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Why I Refuse To Vote

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  • Why I Refuse To Vote

    By Theodoros Karakostas

    Greek News
    October 13 @ 11:35:32
    New York

    Every time there is an election, there is the usual well intended
    public campaign to encourage voting. I am perhaps being cynical
    but I do not wish to participate in a process that for all intents
    and purposes is devoid of legitimacy. The fundamental topic of
    this commentary pertains to foreign policy and the defacto media
    blackout of certain issues, but the farce that constitutes present
    day politics deserves at least a slight mention as can be seen by
    the intellectually bankrupt displays that were showcased at both the
    Democratic and Republican National Conventions this past summer. Both
    of them constituted nothing more than entertainment value.

    There is a documentary film entitled, "Days Made of Fear" which
    features footage shot in Kosovo between 1999 and 2004. The difference
    between this film and what American television media outlets
    traditionally aired is that this features footage of the Serbian
    community. This film is evidence of the ethnic cleansing process of
    Serbs that has taken place under the auspices of NATO, the European
    Union, and the United Nations. Hundreds of Serbian Orthodox Churches
    and Monasteries were destroyed by Albanian Muslims during this period
    without any intervention on the part of the Western powers. Even
    worse, this footage has never been aired on American television
    because apparently it contradicts official anti-Serb hysteria that
    fueled the 1999 war on Belgrade.

    Earlier this year, the Bush administration emulated the Balkan
    policies of the Clinton administration and supported "independence" for
    Kosovo. American and European diplomats paid lip service to the rights
    of the Serbs in Kosovo, but no one addressed the horrific mistreatment
    of Serbs in Kosovo, nor have the westerners taken measures to impose
    sanctions on the Kosovo leadership in response to the mistreatment
    of Serbs and the destruction of Churches and Monasteries that have
    enormous spiritual and historic value.

    In addition, the Bush administration opposed passage of a Congressional
    Resolution that would have recognized the Armenian Genocide. During
    the period of 1914-1923, the Islamic leadership of the Ottoman
    Empire and its successor under the murderous figure of Mustafa
    Kemal slaughtered at least three million Armenian, Assyrian, and
    Greek Orthodox Christians. Turkish policies of ethnic cleansing have
    continued through the infamous anti-Greek pogroms of 1955, the Turkish
    invasions of Cyprus, and the present war by the Turkish paramilitary
    State against the Ecumenical Patriachate. Between 1993 and 2007, there
    have been at least six attempts to murder the Ecumenical Patriarch, but
    if one watched American television, one would not have noticed a thing.

    Events in Turkey, as with Kosovo and Serbia serve to demonstrate that
    censorship is a fact! The glorification of the late Turkish dictator
    Mustafa Kemal by numerous American think tanks and other interests
    doing the sinister bidding of the Turkish Islamo-military ruling
    coalition demonstrates for me the utter futility of participating
    in an election where the winner will inevitably be influenced by
    the notorious and well financed Turkish lobby into manipulating both
    history and supporting policies of ethnic cleansing against the Greeks
    of Cyprus. The degree to which American policy is manipulated can
    be seen by the fact that the official foreign policy establishment
    successfully persuaded both the Clinton and Bush administrations into
    betraying Greece by recognizing the government of Skopje under the
    name of "Macedonia".

    An enormous tragedy is playing out for the Christians of Iraq. During
    this past summer, the Archbishop of the Chaldean Catholics was murdered
    for refusing to pay extortion money to Islamic extremists. The
    Christians were at least secure under the former dictatorship that
    the Bush administration and its neo conservatives overthrew. The
    administration that waged war on Iraq never took into consideration
    what would happen to the Christians who have been fleeing to Syria,
    another potential target for the neo conservatives. Damascus is the
    home of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and there are at
    least one million Christians in Syria who will be secure, unless the
    next administration decides to implement "regime change" there.

    What has happened to the "war on terror"? The only discernible war to
    be noticed is the war on the Christian East which has been under way
    for decades. The West permitted Muslim Turkey to take Constantinople
    and Asia Minor in 1922, the Turkish invasions of Cyprus, and gave
    Kosovo, Serbia's Jerusalem to the Muslims. In Kosovo, Saudi Arabia
    is funding the construction of Mosques while Orthodox Churches and
    Monasteries burn. In the occupied territories of Cyprus, over five
    hundred and fifty Churches and Monasteries have been converted into
    Mosques, or are being used as stables where settlers from Turkey are
    housing their farm animals.

    In light of the appalling turmoil and tragedy that continues to
    engulf the Christian East, and in light of the fact that no matter
    which party comes to power, the think tanks will continue to press
    the next administration to continue with policies that have been to
    the detriment of Hellenism and Orthodoxy, I refuse to participate in
    the "voting" process since I believe that such participation would
    legitimize the undemocratic think tanks that continue to shape policies
    toward the Balkans, Turkey, Russia, and the Middle East.

    In conclusion, I lament and mourn the Churches and Monasteries of
    Kosovo and Cyprus, and their missing faithful. Very soon, there may be
    no more Greek Orthodox Christians in Turkey. Democratic Presidential
    Candidate Barack Obama has been accused of being a Muslim. The fact
    remains that no matter who becomes President, foreign policy could not
    possibly be any more pro-Islamic to the detriment of the Christian East
    than it already is. May the persecution of the forgotten Christians
    of the East come to an end.