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NKR: Congratulatory Address of President Bako Sahakyan

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  • NKR: Congratulatory Address of President Bako Sahakyan


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    10 Oct 08
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    In Connection with the Day of Stepanakert and the 85th Anniversary of
    the Capital (October 11, 2008) Dear friends and residents of
    Stepanakert, I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Stepanakert and
    the 85th anniversary of our capital. The city that is more than 1500
    years old became capital only in 1923. Since then Stepanakert has been
    the face of Artsakh and the pride of Karabagh people. It is a hub of
    scientific, cultural and economic potential of our country. This is why
    even in the harsh years of Artsakh war, when the city was one of the
    main targets of the enemy, state authorities and citizens did
    everything possible for fast restoration of the capital. Today the
    rapidly developing and prospering city of Stepanakert appears before
    the world in a new status - as the capital of free and independent
    Nagorno Karabagh Republic, which has special significance and role for
    the entire Armenian people. The issues related to the development of
    the capital are in the spotlight of the state's authorities. A number
    of projects that aim to give a new impetus to economic development and
    improvement of living standards of the population have been realized.
    Great attention is paid to sports and cultural life. Among the top
    priorities is water supply of the capital. This project has alrea
    been launched and will be completed in a few years. A new impulse is
    given to of house construction, development of suburban areas and
    improvement of courtyards. Friends, all these projects can be
    successfully fulfilled if each of us becomes more compassionate and
    attentive towards our native city, works with a greater devotion and
    diligence and does everything possible to keep our native Stepanakert
    always clear and beautiful, happy and young, strong and prosperous. I
    am confident that the present day residents of Stepanakert will do
    everything to multiply all the good traditions formed in the course of
    the city's history, preserve its glory and historical character. I
    heartily congratulate all of us on this memorable day once again and
    wish peace, prosperity and further success to our capital, its old and
    new, adult and young citizens. They are the true wealth of our city.
    Happy holiday, dear citizens!