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Turkey And Secularism: Myth Or Reality?

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  • Turkey And Secularism: Myth Or Reality?

    Lee J. Walker

    Assyrian International News Agency htm
    10-20-2008 6:31:9

    (AINA) -- The nation of Turkey is often praised for being a secular
    role model for other Islamic societies. It is claimed that the land of
    Turkey is a beacon of hope and that democracy and secularism can exist
    within a mainly Muslim nation state. But is this based on reality?

    If we concentrate on the founding father of modern day Turkey,
    Ataturk, then it is clear that he himself supported the destruction of
    Christianity via the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek Christian genocide
    of 1915. Turkish nationalism was the potent force behind modern
    day Turkey and secularism is tainted by its anti-Christian nature,
    and also by its anti-Kurdish nature. Turkey was founded on Turkish
    nationalism and secularism and it did not protect the Christians of
    or give them equal rights.

    Despite this the myth of modernity and secularism remains and Western
    nations stick to this mantra. Yes, Ataturk faced many difficulties and
    from a Turkish point of view he was very astute because he preserved
    a Turkish state when it was threatened by others. Yet in order to do
    this he crushed millions of Christians via massacres, starvation, and
    by destroying countless numbers of Christian villages and communities.

    Ataturk did implement many reforms in order to modernize Turkey
    and he did lay the foundation for a secular state. In this sense he
    crushed thoughts of a Sharia Islamic state and he gave more rights
    to females. But his legacy of modernity and secularism is tainted by
    the events of history and by overt nationalism. Therefore, we must
    never forget the Assyrian, Greek and Armenian genocide of 1915 and
    the continuing legacy of anti-Christian forces in modern day Turkey.

    So if secularism means having the right to crush Christian minorities,
    moderate Muslim minorities like the Alevi, and ethnic minorities like
    the Assyrians Armenians, and Kurds, in modern day Turkey, then it
    is not the secularism which I support. Turkish secularism is tainted
    by this overt nationalism and the Sunni orthodox mindset means that
    religious inequality is the norm.

    The rights of Christians and the Alevi Muslims are not equal in today's
    Turkey. In recent times many Christians have been murdered. For
    the more numerous Alevi Muslims, it is clear that they face huge
    discrimination. Secular Turkey is a myth because under the surface we
    find a different Turkey based on preserving the dominance of orthodox
    Sunni Islam.

    So why do democrats and secularists praise Turkey for being a shining
    example and evidence that democracy and Islam can work together? Turkey
    favors Islam over any other religion and religious equality does
    not exist. On the contrary, modern day Turkey supports Sunni orthodox
    Islam and persecution of minorities is endemic. Given this, Islam still
    controls society and Christians and other minorities face harsh times.

    It is apparent that many Western democrats and secularists are ignoring
    the reality of Turkey. Turkey is tainted by Sunni Islamic thought,
    which are based on mass discrimination. If Turkey is secular and
    moderate, what does this say about the rest of the Islamic world
    and equality?

    Lee Jay Walker serves as Tokyo Corrsepondent of The Seoul Times. He
    specializes in international relations and geopolitics. He is also
    involved in analyst work and research on business. After finishing BA
    degree in East European Studies at the University of London, He earned
    MA degree in Asia Pacific Studies in Nottingham Trent University. He
    also studied business at London Institute.