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Human Rights And Peace In The Middle East

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  • Human Rights And Peace In The Middle East


    OhmyNews International
    2008-10-15 13:42 (KST)
    South Korea

    [Analysis] Peace will prevail when economic, social and cultural
    rights are granted to all


    The Middle East region is very different in many different ways and
    the characteristics of the conflicts, too, are different.

    For example:

    the Israel and "Occupied Territories" (Palestine) issue

    the conflict between Hamas and the Fatah; the Iraq conflict

    the conflict in Afghanistan

    conflicts within Saudi Arabia

    the security concerns, especially the nuclear threat, that
    Ahmadinajad's Iran poses

    the Kurdish situation with serious discrimination from Turkey, Syria,
    Iran and Iraq with very limited support from any powers

    the Lebanon conflict

    the rise of Islamic militancy in Egypt and Algeria

    the suppression of any opposition in Saudi Arabia and most of Middle
    East countries

    the spread of fundamentalist Islam -- Wahabbi style -- and the attempt
    to suppress any modern civil secular democratic voices in the Middle
    East region

    and not to forget the problems in Sudan where civilians are being
    massacred in Darfur by the government and the military.

    Made up of a population of about 465,263,000 (Est.2008) peoples from
    amongst 23 countries, the Middle East today presents a mosaic of
    various interests and cultures all mingling together to find their
    rightful place under the sun. Most of these countries are dependent on
    agriculture, natural resources (gas and oil) and tourism for their
    economies, while trade and transportation too contributes to the
    overall development process of the region.

    As far as religion is concerned, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are
    practiced by most of the people residing in these countries. Islam is
    the predominant faith in the Middle East (including the Arab world)
    while "Christian Arabs" are a small minority.

    However, Islam is at the center of all social order and of the moral
    and intellectual values of Middle Eastern Muslims. In fact, it is
    the official religion in most Arab and Islamic countries. Considering
    Arabism and Islam as synonyms embodies discrimination against various
    ethnic and religious groups in the Middle East. Not all Arabs are
    Muslims, and not all Muslims are Arabs.

    The Middle East is also about ethnicities of different shades and
    kinds and this has to be understood to grasp the cultures and the
    people of this very diverse region. It is perhaps these ethnicities
    that have led to the present situation of conflict in the region
    which has also in many ways contributed to the deepening hatred
    towards each other between people of different communities. There
    are a wide variety of ethnic or religious communities. Suffice it to
    call attention to the following sects and groups: Alawis, Armenians,
    Assyrians or Nestorians, Bahais, Benei Israel, Christian Arabs,
    Chaldeans, Circassians, Copts, Druzes, Falashas, Karaites, Kurds,
    Mandaeans, Messianic Jews, Maronites, Muslim Brothers, Netorei Karta,
    Samaritans, Shiites and Yezidis. There are also other groups like
    the Berbers and the Turkomans.

    The cause of all the conflicts and social strife in Middle
    Eastern countries is often linked to poor education and literacy
    levels. According to an estimate (2007) 70 percent of people were
    found to be illiterate. Only a meager 2.5 percent use the Internet
    in approximately 14 countries.

    During their meeting in Cairo on Feb. 12, Arab ministers of information
    adopted "Principles for Organizing Satellite Broadcast and Television
    Transmission and Reception in the Arab Region."

    The document, introduced by Egypt and Saudi Arabia, calls on the
    regulatory bodies in Arab League member states to ensure that
    satellite channels broadcasting from their jurisdictions do not
    "negatively affect social peace, national unity, public order, and
    public morals" or "defame leaders, or national and religious symbols
    [of other Arab states]."

    Only Qatar and Lebanon publicly opposed the document and its proposed

    The assortment of cultures and people in the Arab world is exemplified
    by the Kurds, who are minorities and are denied their culture and
    economic and political rights. They are prohibited to use their own
    land, properties and their right to proper education is also often
    violated by the suppressive regimes that have ruled the different
    countries the land of Kurd Minority.

    Kurds have been forcibly evicted to other parts of the country which
    has led to unwanted demographic changes. Incidentally these are all
    part of an ethnic cleansing policy and cultural genocide. In the
    Middle East most Kurdish speaking people have faced marginalization
    and discrimination, decades of social injustice and domestic conflicts
    and international wars.

    The present situation is all about suffering of ordinary people who
    are discriminated and denied their economic and social rights. It is
    a common belief that for decades change from inside was impossible and
    when "change" came from outside and by force, it was about alteration
    of the leadership only without any change in social, political and
    economic status of the ordinary people.

    Most of the changes catered to the needs of the privileged and
    the ruling elites. There is potential for another round of ethnic
    conflict in Iraq after the sectarian conflict came close to end. This
    is because the roots of decades of injustice and conflicts have not
    been addressed properly as yet.

    The other factors which could contribute to a larger scale violence are
    the on-going repression of Kurds minority in Turkey, Iran and Syria,
    Iranian military shelling from time to time Iraq (Kurdish) villages
    on the border, Turkish Air Force bombarding Iraq-Kurdish territory
    and sometimes crossed the border to the North of Iraq for launching
    military offensives against the "rebels" for this problem will never
    be ended and solved through gun and wars but by recognizing and
    protecting all peoples rights, so all can living together peacefully.

    This causes the region to be in continuous unrest. From fear of
    becoming victims of the attacks villagers escape from their villages
    to far off places and live as refugees.

    All these factors have led to excessive violations of human rights of
    the ordinary people living in this region. Children today wait to see
    when their ancestral and family land and the farms would be returned
    to them so that they can play freely and also take part in farming,
    an activity that most children enjoy.

    Therefore to see, respect and treat those who you regard as your
    enemy as equal as your self, it is important to learn about different
    cultures and their sensitivities. It is also important to respect
    others' culture, harmonize and promote education of peace values and
    principles, share wealth and power equally among citizens without
    discrimination, work for separation of religion from the State, create
    awareness amongst the people of their rights through education and
    free media, empower people to participate in decision making.


    Most regimes in Middle East are authoritarian, if not dictatorships,
    ruling for decades by fear or reward. The elites who rule in Middle
    East countries used religious faith with ideology of nationalism
    for blinding people and controlling them. The main weakness of
    civil society in Middle East has been the lack of networks with the
    "civil society networks or groups" from Asia for (coexisting with)
    different cultures.

    It is another thing and subject to interpretation that some regard the
    Middle East as not part of Asia. The support from Western powers for
    the ruling elites is clearly and solely to cater to some self-interest
    through exploitation of natural resources like oil, etc.

    On the contrary, while extending support in the name of fighting
    suppressive and authoritative regimes, these same powers turn a blind
    eye to human rights abuses and tyrant regimes in the region. Also
    from outside, the conflicts in the Middle East all look different,
    but the real cause root is related to human rights abuses.

    Peace will prevail when economic, social and cultural rights are
    granted to all and protected by all.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress