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Armenia, Georgia To Boost Economic Ties After South Ossetia War

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  • Armenia, Georgia To Boost Economic Ties After South Ossetia War

    By Emil Danielyan

    Eurasia Daily Monitor
    Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Armenia and Georgia have pledged to strengthen their commercial and
    other links in hopes of overcoming the negative economic consequences
    facing both South Caucasus states after the recent Russian-Georgian
    war. Tbilisi has also officially expressed its overall satisfaction
    with Yerevan's neutrality in the conflict.

    Armenia, heavily dependent on Georgian territory for its import and
    export operations, has been anxious not to upset its most important
    neighbor and number one military ally, Russia. Its leaders remained
    conspicuously silent during the week-long heavy fighting in and around
    South Ossetia. It was not until August 14 that Armenian President
    Serzh Sarkisian called a meeting of his National Security Council to
    express his personal concern about the crisis and praise international
    efforts to resolve it.

    Sarkisian has since repeatedly chided Georgia for its ill-fated August
    8 attempt to retake South Ossetia. He reiterated the thinly veiled
    criticism during a September 30 visit to Tbilisi. "I believe that it is
    impossible to resolve existing problems through military intervention,"
    he said at a joint news conference with Georgian President Mikheil
    Saakashvili (Regnum news agency, October 1). At the same time,
    the Armenian leadership has refused to recognize South Ossetia and
    Abkhazia as independent states, despite apparent pressure from Russia.

    After their talks Saakashvili publicly thanked Sarkisian for
    "expressing support for Georgia's territorial integrity" and gave
    his Armenian counterpart an Order of Honor, a top Georgian state
    award. He stressed the importance of Georgian-Armenian economic ties
    and said that border crossing procedures for Armenians and Georgians
    traveling to each other's country would soon be simplified. "We must
    review our relationship and do everything to improve it again. I am
    sure that we will really be useful to each other," Sarkisian said
    (Caucasus Press, September 30).

    More importantly, the two presidents announced the impending
    establishment of a Georgian-Armenian consortium that would seek to
    attract foreign funding for a new highway in southern Georgia that
    would significantly shorten travel from Armenia to the Georgian Black
    Sea coast. Armenian Transport and Communications Minister Gurgen
    Sarkisian gave details of the project at a subsequent news conference
    in Yerevan, saying that the planned road could be built within two
    years. He said it would pass through Georgia's Armenian-populated
    Javakheti region and go all the way west to the Black Sea port city of
    Batumi. He added that the new route would cut the distance between the
    Georgian-Armenian frontier and Batumi by at least one third (Arminfo,
    October 4).

    Armenia's transport connections with Batumi as well as the other major
    Georgian port, Poti, have long used Georgia's main east-west highway
    passing through Gori, a strategic town near South Ossetia that was
    bombarded and seized by Russian forces during the war. Traffic along
    that highway was disrupted as a result, seriously complicating vital
    cargo supplies to eastern Georgia and Armenia.

    The planned road will be hundreds of miles away from South Ossetia
    and Abkhazia and therefore, in the event of renewed fighting, beyond
    the striking distance of Russian ground troops stationed in the two
    breakaway regions. According to Minister Sarkisian, the Manila-based
    Asian Development Bank has already expressed interest in financing
    the transport project; but neither the transport minister nor other
    Armenian officials have elaborated on the likely cost.

    The Yerevan government's strong interest in the project suggests that
    it continues to regard Georgia as landlocked Armenia's most reliable
    conduit to the outside world, even after the Russian-Georgian war and
    despite its dramatic rapprochement with Turkey. The Turks keep making
    the opening of the border with Armenia contingent on a resolution
    of the Karabakh conflict, which may still be a long way off despite
    major progress in Armenian-Azerbaijani peace talks.

    Interestingly, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov welcomed the
    latest Armenian-Georgian agreements when he visited Yerevan on October
    3. "I hope that these agreements will prevent a repetition of the
    situation during the Caucasian crisis that resulted in artificial
    obstacles on Georgian territory to the traffic of goods to Armenia,"
    Lavrov told journalists (a Jamestown representative was present,
    October 3). "I think these agreements will contribute to the economic
    development of our ally [Armenia]," he said

    The Armenian government estimates the total damage inflicted on
    Armenia's economy by the war at $670 million. That includes the cost
    of delays in shipments of fuel, basic foodstuffs, and other goods
    through Poti and Batumi. The two ports together handle at least 70
    percent of Armenia's external trade. Armenian officials say the damage
    also takes account of a resulting shortfall in import duties and other
    taxes as well as projects cancelled by foreign investors frightened
    away by the war. In an October 7 interview with the Azerbaijani online
    news service, Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian said that
    the losses would have been even greater had Armenia not maintained
    "constructive relations" with Georgia.

    The economic fallout from the Georgian crisis was reportedly high on
    the agenda of the Armenian premier's talks late last week in Washington
    with Vice President Dick Cheney and other senior U.S. officials
    (Armenian Public Television, October 11). It was not, however,
    immediately clear what concrete U.S. assistance Yerevan seeks in
    coping with the problem.

    Incidentally, Georgian Prime Minister Lado Gurgenidze was also in
    Washington to hold talks with U.S. officials and attend the annual
    meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The
    Georgian media, citing reports from the Georgian government press
    office, said that Gurgenidze would meet his Armenian counterpart there.