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Tbilisi: Russian Deputy FM Discusses Georgia In Iran

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  • Tbilisi: Russian Deputy FM Discusses Georgia In Iran


    Monday, October 20, 2008

    The FINANCIAL -- According to Civil Georgia, Russian Deputy Foreign
    Minister, Sergey Ryabkov, said in an interview with the Russian news
    agency, RIA Novosti, that he had discussed situation in South Caucasus
    in the context of the August war "in details" during his visit to Iran.

    He said that Russia had "assessed appropriately" Iran's position
    over the developments in August, as well as Iran's initiatives over
    stabilization of situation in the region. "We expect that Iran will
    specify its approach on the matter. In fact, working on the initiative
    can become an important contribution to the stabilization of situation
    in the South Caucasus," he added, which going into details of the
    Iran's initiatives.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki held talks with the
    Georgian leadership in Tbilisi on September 17. Mottaki's visit to
    Tbilisi followed his trips to Russia, Azerbaijan and Germany. And on
    September 16 he met with his Armenian counterpart, Edward Nalbandian;
    the latter was in Tbilisi on September 12.

    "Our work is not mediation," the official Iranian news agency, IRNA,
    quoted Mottaki as saying after meeting his Georgian counterpart. He
    also added that "presenting ideas can help find a solution to the

    Mottaki also said that the August events in Georgia were "regrettable"
    and Iran was closely following developments "given our sensitivity
    towards restoration of security and stability" in this region.

    In his address to the UN General Assembly on September 23, Iranian
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said NATO 's "provocations," "certain
    western powers" and "underhanded actions of the Zionists" were to
    blame for the August war in Georgia.

    The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister also told RIA Novosti that he had
    informed the Iranian side about the MOSCOW 's position over Georgia
    in the context of the October 15 Geneva talks.

    "We have stressed that discussions on providing security to South
    Ossetia and Abkhazia should continue with making a focus on preventing
    re-militarization of Tbilisi . Some circles, including some governments
    and not only within NATO , seem to be moving in that direction,"
    Ryabkov said. "This trend is a source of concern for us and we will
    counter these efforts."

    Daniel Fried, the U.S. assistant secretary of state, said after the
    October 15 Geneva talks that Russia's demand for an embargo on the
    supply of offensive weapons to Georgia "is not in the first line of
    practicality given the Russian preponderance of force" in the region.

    Ryabkov also pointed out in the interview with the Russian news
    agency that signing of binding treaties between Tbilisi and Sokhumi
    and Tskhinvali on non-use of forces should also be a priority during
    the international discussions over these two regions.