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U.S. Document Reveals Turkey Continued Ottoman Empire's Anti-Armenia

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  • U.S. Document Reveals Turkey Continued Ottoman Empire's Anti-Armenia

    By Harut Sassounian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    Armenian Genocide

    Those who want to shield today's Turkey from responsibility for the
    Armenian Genocide have sought to blame the Young Turk government of
    the Ottoman Empire rather than the Republic of Turkey which was not
    established until 1923.

    One wonders then why Turkish officials, who have tried every trick
    to deny the facts of the Armenian Genocide, have not taken the easy
    way out by shifting the blame for the Genocide to the long defunct
    Ottoman Empire.

    A frequently advanced explanation is that Turks, as a proud people,
    cannot accept that their ancestors committed the heinous crime of
    seeking to eliminate an entire nation. Others have argued that should
    the Republic of Turkey blame the Ottomans for the Armenian Genocide,
    it could be held legally liable as the successor state to the Ottoman

    In recent years, however, it has become clear, particularly through the
    painstaking research conducted by Turkish scholar Taner Akcam, that a
    key reason why today's Turkish officials are not prepared to face their
    history honestly and blame their Ottoman ancestors is that the Republic
    of Turkey is actually the continuation of the Ottoman state. Indeed,
    many of the early leaders of the Turkish Republic had been high-ranking
    Ottoman officials personally involved in the implementation of the
    Armenian Genocide. Such an unbroken transition in leadership assured
    the continuity of the Ottomans' anti-Armenian policies.

    In retrospect, it has become apparent that these genocidal policies
    stretched over a half century, starting with Sultan Abdul Hamid's
    massacre of 300,000 Armenians in 1894-96, followed by the killings
    of 30,000 Armenians in Adana by the Young Turk regime in 1909,
    culminating in the Genocide of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915-23,
    and the subsequent policies of forced Turkification and deportation
    of tens of thousands of Armenians by the Republic of Turkey.

    An important document from the U.S. archives, known until now to
    a handful of scholars, was recently posted on an Armenian/Turkish
    website. It provides incontestable evidence that Armenians continued
    to be uprooted from their native lands and deported by the Republic
    of Turkey well into the 1930's for purely racial reasons.

    The document in question is a "Strictly Confidential" cable dated
    March 2, 1934, sent by U.S. Ambassador Robert P. Skinner from Ankara
    to the Secretary of State in Washington, reporting the deportation
    of 600 Armenians from "the interior of Anatolia to Istanbul."

    The Ambassador wrote: "It is assumed by most of the deportees
    that their expulsion from their homes in Anatolia is a part of the
    Government's program of making Anatolia a pure Turkish district. They
    relate that the Turkish police, in towns and villages where Armenians
    lived, attempted to instigate local Moslem people to drive the
    Armenians away. ... The Armenians were told that they had to leave
    at once for Istanbul. They sold their possessions receiving for them
    ruinous prices. I have been told that cattle worth several hundred
    liras a head had been sold for as little as five liras a head. My
    informant stated that the Armenians were permitted to sell their
    property in order that no one of them could say that they were forced
    to abandon it. However, the sale under these conditions amounted to
    a practical abandonment." Sass

    The Ambassador further reported: "The Armenians were obliged to
    walk from their villages to the railways and then they were shipped
    by train to Istanbul. ... The real reason for the deportations is
    unknown.... It is likely, though, that their removal is simply one step
    in the government's avowed policy of making Anatolia purely Turkish."

    Top be sure, in the 1920's and 30's thousands of Armenian survivors
    of the Genocide were forced out from their homes in Anatolia to other
    locations in Turkey or neighboring countries. These racist policies
    were followed in the 1940's by Varlik Vergisi, the imposition of
    exorbitant wealth taxes on Armenians, Greeks and Jews, and the 1955
    Istanbul pogroms during which many Greeks and some Armenians and Jews
    were killed and their properties destroyed.

    This barbaric continuum of massacre, genocide and deportation
    highlights the existence of a long-term stratagem implemented by
    successive Turkish regimes from the 1890's to recent times in order
    to solve the Armenian Question with finality.

    Consequently, the Republic of Turkey is legally responsible for its
    own crimes as well as those committed by its Ottoman predecessors.