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How To Achieve A "Heated Autumn"?

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  • How To Achieve A "Heated Autumn"?

    Kima Yeghiazaryan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    10 Oct 2008

    As they say, the futile attempts of setting the old and new Republicans
    against each other come "from the dawn of times".

    When, at the successive critical stage, the media supporting the
    Armenian Pan-National Movement, takes an active initiative of delving
    into the activities of the Republicans and, looking through the
    keyhole for several days and weeks, assures us that there is some
    "growing scandal" or at least "discontent" inside party, you just
    cannot help watching the amusing soap opera.

    As we already mentioned, the advocates of the Armenian Pan-National
    Movement have started performing this kind of strictly important task
    "since time immemorial".

    Following the 1998 "palace coup", they started targeting the
    Republicans periodically, in an attempt to push their way through
    some space "between the ring and the finger" and reveal some "sharp
    controversies" that have allegedly arisen inside the party.

    Hardly a month after Vazgen Sargsyan's being elected as the Head of the
    Republican Party, these people got anxious and started disseminating
    statements that the new leader allegedly oppressed and ignored the
    old Republicans and left them in the shadow. After Mr. Sargsyan's
    becoming a Prime Minister, they continued20the same practice, saying
    that he didn't appreciate the potential of the "old residents", and
    none of the old members of the party was represented in the Government.

    After the "October 27" tragedy, V. Sargsyan already became an "old"
    Republican, so the activists started accusing the "new members" of not
    showing any interest in the disclosure of the case. In this period,
    it was particularly ridiculous to hear them announcing that the old
    Republicans, together with the "Yerkrapah" members, were about to
    make a joint demand for impeaching the President. And that happened
    during the first year of the trial.

    And the information was quite reliable since it had been "reported"
    to the correspondents of the Armenian Pan-National Movement by some
    of the "old" RPA members who didn't want to disclose their names. At
    the same time, they had announced that they were not going to tolerate
    the existing situation inside the party and would do their utmost for
    returning the RPA to its origins, since the it had deviated from the
    ideas preached by Ashot Navasardyan.

    Let's note that a "new" Republican in that period was Andranik
    Margaryan who, in his turn, ruthlessly ignored even the opinion of
    the dissidents of the 1960's, i.e. the former activists of the United
    National Party.

    And thus, the developments around20the conflict between the old and new
    members continued till the moment when the "oldest members" who didn't
    want to disclose their names "stopped" making the alleged complaints to
    the correspondents. And it doesn't even make sense to say that all this
    story was nothing more than the product of the fantasy of the latter.

    Anyway, this fantasy was fading away for the successive time in
    view of the great disappointment of those correspondents who were
    eventually making sure that the prospect of splitting the Republican
    Party of Armenia and exacerbating the internal political situation
    in the aftermath was not realistic. Alas! The "sharp debates" they
    had invented were "dying out" even in such situations when, having
    thoroughly studied the pre-election list of the Republican Party of
    Armenia, they announced that none of the old members was to be found
    in the top ten horizons. And becoming offended, they would state that
    the names of the old members had appeared on such horizons that were
    unlikely to secure for them seats in the Parliament.

    And finding ourselves in a state of terror, we would wait for some
    fight between those who had won seats in the Parliament and those
    who hadn't, and thought we would no longer be able to prevent the
    dangerous developments. Because the correspondents who had received
    information from their own sources of the Republican P arty of Armenia
    were persisting in their statements that the old members whose names
    had appeared in the final horizons of the pre-election list had
    threatened to quit the party. The extremely tense atmosphere observed
    during the sessions of the RPA Council and the nervous strides in the
    corridors promised a vigorous confrontation. And that, in its turn,
    would automatically lead to an internal political crisis.

    And we have followed quite a lot of similar virtual developments
    that were assiduously invented by the selfless correspondents just
    in front of our eyes.

    And the recent attempt of stirring up the "ambitions" of the old
    and new members and making every possible effort to split them fall
    flat again.

    We believe you still remember what "compassion" they displayed
    for Tigran Torosyan when the latter submitted his two resignation
    letters. They announced that following Tigran Torosyan's example,
    the ideological old members would very soon quit the Republican Party
    and join the ex-Speaker.

    And even if there is no new "splitting", the old members will go on
    walking in low spirits. Besides, there are hopes that Tigran Torosyan
    who displayed an unprecedentedly "bold posture" will appear in the
    Northern Avenue.

    However, the recent attempt of the activists appeared to be the most
    "amusing". And maybe these people will not get a wink of sleep till
    Octo ber 20 when the name of the new RPA leader is announced during
    the NA four-day session which is going start on that day. And before
    that, they still have 10 days to continue the practice of sowing
    dissention between the old and new members. Circulating the names
    of the two candidates, they now say that the passions inside the
    Republican Party are running high since the old members are against
    Edward Sharmazanov's candidacy and the new members are against Galoust
    Sahakyan's candidacy and they "predict" terrible developments in case
    of the election of the former.

    And there's no one telling them, "You know that's none of your
    business. Does it matter to you who will become the leader of the RPA
    faction, the largest political group in the parliament?" It isn't
    as though the LTP and the activists of his new movement demanded
    extraordinary parliamentary elections.

    There's no one saying, "If your demand still remains in force, why
    are you making such a fuss and suffering so much if the new leaders,
    no matter who he is, will not manage to enjoy his new status as the
    revolutionaries are going to hold their exclusive rally on October 17,
    till the start of the NA four-day session?" And then, God knows what
    will happen.

    So, do away with your sufferings. You will still have a lot of
    occasions for inciting new clashes between the old and20new Republicans
    after the extraordinary session.

    So, this is a subject of "endless discussions" that cannot be exhausted
    in any way.