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McCain's Armenia Problem

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  • McCain's Armenia Problem

    by Daniel Nichanian

    Atlantic Online
    October 8, 2008

    "In the superheated world of ethnic grievance politics, rarely do
    presidential elections feature such a clear contrast between two
    candidates. In California, New Jersey, Michigan and Nevada, that
    contrast could hurt McCain."

    Eight years ago, George W. Bush was battling an
    unexpectedly competitive John McCain for the GOP's presidential
    nomination. Scheduled to vote just days after South Carolina, Michigan
    suddenly looked decisive--and its substantial Armenian-American
    population became an attractive voting block.

    Three days before the vote, Governor Bush sent a letter to two
    Armenian-American businessmen addressing the Armenian community's
    biggest demand--recognition that the 1915 extermination of Armenians in
    the Ottoman Empire was an act of genocide. The Turkish government to
    this day denies that any genocide occurred, and no president since
    Ronald Reagan has used that term while in office. Bush pledged
    to correct that. "The Armenians were subjected to a genocidal
    campaign," he wrote. "If elected President, I would ensure that
    our nation properly recognizes the tragic suffering of the Armenian
    people." Bush lost in Michigan, won the presidency ... and then bailed
    on his pledge. Last fall, the House of Representatives looked set
    to adopt a resolution affirming the Armenian genocide. But as Turkey
    threatened to disrupt its commercial ties with the United States and
    to invade Iraq, President Bush warned that America could not afford
    to alienate Turkey and pushed Congress to drop the measure.

    Today, Edgar Hagopian, one of the letter's two recipients, acknowledges
    his disappointment. "I have written to President Bush many times
    but have not gotten a response," he said, reeling at the remarkable
    turnaround that transformed Bush into the biggest obstacle to an
    official recognition.

    Bush's record is sure to haunt McCain's 2008 presidential run, but
    it's not as if the Arizona senator needed any help in alienating
    Armenian-Americans. McCain's own stance against genocide recognition
    and his relative indifference toward bilateral relations with Armenia
    have been a matter of record since well before George W. Bush emerged
    on the national stage. Barack Obama, conversely, looked committed to
    the affirmation of the events of 1915 as a genocide long before he
    decided on a presidential run. In fact, in the superheated world of
    ethnic grievance politics, rarely do presidential elections feature
    such a clear contrast between two candidates. In the case of states
    with a substantial Armenian-American presence (including California,
    New Jersey, Michigan and Nevada) that contrast could hurt McCain.

    Historically, neither party has owned the support of
    Armenian-Americans. Rather than stake their fortune with one party,
    national advocacy groups--starting with the Armenian National Committee
    of America (ANCA) and the Armenian Assembly of America--have pursued
    a bipartisan course.

    Thanks in part to this strategy, the Armenian-American community
    has grown into a highly effective interest group. Cory Welt of
    Georgetown's Eurasian Strategy Project mentions the Armenian lobby's
    strength as an explanation for what he calls the "exceptional" size
    of Armenian foreign aid. The Congressional Caucus on Armenian issues
    has a bipartisan leadership (it is co-chaired by a Democrat from New
    Jersey, Rep. Frank Pallone, and a Republican from Michigan, Rep. Joe
    Knollenberg) and a large contingent of 150 members, including 13 of
    Michigan's 15 U.S. Representatives, 38 of California's 53 and 11 of
    New Jersey's 13.