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On Bill Ayers And Small 'C' Communists

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  • On Bill Ayers And Small 'C' Communists

    By James Lewis

    American Thinker
    October 15, 2008

    Bill Ayers said in 1995 that he was just a "small 'c' communist." He
    said it with a little laugh. And most of us aren't even shocked. We've
    heard words like that before. But we should feel shivers running up
    our spines.

    I know goofy liberals who moan about all the good intentions
    demonstrated by Karl Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky. They're all Obama
    voters, for some reason. They are the same kinds of people who think
    Jesus was a communist, and that George W. Bush is Hitler. They are
    often the kind of people who try desperately to be completely nice in
    their lives, especially to designated victims. But often they harbor
    a belly full of rage -- against conservatives, or big corporations,
    or fundamentalist Christians, or anybody who challenges their belief
    in their own saintliness.

    In basic politics there are only two numbers you need to know. One
    is Six Million. You know what that means. The other number is
    not nearly as well-known, but it should be. It's One Hundred
    Million. Six Million is forever linked to Hitler's Final Solution
    to the Jewish Problem. Whether it was precisely Six Million, or
    whether we should include the Armenian Genocide committed by the
    Turks, or whether we should add the tens of millions of other people
    killed by Hitler, not to mention all the other genocides in history
    ... all that comes later. The expression "Six Million" has come to
    be a touchstone for human evil, and we fragile humans really need
    our touchstones. Otherwise we get confused, and wander off into
    perversity. We become suckers to political scam artists.

    We need some kind of soundbite to remind us of deliberately chosen
    human evil, and Six Million is just about the right size to keep in
    mind. Six Million should stand for all the massacres of innocents:
    In Rwanda, in centuries of African slave trade, in Nanking, in Turkish
    Armenia, in the Partition of India, the list is painfully long.

    One Hundred Million is the estimated number of people massacred by
    Communists in the 20th Century, according to a definitive study by
    French Leftist historian Stéphane Courtois and his team, published
    in The Black Book of Communism.

    One Hundred Million is the second soundbite every sane person on
    earth should know.

    Six Million and One Hundred Million -- forget all the quibbles,
    just listen to the sound of those numbers.

    Now when your friendly neighborhood "small 'c' communist" comes along,
    all smiles, and offering love and peace, we need to say just one thing:
    One Hundred Million. If that doesn't wipe the smile off their faces
    they are beyond human reach. By that act of willed ignorance they
    have exiled themselves from the company of decent people.

    Try it some time: There are an amazing number of nominally sane people
    who will try to explain that number One Hundred Million away. Vladimir
    Putin is doing it even now in Russia, where many of the murderers
    and their victims lived. That reveals what kind of man Putin really is.

    In the same way, murderous racists need to be confronted with only
    one number: Six Million. It's not because those murder victims were
    Jews killed by Nazis. It is just a gut-grabbing allusion to deliberate,
    massive human evil -- always performed in the name of some transcendent
    ideal, of course.

    So we only need to ask about two numbers to find out where people

    If Professor Bill Ayers then comes along and says with his little

    "I am a radical, Leftist, small 'c' communist ... [Laughs] Maybe
    I'm the last communist who is willing to admit it. ... The ethics of
    Communism still appeal to me."

    Well, right away we know who he is, don't we?

    Or take his lady wife, Bernardine Dohrn, who famously cheered on the
    Manson murders in 1969: "Dig it! First they killed those pigs and
    then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!"

    She's sure no Governor Palin of Alaska, is she?

    Or take the grinning minister who tells his people that "Jesus was
    a Communist." (What about those 100 million, Reverend?)

    Then there's Obama's Harvard Law backer, black supremacist Don Warden,
    aka Khaleed Al Mansoor,

    "...whatever you do to [white people], they deserve it, God wants
    you to do it and that's when you cut out the nose, cut out the ears,
    take flesh out of their body, don't worry because God wants you to
    do it."

    It's kind of a twist on Sesame Street: Which of these is just like
    the others?

    They're all the same, kids.

    So if somebody -- say, one of our presidential candidates -- if he just
    doesn't get that, it really tells us all we need to know, doesn't it?

    I would never give the time of day to anybody who fills his life with
    Nazis, Kluxers, or Maoists. Or with bloody-minded professors of any
    stripe whatsoever.

    And to Professor Bill Ayers: If you were just "a small 'n' nazi,"
    instead of "a small 'c' communist" ... you would still be just as
    evil as you obviously are. You have convicted yourself out of your
    own mouth.

    See, simple touchstones are pretty useful.
