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Ankara: Armenia: Economy Hit By Georgian War

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  • Ankara: Armenia: Economy Hit By Georgian War

    By Naira Melkumian

    Journal of Turkish Weekly
    Monday , 13 October 2008

    Authorities say country suffered substantial economic losses as a
    result of August conflict.

    The war between Russia and Georgia has cost the Armenian economy
    nearly 700 million US dollars, the Yerevan authorities believe.

    They say the economy was hit by severe blows to foreign trade, tax
    collection and international investment. "The conflict [has been]
    a serious test for the sustainability of the Armenian economy,"
    said Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian.

    Commentators say foreign trade plunged largely because of war-related
    damage to the principal transportation routes between Armenia and
    Georgia, through which much of the country's imports and exports pass.

    As a result, Georgian imports were cut by an estimated 121 million
    dollars, slashing import tax revenue. At the same time, exports losses
    amounted to about 52 million dollars.

    The regional turmoil has also curbed the government's ambitious plans
    to boost income tax collection by 30 per cent this year. "Tension in
    the area as a result of the South Ossetian conflict meant Armenia did
    not collect the levels of income from tax anticipated in the budget,"
    said Gagik Minasian, the head of parliament's financial, credit and
    budgetary issues commission.

    But experts say the greatest damage caused to Armenia by the war has
    been the temporary suspension of foreign investments, totaling about
    300 million dollars.

    "The region itself is not very attractive in terms of investment,
    and, today, it has become way too insecure," said Heghine Manasian,
    director of the Caucasus Research and Resource Centre, CRRC.

    Manasian said the situation in Georgia had increased inflation and
    curbed economic growth.

    "If prices go up and people's income remains the same, consumption is
    likely to decline, meaning that traders won't be able to sell their
    goods. A difficult situation aggravated by the world financial crisis
    might emerge," said Manasian.

    However, the authorities denied that consumers had been hit by the
    conflict, insisting that any price increases were caused by panic

    "People queued for petrol for two days - because they panicked [that
    supplies were going to run dry]," said Sargsian, noting that state
    reserves of fuel had not been touched.

    In the wake of the conflict - which officials believe has cost the
    economy 680 million dollars - analysts say it is important Armenia
    does not rely so heavily on the import and export of goods through
    Georgia in future.

    "Two-thirds of foreign goods are coming through Georgian territory,"
    said Andranik Tevanian, the director of the Institute for Political,
    Economic and Legal Research. "This is why the Georgian conflict caused
    delays to and even suspended the transportation of cargo."

    While an alternative transport route through Iran has been proposed
    as a solution, Tevanian believes it would be a prohibitively expensive

    There are also indications that Armenia is looking at alternative
    ways of transporting goods through Georgia.

    On a recent visit to Georgia, Armenian president Serzh Sargsian raised
    the prospect of the building a new highway linking Yerevan with the
    city of Batumi, the capital of the autonomous republic of Adjara in
    southwest Georgia - cutting the current 700 kilometre route by about
    a third.

    Previously, much of Armenian exports were ferried through Georgia's
    land border with Russia, but the conflict has meant that Yerevan will
    become more reliant on its neighbour's Black Sea port.

    "If we start working [on the Yerevan-Batumi route] today, in two
    years' time, we'll have a transport route that is very important for
    Armenian economy," Armenian transport and communications minister
    Gurgen Sargsian told journalists recently.

    Experts have also cited the importance of developing alternative trade
    partners, emphasising the role Turkey could play. They say that the
    continued closure of the land border between Turkey and Armenia costs
    the economy around 500 million dollars annually.

    The Armenian government hopes that the recent thawing of relations
    with its western neighbour might offer new trading opportunities.

    A direct electricity supply from Armenia to Turkey will start in 2009,
    following the signing of an energy agreement during the visit of the
    Turkish president Abdullah Gul to Yerevan in September.

    "Developing closer political and economic relations with Turkey could
    be a precursor for...developing Armenia's economy," said Minasian.

    But other analysts remain sceptical. While Tevanian acknowledged that
    normalising relations with Ankara was important for the economy,
    he pointed out that Armenia had so far gleaned few benefits from
    the rapprochement.

    "We've made a step towards Turkey, but it is Turkey that had so far
    reaped political dividends in Europe - we see no tangible results
    from the so-called warming yet," he said.