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McCain's Armenia Problem (full article)

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  • McCain's Armenia Problem (full article)

    The Atlantic Monthly
    October 8, 2008 an-american-vote

    McCain's Armenia Problem

    by Daniel Nichanian

    Eight years ago, George W. Bush was battling an unexpectedly competitive
    John McCain for the GOP's presidential nomination. Scheduled to vote
    just days after South Carolina, Michigan suddenly looked decisive-and
    its substantial Armenian-American population became an attractive voting

    Three days before the vote, Governor Bush sent a letter to two
    Armenian-American businessmen addressing the Armenian community's
    biggest demand-recognition that the 1915 extermination of Armenians
    < n_Genocide> in the Ottoman Empire
    was an act of genocide. The Turkish government to this day denies that
    any genocide occurred, and no president since Ronald Reagan has used
    that term while in office. Bush pledged to correct that. "The Armenians
    were subjected to a genocidal campaign," he wrote. "If elected
    President, I would ensure that our nation properly recognizes the tragic
    suffering of the Armenian people." Bush lost in Michigan, won the
    presidency ... and then bailed on his pledge. Last fall, the House of
    Representatives looked set to adopt a resolution affirming the Armenian
    genocide. But as Turkey threatened to disrupt its commercial ties with
    the United States and to invade Iraq, President Bush warned that America
    could not afford to alienate Turkey and pushed Congress to drop the

    Today, Edgar Hagopian, one of the letter's two recipients, acknowledges
    his disappointment. "I have written to President Bush many times but
    have not gotten a response," he said, reeling at the remarkable
    turnaround that transformed Bush into the biggest obstacle to an
    official recognition.

    Bush's record is sure to haunt McCain's 2008 presidential run, but it's
    not as if the Arizona senator needed any help in alienating
    Armenian-Americans. McCain's own stance against genocide recognition and
    his relative indifference toward bilateral relations with Armenia have
    been a matter of record since well before George W. Bush emerged on the
    national stage. Barack Obama, conversely, looked committed to the
    affirmation of the events of 1915 as a genocide long before he decided
    on a presidential run. In fact, in the superheated world of ethnic
    grievance politics, rarely do presidential elections feature such a
    clear contrast between two candidates. In the case of states with a
    substantial Armenian-American presence (including California, New
    Jersey, Michigan and Nevada) that contrast could hurt McCain.

    Historically, neither party has owned the support of Armenian-Americans.
    Rather than stake their fortune with one party, national advocacy
    groups-starting with the Armenian National Committee of America
    <> (ANCA) and the Armenian Assembly of America
    <> -have pursued a bipartisan course.

    Thanks in part to this strategy, the Armenian-American community has
    grown into a highly effective interest group. Cory Welt of Georgetown's
    Eurasian Strategy Project mentions the Armenian lobby's strength as an
    explanation for what he calls the "exceptional" size of Armenian foreign
    aid. The Congressional Caucus on Armenian issues
    < > has a bipartisan leadership
    (it is co-chaired by a Democrat from New Jersey, Rep. Frank Pallone, and a
    Republican from Michigan, Rep. Joe Knollenberg) and a large contingent
    of 150 members, including 13 of Michigan's 15 U.S. Representatives, 38
    of California's 53 and 11 of New Jersey's 13.

    As a result, there has been little partisan divide on issues like
    genocide recognition and Armenian foreign aid, and past presidential
    candidates on the left and on the right were careful to pander to
    Armenian-American concerns. George H. W. Bush and his son both talked of
    genocide prior to their election before resorting to euphemisms once in
    office; Bob Dole was one of the strongest advocates of recognition
    efforts, as was John Kerry, who also championed other issues including
    the opening of the Turkey-Armenia border.

    Denis Papazian, the Founding Director of the University of Michigan's
    Center of Armenian Studies <> ,
    explained that a sizable share of Armenian-American voters considers
    candidates' stances on Armenian issues and can be swayed by a pledge to
    support genocide recognition efforts. For instance, Papazian pointed to
    the strong support the community offered Bob Dole in 1996. He also
    estimated that Bush's letter during the 2000 campaign boosted his
    support in the Armenian-American community. "If two relatively neutral
    candidates are running," Papazian explained, "Armenian American voters
    will stay within the party [they usually feel the closest to]. But if
    one of them makes a promise to recognize the genocide, he will get a lot
    of votes."

    Papazian himself fits that description. A Dole supporter twelve years
    ago, he is now supporting Barack Obama-identifying the Illinois
    Senator's stance on recognition as a crucial factor in that decision.
    Another prominent Armenian-American who has undergone the same
    transition is Oscar Tatosian, the Chairman of the Diocesan Council of
    the Armenian Church of America <>.
    He , too, was a Dole supporter; he, too, describes himself as an
    independent and identifies genocide recognition as a primary issue; he,
    too, is supporting Obama. Both well-connected and highly-involved
    members of the Armenian community, Papazian and Tatosian professed to
    knowing many who share their outlook.

    Voters like Papazian and Tatosian are giving Democrats hope they can
    make inroads in the Armenian community. And while this might simply be
    due to a coincidental combination of one-time factors-a hostile
    Republican Administration, an unusually enthusiastic Democratic
    candidate and an uncommonly skeptical Republican
    nominee-Armenian-American issues have a decidedly more partisan feel
    this year.

    For one, the genocide question is only one of many issues on which the
    Bush Administration has attracted criticism from the Armenian community.
    Stephan Astourian, a professor of history at Berkeley, also lists
    "Bush's attempts at cutting the allocation of foreign help for Armenia
    almost every year, his clear orientation towards oil-based money and
    pro-Azerbaijan stance"-a reference to Armenia's conflict with Azerbaijan
    over the province of Nagorno-Karabagh.

    As importantly, McCain is the first presidential candidate in the past
    two decades who is on the record as opposing genocide recognition
    without already being a member of the incumbent Administration.
    Hagopian, one of the recipients of Bush's letter in 2000, remains a
    strong conservative who supports McCain's candidacy, but he admits his
    frustration with the Arizona Senator's positions. "He has not been a
    friend of the Armenian community," he said.

    In 1990, McCain voted against a recognition resolution that was
    sponsored by then-Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole. In 2000, campaigning
    for the Republican nomination in California, McCain confirmed that he
    would not support such a resolution. "It was not under this government
    in Turkey," McCain said. "I don't see what this resolution does to
    improve this situation one iota." The Senator has stuck to his position
    in 2008, attracting widespread criticism from Armenian groups. "I think
    the most dangerous part of Senator McCain is that he is toeing the old
    Cold War era line that Turkey is this invaluable ally we cannot offend,"
    warned Areen Ibranossian, the Chairman of Armenians for Obama
    <> , a group promoting the Illinois
    Senator among Armenian-Americans nationwide. (The McCain campaign did
    not return my requests for an interview.)

    By contrast, Obama has pledged that his Administration would recognize
    the 1915 extermination as an act of genocide. His campaign released two
    statements on this issue on January 19 and on April 28. "The facts are
    undeniable," one statement said. "An official policy that calls on
    diplomats to distort the historical facts is an untenable policy."
    Dennis Papazian predicted that Armenian voters "will shift towards Obama
    because of their belief that he will recognize the genocide."

    Some Republicans like Edgar Hagopian predict that a President Obama
    would renege on his pledge just as President Bush did, but Obama's
    supporters praise the sincerity of his commitment to Armenian-American
    concerns and point to his familiarity with these issues. "This is an
    individual who is more knowledgeable about Armenian-Americans than most
    candidates are and have been," said Rep. Pallone, the New Jersey
    Democrat who co-chairs the Caucus on Armenian Affairs. Obama spoke about
    the Armenian genocide well before launching his campaign, and many
    activists take that as reassurance that his stance is more than an
    electoral gimmick. Elizabeth Chouldjian, a spokesperson for the ANCA,
    and Areen Ibranossian both cited an Obama press conference during a
    congressional trip to Azerbaijan in 2005. Asked about his support for
    genocide affirmation in a country that has a tense relationship with
    Armenia, Obama did not shy away from reiterating his stance, a moment
    Ibranossian described as "extraordinary." "He had no reason to put out
    his neck and defend himself," he said.

    Nearly all of Obama's backers also point to his relationship with a
    high-profile adviser who is ironically no longer part of his campaign.
    In her work on genocide prevention and in her book A Problem from Hell
    < 0060541644/theatlanticmonthA/re%20%20f=3Dnosim> ,
    Samantha Power has focused on the international community's failure to
    recognize genocides like the one that decimated the Armenians in 1915,
    arguing that a proper understanding of past catastrophes is crucial to
    preventing genocides in the present. Power resigned from the campaign
    after calling Hillary Clinton a "monster" in March, but many in the
    Armenian community believe her outlook has shaped Obama's foreign
    policy views.

    The campaign's January 19 statement, for instance, connected the
    recognition of the Armenian genocide with broader issues of genocide
    prevention. "A principled commitment to commemorating and ending
    genocide," the statement said, "starts with acknowledging the tragic
    instances of genocide in world history."

    The contrast between Obama and McCain extends more broadly to the United
    States' relationship with the Republic of Armenia. Obama's January 19th
    statement pledged to maintain Armenian foreign aid and to move toward a
    resolution of the Karabagh conflict that would respect the "principle of
    self-determination"-language close to Armenian demands. The ANCA's
    Elizabeth Chouldjian praised Obama's positions as "the strongest we've
    gotten from a candidate in over ten years." (The ANCA endorsed Obama in
    January, just as it supported John Kerry in 2004; the group remained
    neutral in the 2000 election.) On the other hand, John McCain has
    remained largely silent on these issues, an attitude his critics deride
    as worrisome indifference.

    The California-based Armenians for Obama group plans to educate
    Armenian-American voters about these differences. The organization is
    conducting extensive phone bank operations to contact as many
    Armenian-American voters in swing states as possible. "Our first
    objective is to make sure that all Armenians know Obama's stance on
    issues," said Ibranossian, the group's chairman. "We take Obama's
    message and try to make it more consumable by Armenian-Americans, more
    relatable to their concerns."

    Ibranossian argued that extensive outreach in large Armenian communities
    in the Detroit and Las Vegas regions could prove decisive. "If we can
    get them out to vote," he said, "that could make the difference in
    swinging the election from red to blue." Armenian Republicans are
    mounting an effort of their own to help McCain, but they are getting a
    late start and the organization they are relying on-the National
    Organization of Republican Armenians <>
    (NORA)-has been largely inoperative over the past eight years.

    Like many others before him, Obama will have to weigh conflicting
    interests if he gets to the White House. Georgetown's Cory Welt points
    out that Obama "has been insistent on the importance of reaching out to
    international partners and that Turkey will be one of the countries that
    he will want to reach out to. He will quickly find the genocide issue to
    be an obstacle."

    Until then, Obama's position has given hope to many
    Armenian-Americans-even to those who are not planning on voting for him.
    A spokesperson for NORA and a McCain supporter, Peter Musurlian is
    nonetheless hopeful that President Obama might finally succeed in moving
    the United States towards genocide recognition. "I wouldn't cry in my
    beer if Obama is elected, I would say let's look at what he does on
    April 24th," he said, in a reference to the commemorative date of the
    Armenian genocide. "Hopefully he will do better than President Bush."