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Visit To Andranik Ozanian

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  • Visit To Andranik Ozanian

    VISIT TO ANDRANIK OZANIAN &ID=2954&cat_id=1&day=16&month= 10& amp;year=2008&lang=eng
    16 oct 08

    On October 16 RA NA President Mr Hovik Abrahamyan visited Andranik
    Ozanian's museum functioning in Yerevan. The director of the museum
    Mr Ilyich Beglaryan introduced the NA President the history of the
    creation of the museum. Due to lasting and detailed searches the
    director of the museum succeeded to collect in Armenia the personal
    belongings, historical documents, paintings regarding the commander
    and his soldiers and books, newspapers telling about them received
    from Andranik's companions-in-arms and relatives residing in the
    city of Plovdiv of Bulgaria, Paris. The most important items of the
    museum are the gifts of the Armenian well known cultural figures, to
    which during some period before the commander's hand touched. Telling
    about Andranik Ozanian's activity the director of the museum informed
    the NA President that his frequent guests are the schoolchildren,
    who have lessons of history and patriostism in the halls full of
    historical documents.

    NA President Mr Hovik Abrahamyan thanked Mr Ilyich Beglaryan for his
    grateful work done: for collecting the commander's reliquaries in
    Yerevan, for presenting his life and activity in detail and expressed
    willingness to support the museum in its work.
    From: Baghdasarian