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Going For Gas

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  • Going For Gas

    By Roberts, John

    Wednesday, 8 October 2008, 03:00 CDT

    Europe needs oil and gas from the South Caucasus and the Caspian. So
    while the conflict between Georgia and Russia might appear to be
    mainly about territory, the biggest practical effects are being felt in
    energy supply. None of the solutions is especially appetising. a FEW
    the twin arteries than carry Azerbaijani oil and gas to Europe:
    the $4 billion Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline and the $1
    billion Baku-Tbilisi-Erzerum (BTE) gas pipe. But the restoration of
    the greater part of Azerbaijan's export capacity masked a string
    of underlying problems that will force companies and governments,
    producers and consumers, to re-evaluate energy policy in general and
    their reliance on routes through the South Caucasus in particular.

    For companies, the problems range from the immediate to the long-
    term. Chevron faces a particularly acute headache as it seeks a
    way to get its increased oil production at Kazakhstan's giant Tengiz
    oilfield to market. This at a time when there were already constraints
    on both pipeline movements across Russia and rail traffic via Russia
    and Ukraine. Now it has to re-evaluate its plans for increased flows
    through the South Caucasus.

    Long-term problems include Kazakhstan's scheme to ship up to half
    a million barrels a day of crude oil to Azerbaijan - for input into
    an expanded BTC and delivery to world markets via Ceyhan. Then there
    are joint Azerbaijani and Kazakh plans to develop port facilities and
    refineries on Georgia's Black Sea coast as part of a broader effort
    by their state oil companies to create a presence in the Black Sea,
    Turkey and the European Union (EU).

    But if oil is the immediate concern, perhaps the biggest long term
    worries confront Europe as it grapples with the consequences for its
    gas policy.

    Before the war, the EU - and Turkey - had been looking to develop a
    'Fourth Corridor' to carry Caspian and Middle Eastern gas from the
    Caspian to Europe, thus matching existing corridors bringing gas
    from Russia, Norway and Algeria. The Georgian war will make it much
    harder for western companies to raise commercial finance for new gas
    lines in the Caspian, the South Caucasus and the Black Sea and for
    companies alone to secure the necessary commitments, both to provide
    the gas upstream and to buy it downstream.

    In effect, the EU and its principal gas consumers now have to consider
    four very different options concerning gas policy. The first two
    depend on whether the EU, by design or neglect, chooses to abandon
    the Fourth Corridor concept.

    * Option One: Forge a new energy relationship with Russia to ensure
    an increased flow of gas from or through Russia. This would have to
    be done against a background of great mutual suspicion. Moreover,
    Europe still has no answers to perhaps the most worrisome question of
    all: is Russia putting in place the kind of gas investment plans that
    would enable it to deliver, in a transparent and predictable manner,
    the increased volumes on which European gas policy was predicated
    before the Georgian war? Or is Moscow simply planning to secure the
    additional gas Europe needs from Central Asia, buying at one price
    and then selling Russian - or Central Asian - gas at quite another
    to its European customers?

    * Option Two: Drastically cut back the projected growth of gas
    imports by switching rapidly to other forms of energy. This is a
    painful choice since much of Europe's hopes of meeting its climate
    change targets depend on continued use of gas in preference to oil
    and, especially, coal. It will be very expensive in the short run,
    though beneficial in the long, to ensure that renewables - not oil
    and coal - take the place of missing gas supplies and so ensure that
    climate change targets remain attainable.

    The last two options follow from a commitment to proceed with the
    Fourth Corridor.

    * Option Three: Turn to Iran. This not only requires resolution of the
    Iranian nuclear dispute, but also a radical change of policy in Iran
    to ensure production capable of filling a major 30 billion cubic meters
    per year gas pipeline to Europe such as Nabucco. Iran's gas development
    programmes are running slow, while the vast majority of the gas is
    earmarked for domestic use, not least to maintain oil production.

    Moreover, so long as Iran stands to earn far more from oil sales than
    it does from gas, it is unlikely to look for more than a token level of
    exports - perhaps around the 10 billion cubic meters per year mark -
    for delivery to European customers beyond Turkey. It is reasonable to
    suppose, however, that Iraq might also produce an equivalent amount
    for export to EU markets.

    * Option Four: Push ahead with plans for increased gas purchases from
    Caspian suppliers. But consumer countries - and particularly their
    governments - may have to exert well over twice the effort to secure
    perhaps only half of what they hoped to accomplish in their pre-war
    energy diplomacy with Caspian gas producers. Governmental commitments
    may tap into Azerbaijani gas, but, after the Georgian war, it is hard
    to see them developing a trans-Caspian pipeline to reach Turkmen gas.

    Azerbaijan's dependence on existing infrastructure, and the role
    played by major western companies in developing both its resources
    and the accompanying export systems, make it possible to envisage
    continued development of Azerbaijani gas resources beyond the Phase
    Two expansion of the giant Shakh Deniz gas field that should produce
    around 21 to 25 billion cubic meters between 2014 and 2016, thus
    filling the BTE line to its designated 20 billion cubic meters per
    year capacity, with some to spare for domestic needs.

    But it will almost certainly require European governments, or the
    EU, to underwrite long-term agreements. These would be not only for
    the purchase of specific volumes of Azerbaijani gas and for gasline
    security to bring them to market, but also, if necessary, for the
    physical construction of new infrastructure projects, such as the 30
    billion cubic meters per year Nabucco, designed to serve EU markets
    as a whole.

    Who else will underwrite the increasing political risk of projects in
    the South Caucasus? It is hard to see commercial banks being willing
    to invest in fresh schemes involving transit across Georgia while
    the military situation remains, to say the least, delicate.

    Even before the conflict, there was serious discussion about the
    need for governmental guarantees on volumes, now they are absolutely
    essential. Governments will have to play a far more active role while
    anticipating smaller returns, since the Georgian war, and unrest in
    Turkmenistan itself, are now prompting Ashkhabad to adopt a far more
    cautious approach to a trans-Caspian pipeline.

    Officially, Turkmenistan's view is that pipelines across the Caspian
    are purely a matter for the states at either end of the line;
    in practice, it is likely to think twice before flouting Russian
    beliefs that no trans-Caspian pipeline should be built without the
    approval of all five Caspian littoral states. This would effectively
    give Russia a veto on a potential gas pipeline from Turkmenistan or
    Kazakhstan to Azerbaijan, or a prospective oil pipeline from Kazakhstan
    to Azerbaijan.


    As EU energy officials ponder these issues - and the equally important
    task of developing a proper Europe-wide gas distribution grid -
    much will depend on Russia's attitude. A full Russian withdrawal
    from positions in Georgia outside the boundaries of South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia would obviously improve the environment significantly. But,
    at the time of writing, Russian troops still occupy undisputed parts of
    Georgia that have immediate implications for regional energy security.

    In mid-September, Russian forces were still close to and possibly
    astride the 150,000 barrels per day Baku-Supsa line - which remains
    shut by force majeure - and either on or beside key road and rail
    routes routinely used for ferrying oil from Azerbaijan and energy
    industry components. They were due to withdraw from such positions
    under a September 8 agreement brokered by French President Nicolas
    Sarkozy. And indeed some positions had been relinquished.

    Near Gori, Russian troops were just 25 kilometres north of the giant
    twin pipelines, BTC and BTE, which carry Azerbaijani oil and gas
    across Georgia to Turkey.

    At the same time, Russian-equipped Armenian forces hold positions in
    the disputed territory of Nagorny-Karabagh just 15 kilometres south
    of the BTC. At the very least, one consequence of Russian willingness
    to use overwhelming force in support of its objectives should be
    to make Azerbaijan think twice about considering a military option
    to recover Armenian-occupied territory for fear of losing its main
    energy export systems.

    If the Georgian war has sparked one overriding political change that
    carries over into the energy sphere, it is that the time available
    for taking decisions has shrunk phenomenally. After NATO's military
    intervention in Kosovo in 1999, NATO and the EU, in cooperation with
    the United Nations, spent nine years trying both to rebuild Kosovo
    and to secure an international consensus about its future. Russia,
    on the other hand, took just nine days to move from the official end
    of its military operations on August 17 to its declaration on August
    26 that it was recognising the independence not only of the territory
    that was the subject of its military intervention, South Ossetia,
    but of another, Abkhazia, which had not even been directly involved
    in recent fighting. RAPID MOVES

    In practice, Russia demonstrated - under some provocation from Georgian
    President Mikheil Saakashvili's assault on South Ossetia - just how
    rapidly it was prepared to use the full panoply of state power to
    change conditions on the ground. In the wake of the war there are
    major questions that only Russia can answer.

    Does Russia worry that it may have overstepped the mark? How much is it
    concerned that it has failed to secure support from its Central Asian
    partners - and China - in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation? How
    much is it anxious about not being part of a wider world community,
    staying out of the World Trade Organization, being sidelined in the G8
    group of leading economies, developing what may prove to be little or
    nothing more than an energy economy, not a broad based industrial -
    let alone post-industrial - economy? Has Russia put all its eggs in
    one basket?

    One question in particular requires an answer. How much is Russia
    concerned that European consumers fear it may not be able to produce
    the kind of increase in energy exports that they expect? this factor
    is all the more important if, as a result of the Georgian crisis,
    there is less Caspian energy available for export to Europe and less
    investment for new infrastructure inside Russia?

    These are big questions and, in large part, the answers depend on
    Russian actions in the Caucasus. Russia may not have started this
    war, but it increasingly looks as if it is up to Russia to finish
    it. The terms on which Russia does that will determine our common
    energy future.


    No-one really knows just how much gas Europe will require over
    the next decade or two, precisely because so much depends on policy
    choices taken both by European consumers and by current or prospective
    suppliers. But it is not disputed that - short of a radical change of
    emphasis away from gas - the likelihood of a sharp decline in European
    domestic gas production means there will be a need for increased
    gas imports. Brendan Devlin, a senior EU official trying to develop
    the Fourth Corridor concept, estimated in April that increased gas
    imports between 2005 and 2020 were expected to range between 71 and
    204 billion cubic meters.


    Copyright Royal Institute of International Affairs Oct 2008

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