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Armenia Expected To Have Double-Digit Growth Of GDP This Year Too

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  • Armenia Expected To Have Double-Digit Growth Of GDP This Year Too


    Noyan Tapan
    Oc t 8, 2008

    YEREVAN, OCTOBER 8, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenia is expected to have a
    double-digit growth of GDP this year too - thanks to the high activity
    in the construction sector, is said in the section on Armenia of
    Grant Thornton company's International Business Report 2008, which
    was presented on October 8 by Gurgen Hakobian, Armenian representative
    of the company.

    By the report, based on the high food import prices and international
    oil prices, as well as on the great domestic demand it can be
    expected that in late 2008 the consumer price index will make about
    7%, exceeding the announced inflation index of 4%. Nevertheless,
    according to G. Hakobian, this index is lower as compared with those
    of neighboring countries, and it is expected that in 2009 it will
    decline and remain within the announced limits. This year's budget
    will have a deficit in the amount of 1.2% of GDP, as a result of
    which the real appreciation of foreign currency will become possible.

    It is noted in the report that in the majority of the 34 countries
    studied, enterprises of the private sector are optimistic about
    the prospects of the year. It is the fifth year that India tops
    the table as a country which is most optimistic about the economy,
    while Japan is at the bottom due to its pessimism. The enterprises of
    Armenia's private sector are more optimistic about the results of 2008
    than last year. The level of optimism concerning profitability has
    exceeded the world average, while the level of optimism about export
    is slightly lower than the world average. The index of real growth
    of the employment was lower in Armenia than was forecast in 2007.

    As regards the importance of the factors decisive for international
    investments, the size of an economy and its development potential are
    important for Armenian as well as international entrepreneurship. The
    number of exporting enterprises in Armenia (34%) is below the
    world average (39%) and the 2007 index of 36%. The number of
    importing enterprises makes 72% in Armenia, exceeding the world
    average of 39%. Two thirds of Armenian businessmen see their
    rivals in the domestic market. This index exceeds almost two-fold
    the world average. Enterprises of Armenia's private sector (83%)
    and international businessmen (70%) consider the quality of products
    and services as their greatest competitive advantage. 75% of Armenian
    enterprises consider human resource and skilful workforce as the main
    competitive advantage - as compared with the world index of 55%.

    It is noteworthy that surveys are conducted by Grant Thornton's
    representatives in various countries. The company operates in more than
    100 countries. An increasing number of countries is being involved in
    surveys with every passing year. It is the second year that Armenia
    has participated in studies.