20:09 14/10/2008
On October 1 a law has been adopted which defines that the bread
selling in the shops should have important information on it, in
particular the price and the weight. A reason to ignore the law and
not implement it could become the fact that there is no responsible
body to supervise the situation.
"We are drafting a procedure on administrative violations to present
to the Government, and by that we'll take the responsibility of us,"
said Mekhak Ghazaryan, of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Today the responsible body to keep the situation under control is
local self-governing body, but it is not implemented properly. met no difficulties to find out that the current law is
not implemented as shop directors are not aware of it.
20:09 14/10/2008
On October 1 a law has been adopted which defines that the bread
selling in the shops should have important information on it, in
particular the price and the weight. A reason to ignore the law and
not implement it could become the fact that there is no responsible
body to supervise the situation.
"We are drafting a procedure on administrative violations to present
to the Government, and by that we'll take the responsibility of us,"
said Mekhak Ghazaryan, of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Today the responsible body to keep the situation under control is
local self-governing body, but it is not implemented properly. met no difficulties to find out that the current law is
not implemented as shop directors are not aware of it.