th, a new bomb shocked Abkhazia again: four people injured
    by a blast in a café and the local authorities have no doubt in
    holding the Georgian security forces as responsible. The following
    day also South Ossetia protested against Saakashvili's expansionistic
    aspirations: the proof is claimed to be the evacuation started by
    Tblisi of some thousand Georgians living in South Ossetia. On July 9th
    it was Georgia's turn to denouncing an attack at one of its outposts
    along the border with Abkhazia, an operation carried out by about
    ten armed men but with no casualties.

    Oddly enough, the same day the Abkhazians claimed they have suffered
    an identical attack at one of their outposts.

    The focus of the fighting, in the first half of July, seemed
    to be directed more towards Abkhazia than North Ossetia, and the
    Abkhazian President Sergej Bagaps rushed to Moscow to ask the Russian
    aid; there he met also with the South Ossetian colleague Eduard
    Kokojty. Meanwhile, the American Secretary of State Condoleeza
    Rice arrived in Tblisi: Washington's envoy expresses full support
    to Tblisi's warlike policy while warning Moscow from trying to
    defend the freedom of Abkhazians and Ossetians. On July 10th Georgia
    called back its own Moscow-based ambassador due, officially, to "the
    outrage over the aggressive Russian policy". Sergej Lavrov, Russian
    Foreign Minister, tried to restore the dialogue while demanding,
    yet, the precondition of the Georgian evacuation of troops deployed
    in fighting trim at Kodori gorge; Tblisi's reply is a litany of the
    same old anti-Russia rhetoric, the accuse of an alleged "aggression"
    by Moscow and the closing to any mediation (Abkhazia and Ossetia are
    outspokenly defined, leaving no room to negotiations, "inalienable
    parts of Georgia"). The Georgians oppose a clear refusal to Lavrov's
    offer to hold talks in Moscow, preferring to use July for joined
    military manoeuvres with American, Azerbajian and Ukrainian troops and
    to get a Presidential decree approved by the Parliament to increase
    of 5,000 units the number of recruits, thus raising Tblisi's armed
    forces to 37,000 soldiers.

    On July 16th, the 76th Russian airborne division arrived in northern
    Caucasus, officially to take part to the military manoeuvres that
    in all involve 8,000 men, 700 fighting vehicles and 30 crafts. While
    President Saakashvili turned down the idea about a Moscow-sponsored
    non-aggression agreement with Georgia and Abkhazia, it was Suchumi to
    refuse the mediation plan proposed by the Germans which is considered
    as questioning of Abkhazia's independence status. The following week
    there was a succession of new incidents between Georgia (always active)
    and South Ossetia: four Ossetians arrested by the Georgian police; the
    infringement of the Ossetian space by Georgian air forces; finally, on
    0D July 29th, Georgian troops opened fire over two Ossetian villages.

    The night between August 1st and 2nd some fire exchanges came about
    along the Georgia-South Ossetia border, with at least 6 dead and 15
    wounded amongst the Ossetians and 10 casualties amongst the Georgians
    (but the Ossetians claim 29 dead Georgian soldiers): it was the
    beginning of the present war, even if on August 7th a formal truce
    is proclaimed by both the fronts. Yet, few hours later, the Georgian
    would break it in order to launch their own attack.

    Before analyzing carefully the details of the conflict, let's look
    at the set of facts schematically reported so far and which embody
    the prelude to war, as a whole . What we can detect is the obvious
    concentration of Georgian troops at the borders with Abkhazia and
    Ossetia, accompanied by continuous provocations that range from the
    warlike rhetoric to mortar shells and outright terrorist attacks
    (the bombs in Abkhazia the local authorities charge Tblisi with).

    On the other hand, the reaction is the mobilization of the breakaway
    forces in both the regions, as well as the massing of Russian troops
    both in northern and southern Caucasus.

    At this point, we have to go back to the hypothesis made at the
    beginning of the paragraph as regards the Georgian leadership's
    hidden aims. If Tblisi's plan were that of seizing Abkhazia and
    Ossetia through quick and sudden attacks, thus20forestalling the
    Russian reactions, then we should draw the conclusion that all this
    has been arranged and carried out in the worst possible way: the even
    too obvious preparations and the continuous provocations couldn't but
    alert the enemies who, as a matter of fact, were poised to fight off
    the Georgian offensive as soon as it was eventually set off. The way
    of approaching to the conflict makes us think of other hypothesises
    as well.

    For instance, Tblisi might have tried to provoke the Russians pushing
    them into carrying out the attack as first in order, then, to play
    the victim and to win international support. Actually, this hasn't
    completely turned out well since the Georgians had to launch the
    first attack and only thanks to the huge and effective US-managed
    propaganda machine they have succeeded in slanting the American and
    western European public opinions to their own advantage. At any rate,
    what's left is the problem whether NATO's diplomacy can really force
    the Russians to evacuate Abkahzia and South Ossetia, leaving them
    at Tblisi's mercy. This possibility looks extremely remote, if one
    takes into account that Moscow enjoys the right of veto within the
    UN Security Council. Economic pressures might be more effective,
    yet it's hard to think that Moscow will approve of a settlement
    that be detrimental over the status quo ante of a conflict it is
    definitely winning.

    0D One can also suppose that Tblisi has overrated (at least in view of
    the aforementioned considerations) its own military power, thinking
    of maybe being able to overwhelm the Abkhazian, Ossetian and Russian
    defences; or, at least, of being able to drive the Russians to trespass
    its territory and to face them there through guerrilla warfare. But
    in this case we should draw the conclusion that Mr Saakashvili is
    pursuing stakes diverging from the ones of the country which he's
    called to answer to.

    Anyway, the impression is that the Georgians have lost control over
    the situation. It's likely that they didn't expect such a massive
    and resolute reaction by Moscow and that they set too many hopes in
    the effectiveness of its own military machine and in a more incisive
    and quick intervention by the Atlanticist diplomacy (and maybe also
    in greater military support).

    The war On early August several shootings took place along the border
    between Georgia and South Ossetia while Russian volunteers begun
    flocking into the separatist region. After some days of preparations,
    with mortar shells over Tskhinvali and the surrounding villages,
    the night between August 7th and 8th the Georgian troops launched
    the offensive against the South-Ossetian capital. Tskhinvali, on the
    extreme southern limit of Ossetia, is located only five kilometres
    (ca. 3 miles) from the Georgian border, along the main road of the
    region that, from=2 0the Georgian town of Gori, crosses South Ossetia
    and leads to Rokskij tunnel that can be considered the sole junction
    with the Russian Federation.

    The attack against the Ossetian capital was carried out with infantry
    and armour while the Georgian Su-25 jet aircrafts dropped bombs over
    Kvernet village (and even over a humanitarian convoy, according to
    the Ossetians).

    The Georgian advance immediately penetrated as far as 10 kilometres
    (6.2 miles) the Ossetian inland along three fronts: South Ossetia's
    eastern border, Tskhinvali's corridor in the south and a salient in
    the west for what looks like a pincer movement. Yet, the offensive
    stopped at the Ossetian capital: the breakaway troops resisted starting
    violent fights from house to house during which Tskhinvali suffered
    many damages and civilian casualties (some thousands): it's worth
    reminding that most of the South Ossetian inhabitants have Russian
    citizenship. The South Ossetian Parliament and a couple of the Russian
    peacekeeping forces' barracks were also blown up: about ten Russian
    soldiers were killed and the Russian Premier Vladimir Putin, from
    Beijing, announced a response.

    The reaction is immediate: while Russian aircrafts started bombing
    Gori, the first big centre on the way to Tskhinvali (30 kilometres
    is the distance between the two cities), the units from the 58th army
    (comprising about one hundred tanks and heavy artillery) entered South
    Ossetia: on the following day, also President Medvedev officially
    announced the Russian counteroffensive.

    On August 9th the Georgian troops are fought off from Tskhinvali
    that, yet, has suffered huge material damages and human losses,
    notwithstanding the brevity of fights.

    Some of the 35 thousand Ossetian refugees who have fled to Russia
    reported atrocities carried out by the Georgians: snipers wilfully
    opening fire on the helpless, entire villages set ablaze, bombings
    on civilian targets, tanks wilfully running over children. Those
    testimonies made Putin and Medvedev state that they were dealing
    with the attempt on the part of the Georgians to carry out a genocide
    against the Ossetians.

    In the meantime, the Russian counteroffensive got wider: airborne
    troops were parachuted near Tskhinvali, thus raising to 10,000 the
    number of effectives in the operation while the air force started
    hammering new targets, mostly Poti, a harbour town on the Black Sea
    from which Georgia is thought to get Ukrainian military supplies. The
    Russian airforce losses were said to amount to four crafts, although
    the Georgians claim to have shot down twenty of them. American planes
    brought back to Georgia the contingent of 2,000 men Tblisi sent to
    Iraq. On August 10th, a part of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea,
    including the Moskva cruiser, after setting sail from Sebastopolis
    base, got to the border with Georgian territorial waters (only a
    Geor gian rocket-launching patrol boat tries to react but it will
    be sunk); at the same time, the Russian bombings has reached Kodori
    gorge, favouring an offensive by the Abkhatian militias against the
    Georgian troops massed there with threatening purposes. On August
    12th, after setting South Ossetia free from Georgian soldiers (many
    of which are reported as having given in to the Russians), Moscow
    announced the end of its counteroffensive, yet reserving the right
    to intervene again in case of further Georgian attacks against the
    separatist region. These are the words pronounced by Medvedev: "The
    operation's targets have been accomplished: the peacekeeping forces
    and the civilians are now safe. The aggressor has been punished and
    has suffered heavy losses as well".

    As things stand, it's impossible to foresee whether the truce will
    last or not [...]. Awaiting to know what is bound to happen, we can
    draw a partial conclusion over this short conflict -- or over this
    first part of a longer conflict. In doing so, we are required to take
    into account both the military factors and the strategic importance
    of the events and the diplomatic context.

    On the eve of the war, the Georgian armed forces could count on over
    30 thousand men, two third of which organized in the army. The tanks
    at Tblisi's disposal were about two hundreds, all of them Soviet
    Union-made: forty T-55 and one hundred six ty five T-72. The T-55 is a
    mid-size tank (35,4 tons, 203 mm as maximum armour, a 100mm cannon),
    is considered as being the most successful model in the history of
    tanks, being it still used in 65 countries although its birth dates
    back to sixty years ago which indeed represents its huge limit.

    The T-72 is the more modern type yet it dates back to 1972. It's
    heavier (45 tons) than the T-55, better armoured (250mm) and more
    equipped with fire power (125mm cannon), it's faster and more provided
    with fuel distance.

    Whatever the conditions, the fact is that only one Russian motorized
    infantry division would have been sufficient to stand up to the entire
    Georgian army.

    That's why Tblisi should have planned the attack against South Ossetia
    as a blitzkrieg: to occupy immediately Tskhinvali--capital and sole
    big city of the province--and the main road leading to Russia, while
    possibly reaching and making not practicable Rokskij tunnel before
    Moscow's reaction.

    Mission not accomplished, since even before the Russian intervention,
    the Ossetian forces alone have been sufficient to restrain the
    Georgian advance.

    It's taken the Georgians a preliminary bombing with BM-21 "Grad"
    (a Russian-made rocket launcher dating back to the 60's, still used
    due to its effectiveness) and two following waves of foot soldiers
    and armour to penetrate into Tskhinvali, and yet the Ossetian capita
    l has been able to resist until the Russian aid showed up. The D-30
    howitzers, the 100mm cannon "Rapir" anti-tanks and, above all, the
    less advanced remote-controlled 9M113 "Konkurs" rockets provided to
    the Ossetian militia turned out to be sufficient so that the several
    obsolete Georgian tanks would turn into wrecked vehicles decorating the
    streets of a town half destroyed by the violent preliminary bombing.

    After all, the "Konkurs", although they were projected in the 60's
    and they began being used in 1974, were successfully used also by
    Hezbollah militia to stand up to the Israeli "Merkava" tanks.

    The Georgian air force is insignificant and indeed it played nearly
    no role in the conflict: only five Su-25 (Soviet land-covering
    crafts whose production started in 1981) and fifteen L-29 and L-39
    (Czech jet fighters respectively made in the 60's and 70's only
    for pilot training). Too little even to overcome the South Ossetian
    anti-aircrafts defence.

    What's more, the Georgian troops aren't renowned at all for their
    training, in spite of their (official) American and (private) Israeli
    instructors' efforts and, indeed, there are considered worse than
    their Ossetian rivals.

    Hence the Georgians are thought to have attempted a lightning
    attack, yet running into the Ossetian resistance and, above all, a
    surprisingly swift reaction by the Russians who, withi n few hours,
    have sent their armour and paratroopers near Tskhinvali and started
    heavily bombing Georgia's strategic targets and troop massing.

