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Film And Symposium Explore Modern-Day Genocides

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  • Film And Symposium Explore Modern-Day Genocides

    By Barbara Taormina/[email protected]

    Salem Gazette tainment/arts/x398368862/Film-and-symposium-explor e-modern-day-genocides
    Thu Oct 16, 2008, 09:15 PM EDT

    Salem - About four minutes into Apo Torosyan's new film, "The
    Morgenthau Story," New York County D.A. Robert Morgenthau calmly
    offers a bone-chilling comment.

    "If the world had reacted to the genocide of the Armenians, Hitler
    would have been reluctant to go out and kill Jews in a wholesale
    fashion," says Morgenthau, who at 89 can bring the heft of a historical
    perspective to his opinions.

    But the world didn't react. No one listened to Morgenthau's
    grandfather, Henry Morgenthau, the U.S. ambassador to Constantinople
    in 1915, who tried to warn the West that the Turkish government was
    systematically killing the 1.5 million men, women and children who
    made up the country's Armenian minority population.

    And because no one listened, because no one chose to remember,
    the world seems to have been, as philosopher George Santayana says,
    condemned to repeat history -- in Germany, Cambodia, Bosnia and now,
    in Darfur.

    "How as humans we don't learn from our mistakes I don't know," says
    Torosyan. "But, I always believe in hope."

    And it's hope that has inspired the Peabody artist to create a body of
    work that's both testament and tribute to the victims of the Armenian
    genocide. During the '90s, Torosyan created a series of paintings
    around the central image of bread, the simple and basic element of
    life that that Armenians, including his grandparents, were denied
    during the genocide. More recently, Torosyan has focused on film as
    a medium to tell his story.

    "The Morgenthau Story," Torosyan's fourth film, weaves together
    words and images to offer a safe window to the horror of the Armenian
    genocide and the inexplicable indifference of the rest of the world.

    Torosyan will visit Salem on Monday for a screening and a human rights
    symposium. (See details on a screening and a human-rights symposium
    at the end of the article.)

    Torosyan's previous films have centered on the painful first-person
    accounts of survivors and their families, but this time around, he
    focuses on Henry Morgenthau, an American of German-Jewish ancestry,
    who tried to rally the world and stop the killing. The film is
    built around interviews with three of Morgenthau's grandchildren,
    who provide both personal and public portraits of the diplomat and
    the times in which he lived.

    Torosyan splices together those recollections with historical photos
    and film footage that document the genocide and offer evidence to
    skeptics and deniers who continue to insist it never happened.

    "Henry Morgenthau collected all a lot of evidence -- 30,000 pages
    -- all proof of what happened," says Torosyan. "Anyone who wants to
    argue about the Armenian genocide can go to the library of Congress
    and look through these pages."

    The film is particularly poignant in light of the recent controversy
    involving the Anti-Defamation League and its refusal to support a
    congressional resolution that would formally recognize the Armenian
    Genocide. ADL leaders say that what happened to the Armenians is
    "tantamount to genocide" but the organization also believes formal
    recognition would be counterproductive, since it would offend Turkey,
    a moderate Muslim nation and one of Israel's few allies in the
    Muslim world.

    Not long after the ADL released a public statement outlining
    that position, a dozen Massachusetts cities and towns, including
    Newburyport, withdrew from the ADL's "No Place for Hate" program
    which was created to challenge anti-Semitism, racism, homophobia and
    all forms of bigotry on a local level.

    Last February, Newburyport Mayor John Moak sent a letter to ADL
    officials informing them of his city's decision to sever its ties
    with the organization.

    "In the wake of last fall's national spotlight on the ADL and its
    failure to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide between 1915 and 1923
    as anything other than 'tantamount to genocide,' and in support of
    the approximate 5,000 Armenian residents in Merrimack Valley, the
    prudent course of action is to withdraw our membership," wrote Moak.

    Failure to recognize Like other Armenians, Torosyan is disappointed
    by the U.S. government's failure to recognize the Armenian genocide
    because of Turkey's strategic political and economic position in world
    politics, and "The Morgenthau Story" is a fact-heavy film that seems
    to speak directly to that lack of moral conviction.

    But Torosyan does not blame the Turkish people for trying to twist
    history and deny the Armenians an accurate account of the past. He
    hopes that there will be Turks in the audience during the film's
    upcoming screenings at various organizations and schools, and he
    hopes he will have the chance to debate the facts.

    "I believe the Turkish people today are not responsible for what
    happened in the past," says Torosyan, who adds that the younger
    generations of Turks know little about what happened other than what
    they learn in state-issued history books which are heavily censored.

    "They can't believe that their ancestors are murderers," he says.

    While "The Morgenthau Story" attempts to set straight the historical
    record, it also suggests what needs to happen in order for this
    episode on history to end with some sense of justice.

    One of Morgenthau's three grandchildren who agreed to be interviewed
    for the film, Dr. Pamela Steiner, admits early on she did not know
    her grandfather well. She does tell a story of how he once gave her
    a Japanese doll that she admired in his study. She took it home and,
    like a lot of children might have done, and gradually undressed and
    unraveled it until there was nothing left. And while there is some
    hesitation and regret in her voice while she tells that story, there
    is nothing but conviction and resolve when Steiner, who has degrees
    from Harvard in both government and counseling, suggests the next
    necessary step for Armenians and Turks.

    According to Steiner, in order for there to be any type of genuine
    reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia, the truth about the past has
    to be clearly stated and acknowledged. Steiner also believes that there
    needs to be reparations, restitution and memorials to the victims.

    Finally, Steiner says Turkey must pledge that nothing like the Armenian
    genocide will ever happen again and the government must correct its
    history books and tell the truth.

    Torosyan says "The Morgenthau Story" is a documentary and that one of
    the nice things about doing such a film is that he isn't obligated
    to offer opinions. Still, the film goes further than his previous
    work in suggesting a concrete resolution to an episode in history
    that many would prefer to simply sweep under a rug.

    But Torosyan insists that's not going to happen, and he will continue
    to tell the story of the Armenian genocide through films and through

    "When you have a little stone in your shoe it becomes more and more
    uncomfortable to walk," he says. "For the deniers, we're that little

    And Torosayn says nothing, not even a formal recognition of the past,
    will stop him from trying to preserve the history of Armenia.

    "For the rest of my life, I will talk about how my grandparents were
    murdered and how so many people died," he says. "My job isn't talking
    about anybody; it's talking for humanity."

    Screening and human rights symposium There will be a screening of
    Apo Torosyan's new film, "The Morgenthau Story," a documentary on
    the life and times of Henry Morgenthau Sr., at Salem State College on
    Oct. 20. The screening is sponsored by the Holocaust Center, Boston
    North Inc. For more information, contact Professor Robert McAndrews
    at 978-542-6815.

    Salem State College Graduate School and the Holocaust Center, Boston
    North, will also hold a symposium, "Human Rights and the Danger
    of Genocide," that evening. Torosyan will be present to engage in
    conversation with those attending the event.

    Events will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Martin Luther King
    Room of the Ellison Campus Center, located on Salem State's North
    Campus on Lafayette Street. Admission is free.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress