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Africa: Mandela, Obama and The Post-Racial Age

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  • Africa: Mandela, Obama and The Post-Racial Age, Washington

    Africa: Mandela, Obama and The Post-Racial Age

    The Monitor (Kampala)
    18 October 2008

    Posted to the web 18 October 2008

    Prof. Ali A. Mazrui

    Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama are potential icons of a post-racial
    age which is unfolding before our eyes. Mandela has become the most
    respected Black man by all races in world history.

    Obama stands a chance of becoming the most trusted Black man in US
    history. No African-American has ever come so close to winning the US
    presidency. But no African-American could have approached so close to
    winning the US presidency without an unprecedented level of trust from
    a sizable part of the white electorate.

    A major cause of the Mandela-Obama respective successes lies in their
    embodying a short memory of racial hatred, and their impressive
    readiness to forgive historical adversaries. They have both
    illustrated a remarkable capacity to transcend historical racial

    Cultures differ in hate retention. Some nurse their grievances for
    generations. Others are intensely hostile in the midst of a conflict,
    but as soon thereafter, they display a readiness to forgive, even if
    not always to forget. The Armenians, Irish and Jews fall in this

    Armenians were butchered in large numbers by the Ottoman Turks in
    1915`1916. This story of the Armenian martyrdom of World War I has
    been transmitted with passion from generation to generation.

    Armenians are still demanding justice from Turkey nearly a hundred
    years after the massacres. Similarly, the Irish have long memories of
    grievance. Clashes occur in Northern Ireland virtually every year
    concerning marches that commemorate `Orange Conflicts' in the
    seventeenth century. Jews also have strong collective memories of the
    Holocaust and other outbursts of European anti-Semitism.

    Mandela came from a culture illustrative of Africa's short memory of
    hate. That culture is far from being pacifist. Wars and inter-ethnic
    conflicts have been part of Africa's experience before European
    colonization and decades after independence.

    What is different about African cultures is relatively low level of
    hate retention. Obama's tolerance may be due to personal
    multi-culturalism. He had a white American mother, a Black Kenyan
    father, and an Indonesian step-father.

    His cultural ancestry includes Luo culture, Islam and Black American
    Christianity. Mandela's life passed through stages. His early days as
    a nationalist were characterized by a belief in non-violent
    resistance. In a sense, he carried the torch of South Africa's Albert
    Luthuli and Mahatma Gandhi. Sharpeville was a major blow to his belief
    in passive resistance.

    By the time that Mandela was having afternoon tea with the unrepentant
    widow of the founder of apartheid, Hendrick Verwoerd, he had tough
    acts to follow in African magnanimity. There were precedents of
    forgiveness that he followed and improved upon.

    Post-colonial Africa had produced other instances of short memory of
    hate. Kenya's Jomo Kenyatta, once condemned by a British colonialist
    as a `leader of darkness and death' was unjustly imprisoned in a
    remote part of the country.

    When he finally emerged from prison on the eve of independence, he
    proclaimed `suffering without bitterness.' He proceeded to transform
    Kenya into a staunchly pro-Western country.

    In November 1965, colonial Southern Rhodesia's Ian Smith launched his
    Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Britain, unleashing a
    bitter Zimbabwe civil war. Yet, he lived to sit in a parliament of
    Black-ruled Zimbabwe and was not subjected to postwar vendetta. Again,
    Africa's short memory of hate at work. In the late 1960s, Nigeria
    waged a highly publicized civil war that cost nearly a million
    lives. The Federal side won that war but was uniquely magnanimous
    towards the defeated Biafrans. Yet, another manifestation of Africa's
    short memory of hatred.

    For his part, when Mandela was finally released from prison in 1990,
    this most illustrious of all Africa's liberation fighters embarked on
    a mission of healing and forgiving. This former hero of mobilization
    leadership became a paragon of the reconciliation style of
    leadership. He became the greatest of all African examples of
    prolonged reconciliation, an exemplar of African short memory of hate.

    Obama illustrated his post-racial tolerance by denouncing his
    firebrand pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and leaving his own radicalized
    church. Obama is more of an ideological liberal than a moral
    Gandhian. Indeed, Obama is less of a Gandhian than Martin Luther King,
    Jr. was. But in their different ways, Mandela, Obama and King have all
    been part of the search for a post-racial age.

    The writer is a professor of political science and African studies at
    State University New York.