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The Bad, The Good, And The Ugly

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  • The Bad, The Good, And The Ugly

    Brian Fitzpatrick

    10/9/2008 10:10:00 AM

    The media-cultural scene is exploding right now, with so many
    significant developments we can't write about just one. Instead,
    we're touching on three stories, ranging from very good to very bad
    to just plain awful, because of the insights they offer about the
    media's role in shaping our culture.

    Let's begin with the bad. Hollywood has been openly promoting
    homosexuality at least since 1997, when Ellen DeGeneres publicly
    declared her "orientation," and the entertainment networks jumped on
    the bandwagon by inserting homosexual characters into their shows. This
    year, the Tinseltown campaign to persuade Americans that homosexuality
    is healthy and normal has reached unprecedented heights, or depths,
    depending on how you look at it.

    As CMI's Colleen Raezler reports in her new Eye on Culture study,
    "Lavender Propaganda" [PDF], the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
    Defamation (GLAAD) is crowing that "the 2008-2009 television season
    contains a record number of homosexual, bisexual or transgendered
    characters," more than double the number from last year. We're up to
    35 characters spread across 21 series. 14 of these series are aired
    between 8 and 10 p.m., which includes the "family hour."

    GLAAD isn't crowing alone - they're backed by a sizable media
    chorus. Raezler cites "news" reports from CBS, Reuters, People
    magazine, ABC, the New York Times and CNN singing Hollywood's praises
    for advancing "equality" or "inclusiveness" or whatever. The word
    they ought to be using is "desensitization." One of the principal gay
    activist political strategies is to flood the nation with sympathetic
    portrayals of homosexuality, and to suppress any depictions of people
    overcoming this particular temptation. The media are marching in
    lockstep with this approach.

    These "news" reports fail to explore what the public really needs to
    know: Would accepting homosexuality be good or bad for individuals,
    families and society as a whole?

    On to the good. In movie theaters, Americans clearly voted with their
    wallets for good values over questionable ones.

    This weekend's box office top 10 contains three movies devoted to
    promoting certain cultural ideas. Of the three, the public preferred
    the two commendable flicks - Fireproof and An American Carol, which
    together grossed $7,879,000.

    Despite heavy hyping by the news media, as documented by CMI's
    Kristen Fyfe, Bill Maher's Religulous laid an egg. Maher's assault
    on religious faith barely made the Top 10 list, squeaking into the
    No. 10 slot with a take of $3,500,000. More Americans watched the
    ninth-ranked An American Carol, a star-studded parody of Michael Moore
    that celebrates patriotism. Even more chose to see eighth-ranked
    Fireproof, the latest low-budget, faith-affirming success produced
    by a Baptist church from Georgia.

    How frustrating it must be for movie moguls to watch the public turn up
    its nose at the progressive Religulous, preferring a conservative film
    produced for a measly half a million bucks by a flock of volunteer
    fundamentalists! Especially when Fireproof received almost no free
    media and had to make do with a marketing budget smaller than a
    Hollywood blockbuster's catering bill.

    Finally, the ugly. Our nation's civic virtues appear to be in serious
    decline, and Big Media is promoting the decay.

    American politics for decades have been a battle over values: the
    traditional values of self-reliance, moral self-control and God-given
    equality that animated our Founding Fathers, against a collectivist,
    morally self-indulgent, leader-seeking ideology imported from foreign

    We used to teach our children that government was a useful servant
    but a fearful master, as George Washington warned us. We relied
    on ourselves, our families and our churches, not on a government
    controlled by a charismatic leader. In consequence, cults of
    personality were alien to us. Now we see a cult of personality in
    full flower, with the media casting aside any objectivity in their
    adulation of Barack Obama.

    Even more scary, on Monday the Drudge Report showed the world a video
    of Kansas City junior high school students chillingly called the
    "Obama Youth." We watch boys clad uniformly in camouflage pants and
    dark T-shirts declare, fists clenched, that "because of Obama" they
    can become chemical engineers, scientists or mechanics. The teacher
    who furnished the video to the local Fox TV station has now been
    suspended - not for using public funds to teach the kids to worship
    Obama, but for allowing the video to be seen in public.

    Another YouTube video, "Sing for Change for Obama," shows a choir of
    California grade schoolers, directed by adults, singing about the hope
    instilled in them by Obama. A YouTube send up of the video has renamed
    it "Sing for Change for Obama, Dear Leader," pointing up the parallel
    to the object of the world's most oppressive cult of personality,
    dictator Kim Jong Il of North Korea.

    Now, to tie these three stories together. In college I worked for
    an aged Armenian lady who was a child when the Red Army conquered
    her native land. She told me that the Communists didn't bother with
    the adults as long as they didn't resist Soviet rule. The commissars
    focused instead on indoctrinating the schoolchildren, because they
    represented the future.

    I also studied in Germany, and lived with a German family whose mother
    and father had both been members of the Hitler Youth. The mother told
    me about the immense social pressure exerted on her by teachers and
    peers to commit herself to Adolph Hitler.

    Don't get me wrong. I am not comparing Obama to Hitler. I am merely
    suggesting that some propaganda techniques in use today are cause for
    great concern. While many adults are resisting Hollywood's efforts to
    impose radical values, as suggested by their preference for movies
    that promote patriotism and religion, some schoolchildren are being
    taught to worship the leader. The media's shameful, one-sided coverage
    of Barack Obama is not far removed from the worshipful videos of
    star-struck kids.

    Defenders of traditional values need to understand that the battle
    for the country will be won not by the side that prevails in today's
    political squabbles, but by the side that captures the imagination
    of the generation to come.

    Brian Fitzpatrick, a frequent contributor to OneNewsNow, is senior
    editor for the Culture and Media Institute. This article is printed
    with permission.

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