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The Activity of The Movement Frozen

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  • The Activity of The Movement Frozen


    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    18 Oct 2008

    The meeting organized yesterday by the Armenian National Congress and
    the protest march followed by the meeting was the last during this
    year. And it is not yet clear whether or not, according to the
    `strategy' introduced by the leader yesterday from Matenadaran
    `platform', the revolutionaries will be able to start their struggle
    from the starting point.

    By the way we must underscore that during the liberation movement they
    have never had such a short meeting, like the one that took place
    yesterday. It lasted less than one hour and the number of the
    participants was rather few, despite the efforts of the activists. The
    fact that the movement has regressed and that the struggle of the
    revolutionaries has met a deadlock is a reality. And no matter how much
    the leader will try to pretend that it is not like that, anyway the
    `indigestible decision' taken by Ter-Petrosyan, which he introduced
    yesterday during his meeting, was conditioned by the
    non-prospectiveness of the movement's struggle.

    By analyzing the `unprecedented geopolitical situations' Ter-Petrosyan
    underscored at the beginning of his speech that `during the 17 years of
    the independence our country has never been under such foreign
    pressures as it has appeared at the moment.'

    After wh
    ich he announced that Serge Sargsyan has reviewed the doctrine
    of Armenia's foreign policy. That we allegedly ignore Russia and have
    turned our faces towards the West, because we face the problem of the
    recognition of `legitimacy'. And to please the latter we are ready even
    to cede Karabakh, what he says `to sell Nagorno Karabakh'.

    After which he `grounded' his statement, to be more precise the
    delirium, by the publication of his famous program regarding the
    settlement of the problem, saying that it consists of 10 points, which

    The withdrawal of Armenian forces from the Azerbaijani regions
    neighboring Nagorno Karabakh, the re-habitation of those regions by
    Azerbaijani refugees, the return of Azerbaijani refugees to the main
    territory of Nagorno Karabakh, to ensure land communication between
    Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia via Lachin corridor, setting up
    peace-keeping forces around Karabakh border, de-militarization of the
    territories having been returned to Azerbaijan, raising the blockade of
    Armenia's foreign communication roads, the re-opening of Armenian -
    Turkish border, the establishment of the intermediate status of the
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh and finally holding a referendum regarding
    the final status of Karabakh in an indefinite future.

    Who told him that the West demanded that Serge Sargsyan approves
    similar program of the settlement of the conflict. He didn't say
    hing about it. He only said: `Does Serge Sargsyan comprehend the
    danger of monopolizing the issue of the settlement of Karabakh conflict
    and pleasing the West, which will lead to a national disaster.

    Ter-Petrosyan generously suggested the remedy of averting the disaster,
    announcing that `taking into consideration the fact that after the
    recognition of the independence of Kosovo, Abkhazia, and South Osatia
    Karabakh issue is stepping out of the general process of the settlement
    of the frozen conflicts, probably it is high time for the National
    Assembly to appear with the initiative of the recognition of NKR

    Serge Sargsyan shouldn't be obliged to respond to that initiative, but
    on the one hand, by having the decision of the Parliament, on the other
    hand by not ratifying the decision he will have big chances to confront
    the foreign pressures during the coming negotiations.' What `wisdom'.
    During the previous 10 years Armenian Pan National movement used to
    accuse R. Kocharyan of postponing the settlement of the issue, thus
    maintaining the status quo. But in essence at the moment they are
    proposing the same.

    Anyhow the `near settlement of Karabakh conflict with all the dangers'
    makes the leader of the movement take a decision about a temporary end
    of their activity.

    This of course doesn't mean complete freezing of the movement's
    activity. 'The=2
    0break will not take a long time because the settlement
    of Karabakh conflict is a matter of two-three months. And if due to the
    international financial crises it is delayed we will always have
    possibility to correct our strategy and start the massive events at the
    right time,' the leader convinced the disappointed participants of the

    The latter would hardly comprehend his next explanation. LTP `is
    concerned about Serge Sargsyan, because the activeness of the movement
    mitigates the position of the President thus strengthening foreign
    pressures and the opportunities to extort concessions from him.' So by
    this `brave and responsible step the pan national movement proves its

    Wonderful! Finally the leader found a reason to refuse his
    revolutionary struggle. Because it is evident that the slogan `struggle
    struggle to the end' won't take anywhere.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress