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Interview Of Vladimir Kazimirov, The Former Co-Chair Of OSCE Minsk G

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  • Interview Of Vladimir Kazimirov, The Former Co-Chair Of OSCE Minsk G

    By Mariam Levina

    2008-10-09 11:56:00

    - What do you think of the current stage of Karabakh conflict
    settlement? Do you see the so-called 'window of opportunities' there?

    - You are not likely to mean the current stage i.e. after the elections
    in Armenia. You mean the stage that will follow the elections in
    Azerbaijan and the analysis of the 'five-day war'.

    Here one can easily find himself in self-delusion. Certainly if
    compared with the previous stage the 'window of opportunities' should
    objectively be extended and in the light the lessons of the recent
    events and after overcoming the narrowed opportunities before the
    election. It will be easier for the presidents and ministers meet more
    often, though it is not the most optimal form for the serious regular
    talks. But this will hardly be enough for real progress. The stands
    of the parties are very polar and it is not clear if the leaders
    will have enough political will and courage to make compromises,
    "forgetting" their former too tough requirements.

    Everything depends mostly on all the three conflicting parties.

    I guess we need some time for the situation to mature.

    - Azerbaijani party regularly makes attempts to discuss the Karabakh
    conflict in the UN. Do you think suc h attempts reasonable?

    - It is rather aspiration for 'soap bubbles' i.e. propagandist scores
    than for real breakthroughs.

    If the parties have not fulfilled any requirement of the four
    resolutions of the UN Security Council dated 1993, except the
    cease-fire (though not all the military and hostile actions), it
    is naive counting on fulfillment of just advisory and more formal
    resolutions of UN General Assembly like the last one. UN Security
    Council may go into Karabakh problem again only subject to some
    essential progress and with great care.

    - Zeyno Baran, Senior Fellow and Director of Hudson's Center for
    Eurasian Policy, the spouse of OSCE MG US Co-chair, stated not so long
    ago that the cooperation of Russia and the USA within OSCE MG is no
    longer possible given Russia's actions in Georgia. Do you think such
    statement, even not official, grounded? How effective is the current
    format of the negotiations within OSCE MG?

    - These are lacks of pointless judgments, facilitation of formal logic:
    if it is bad here, there must be bad there as well. The activity of
    OSCE MG Co-chairs can remain harmonious. It is evident taking into
    consideration the joint statement by the mediators in New York in
    late September. The effectiveness of their efforts depends not only
    on them but mostly on the heads of the parties to the conflict. I
    guess there are reserves to improve the mediation but I see no
    format bet ter than Minsk Group Co-chairmanship for settlement of
    the Karabakh conflict. The mediators have in vain concentrated just
    on the principles of the settlement for many years. There are many
    important though private issues (for instance incidents) that should be
    discussed alongside with the principles. There is more than enough time
    for that. After all, in conditions of the years-long deadlock when no
    issue except the ceasefire was settled, breakthroughs even in 'private'
    issues, in 'small things', would be of a great importance. It is
    easier to make compromises in particular cases than in global picture.

    - What do you think about Turkey's activation particularly in Karabakh
    conflict settlement? Can Turkey's participation in the negotiation
    process have any positive effect on it taking into account Ankara's
    stand and its brother relations with Baku?

    - Against the background of the confusions in South Caucasus and even
    out of its bounds, Turkey presently positions itself as a supporter of
    peaceful settlement of disputes and cooperation in the region, which
    is welcomed. Of course, the proposal on the Caucasus Platform is too
    abstract still and needs many consultations and specifications. It
    will be very difficult to set forth this idea as a draft and even to
    materialize it in some way, however, it may serve a positive guide
    for future. Taking into account close relations with Baku and the
    first contacts with Yerevan, Ankara could play a useful role in
    comprehension of lessons of the latest events, as well as in the
    Karabakh conflict settlement as a Minsk Group member, if it stood
    back of its too obvious one-sidedness.

    -May the sample of Abkhazia and South Ossetia become precedent for
    recognition of Nagorny Karabakh essentially and how impartial is the
    world community in such situations? Moreover, how much effective and
    realizable you think the international law is or the 'law of might'
    is more effective?

    - I think that precedents can be neither automatic nor momentary. In
    the fight of the two well-known Helsinki principles much depends on the
    place, time and specific circumstances. Could the territorial integrity
    of Georgia, which was not so convincing from the very beginning, remain
    'inviolable' after repeated application of force by its leadership?

    Over the last 20 years there have been already 20 force executions
    to the national minorities there. It is rather difficult speaking
    of the role of the world community in it in general. Recognition of
    other states is the sovereign right of every state though somebody
    would like to turn it into a subject of his dictatorship or a ban in
    the name of allegedly collective decision.

    The present crisis in the world order is the result of the force
    atavisms and full negligence of the international law despite loud
    referring to the latter.0D

    - Leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan as well as of the Nagorny Karabakh
    Republic, on the one hand, and MG co-chairs and representatives of the
    co-chair states on the other hand, regularly make various statements on
    the negotiation process and the content of 'Madrid Proposals'. Their
    statements, to put it softly, not always coincide. The Armenian
    party insists on the document that stipulates the Nagorny Karabakh
    people's right to self-determination, and the Azerbaijani party says
    the document supposes settlement of the conflict within the frames
    of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Is it possible to suppose
    or assert who is right?

    - It is the propagandist cording of rope - each party wants to calm
    down its fellow citizens, although one is not so much right and another
    one is not right at all. OSCE MG co-chairs' suggestion still remains
    like a suggestion but not an arrangement until all the parties accept
    it. Their suggestion about expression of will of the people of Nagorny
    Karabakh regarding its status (either referendum, plebiscite or just
    vote) is probably stemming from the self-determination principle,
    but one can hardly say it fixes that.

    Mediators seem not give way to a simple trick to hold a referendum
    in the whole Azerbaijan, which was additionally written in its
    Constitution specially for such purpose. In Baku they dispute about
    the Madrid proposals being a document. It is certainly a do cument,
    but only like an offer of the intermediaries, but not an agreement
    yet. So, both parties are wrong in different way.

    - Would you comment on the statement by President of Armenia Serzh
    Sargsyan that Azerbaijan could try to attract residents in the region
    and increase their interest through investments in economy of Nagorny

    - When the conflict is settled, such proposal may obtain a real
    sense. So far it is just definition of the far future or a trick in
    order not to say 'joke' like somebody did.

    - Do you think personal contacts of the leaders of conflicting parties
    important for settlement of Karabakh or any other conflict?

    - Of course. However, in such a complicate conflict and polarity of the
    positions of the parties, one should not lay the whole responsibility
    on the first persons. Quite on the contrary, it is better lay it
    on a whole team of ministers, their deputies, and experts. Then,
    it will be easier to go on concessions and it will be more difficult
    for demagogues to blame top officials for yielding positions or even
    betraying national interests. After all, it is a collective decision.

    - Sharp growth of the cases of the cease-fire regime breaking have been
    registered over the current year. Simultaneously, both the Armenian and
    Azerbaijani press keeps on anti-propaganda and formation of the image
    of enemy. In the case of Azerbaijan, it is backed by militaristic =0
    D rhetoric of the Azerbaijani authorities. What do you think about
    the role of Mass Media in reconciliation of the two nations? Is it
    possible without the state policy?

    - It is a multi-layer question. Only after the 3-4 March big incident
    the co-chairs remembered about the timeless agreement of all the three
    parties dated February 1995 about fortification of the cease-fire
    regime, that is about the order of resolving incidents at the line of
    contact. The parties stopped fulfilling it long ago. A sacramental
    but principle question arises - Why do the parties need agreements
    if they do not fulfill them? Will the agreement signed on the basis
    of the basic principles be an exclusion?

    -Yerevan and Stepanakert have repeatedly said they are ready to return
    to fulfillment of the agreement, but Baku is quiet, though it reports
    almost every day on the cease-fire regime breaking by Armenians. A
    naive person thinks Baku worries about the incidents. But where are
    its suggestions in this matter? The incidents with victims are the
    means of raising tension, hatred and enmity.

    This is the resource of those who are still dreaming about the
    force revenge. One should not indulge a vain hope that no bellicose
    statement has been heard since August of the current year, since it
    is not abandoning of the militaristic rhetoric but just a forced
    pause of a person who has suddenly gagged on something. This is a
    convenient moment for=2 0the moral shooting of the 'shrill hawks'.

    The role of Mass Media is rather big both in reconciling two nations
    and making them confront. Which God to serve? It much depends also
    on the course of a state. However, I would like to believe in the
    ability of the thinking class - journalists - to define the Gods of
    good and evil.

    - Thank you for interview.