    In this respect, the too obvious preparations by the Georgians
    and their continuous provocations against Ossetians, Abkhazians
    and Russians turned out to be a big mistake. The only fact that can
    account for the behaviour of the Georgian political and military staff
    is that they probably hoped to push the enemy to attack first. Even
    if this hasn't happened, the political aim has been partly achieved:
    the American ally, setting off its propagandistic machine and allied
    diplomacies, has managed to spread the Russia-aggressor/Georgia-victim
    pattern; even if the Georgian initiative hasn't gone unobserved
    to anyone and the European diplomatic milieu has defined Moscow's
    reaction as "disproportionate" (the same expression used in 2006 to
    mildly blame the Israeli invasion of Lebanon).

    Nonetheless, Russia's veto right within the UN Security Council has
    spared Moscow serious backlashes. In consideration of the facts, for
    the moment the Georgian "diplomatic victory" seems to be just in its
    preliminary stages. Yet, it has been important for them to involve
    Russia as an active and belligerent part in the dispute over the
    two separatist regions, thus undermining its peacemaking role it has
    played up to now. Not surprisingly, the EU has immediately welcomed the
    idea according to which Moscow won't be any longer allowed to act as
    mediator in the Caucasus but, on the contrary, it will have to resort
    to Brussels' mediation in its clash with Tblisi. Hence it will be up
    to Moscow and its resoluteness to ward off the possible diplomatic
    backlashes of the conflict: Russia is historically a master in winning
    wars on the ground and then losing them at the negotiation table.

    Going back to the strictly military point, what's left is the fact that
    the Russians have kicked the Georgian troops out of South Ossetia
    and have actually bombed Georgia's military or military-related

    The merely military targets seems therefore to have been achieved with
    a surprising rapidity and with little losses (the official report
    speaks, at the moment, of 18 dead and 152 wounded): the Georgian
    attack has been fought back beyond the starting-point (Tblisi has
    lost its contingent stationed in South Ossetia and, seemingly, even
    the northern part of the Kodori gorge) and the Georgian resiliency
    for another attack has been seriously undermined, maybe even foiled
    for months or years to come.

    The Russian armed forces has demonstrated to be very fast in the
    decision-making process at its highest ranks and in reacting at its
    lowest ones; the only negative aspect is the high losses suffered by
    the air force: considered the poorness of the enemy, four crafts are
    undoubtedly=2 0too many, even if the undisputed control of air has been
    achieved quite immediately. Moreover, the Russian counteroffensive has
    brought some political advantages to Moscow, though a small deferment
    in closing the operations might have optimized them. First of all,
    Saakashvili has been destabilized. The Georgian can look at the
    Russian aggressor pattern as much as they want (since they consider
    South Ossetia as being part of the Georgian territory, so the Russian
    one has been a violation of their sovereignty) but they surely don't
    ignore that the Russian alleged "aggression" could have been avoided
    if their President hadn't taken such venturesome decisions. Therefore
    Saakashvili will have to bear responsibility for having set off a
    conflict they have ruinously lost, even if he will try to politically
    optimize the "victim" aura.

    Secondly, the US' prestige--and secondly EU's one --has endured
    remarkable backlashes in the region. Today facts have showed how much
    the balance of military power in the Caucasus leans undoubtedly towards
    Moscow. Washington has been able to counter the Russian offensive with
    propaganda, with fulminating declarations, with word-only solidarity,
    and it's likely to do it also with hefty donations for the rebuilding
    of Georgian infrastructures; yet the US hasn't even been able to send a
    single soldier to protect the supposedly "aggressed" Georgi an ally,
    and Moscow has brought the operation to an end only after having
    accomplished its own targets. The rash closing of the operations
    by Moscow will certainly be exploited by Washington and Tblisi in
    order to make it look like it depended on American pressures aiming
    at preserving the White House's prestige in the region.

    Moscow's third success lies in putting off Georgia's admission to
    the NATO. If Georgia had been a NATO member, today Europe and the
    US should have either engaged in the third world war or lost their
    face before the whole world. Reason for which Georgia's entrance in
    the NATO has always been dependent on settling the Abkhazian and
    Ossetian problems. Now more than ever these problems are serious
    and their possible consequences obvious. Paradoxically, the only
    way for Tblisi to enter the NATO, at the moment, would seem to be
    the annexation of Abkhazia and Ossetia to the Russian Federation:
    as the saying goes, "off goes the tooth, off goes the ache". Maybe
    that's why Moscow will go on lingering, putting off the settlement
    of both issues until doomsday.

    --Boundary_(ID_BwxqZwyLj6BpnSDi73voXg)- -