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'I Love Middle Eastern Harmonies'

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  • 'I Love Middle Eastern Harmonies'

    David Light, [email protected]

    Khaleej Times
    21 October 2008
    United Arab Emirates

    Taleen Kalbian on her passion for music and being opening act for
    Christina Aguilera

    AS YOU ARE all well aware Christina Aguilera will be performing
    at the Emirates Palace on Friday. What you probably don't know is
    that supporting her will be American born singing sensation Taleen
    Kalbian. Hailing from Armenian heritage and having lived in the UAE
    for a short while when she was seventeen, twenty-one-year-old Taleen
    finds her music appeals to US and international audiences alike. Her
    debut single, 'Gotta let it go,' was released in Dubai in January 2004
    and since then she has moved back to the States to further her career.

    City Times caught up with Miss Kalbian to check out what she has been
    up to and how she feels about coming back to the UAE to perform with
    a global superstar.

    You've lived in Dubai and released a record here, how does it feel
    to be returning to the UAE to support Christina Aguilera. Are you
    guys friends?

    It really feels amazing. Words can't ever describe how excited
    I am to be back in the UAE. Coming back to Abu Dhabi for such an
    occasion and opening for an artist that I have had so much respect
    for and have looked up to throughout my career is beyond words. I
    love how welcoming and supportive the people in UAE are and have
    always been to me. My very first invitation was five years ago from
    the Abu Dhabi Music Foundation; Mrs. Huda Kanoo was instrumental in
    shaping my impressions of Abu Dhabi. It's going to be great to be
    back with family and friends. Being friends and especially working
    with Christina and learning from her would be a dream come true. I
    look forward to that moment.

    Is this the biggest show you will have done?

    This is probably one of my biggest shows. I have sung in front of
    large crowds my whole life but this is definitely the most significant
    because I'm opening up for such a huge star.

    Where did your passion for music come from?

    My passion for music came from God. Even before I knew how to talk I
    was mesmerised by music, singers and performers. I am forever thankful
    that my family has supported my passion and opened up my eyes to so
    many different types of music growing up.

    When did you embark on a singing career? Has this always been a dream?

    I began professionally singing at the age of nine. That's when
    I started to take things seriously and really embarking on my
    career. I sang at the Washington Opera and from that moment on it
    was my undeniable dream to follow a music career.

    What has been your proudest memory to date in your career?

    My proudest memory was singing for Pope John Paul II. It was amazing
    because I was in Bethlehem in Manger Square and Jerusalem, so just
    being there in front of such an amazing man and being able to share
    my gift with him and the world was a special moment. This Christina
    concert will probably be right up there with a favourite experience
    as well!

    Who are your inspirations?

    My inspirations are my father who works so incredibly hard every day
    to achieve his goals for the family. My mother, with her unconditional
    love and support, Madonna, who has continuously reinvented herself
    and been so smart about her career and of course Aretha Franklin who
    sings with so much soul and passion that is very inspiring.

    How would you describe your music? Does anyone in the charts now have
    a similar sound?

    My music is fun, fresh, and soulful with a pop sound and very
    relatable. I write songs that come from personal experience that I
    know a lot of people my age go through. I would compare it to Beyonce
    meets Shakira with a touch of Christina.

    Does your cultural heritage influence your music in any way? Would
    you consider releasing some songs in Arabic?

    Absolutely! I have such a Middle Eastern influence in many of my
    songs. I love Middle Eastern harmonies and a lot of the instruments
    like the tabla, the tar, and the oud. I would love to sing some songs
    in Arabic even though my Arabic is not that great!

    What do you listen to on a regular basis and who are the artists
    you enjoy?

    If you looked at my music library you would think I was a crazy
    mad woman because I have so many types of music from Metallica to
    Andrea Bocelli! I just love all music. Anything that makes me feel,
    moving me emotionally and inspires me, I love. I always try to put
    different musical influences in my work from different cultures,
    especially when I write.

    Having lived in the UAE what is your impression of the place?

    The UAE is such an astounding place! The co-existence of the desert
    and the sea is so very beautiful and deep to me. That reverence and
    respect for the elements and the culture can be felt in the people
    and how they interact with each other. You have the old and the new,
    the old and the young. It all mixes in harmony creating a beautiful
    place and a welcoming environment. It's so exciting! There is never
    a dull moment here!

    What can the audience expect from your performance?

    The audience can expect a very high-energy performance. I'll be singing
    a number of my original songs that hopefully you have been hearing
    on the radio, but I am also singing some covers and a surprise song
    that I'm sure everyone will recognise and love but I can't tell you
    what it is yet! You will have to come to the show to hear it! I'm
    basically going to be pumping everyone up for the main event.

    What does a typical day in the life of Taleen involve?

    A typical day is running on the treadmill and singing at the same time
    for about 40 minutes in the morning, making my breakfast, going to the
    gym and working with my trainer. Then going to my vocal lessons with my
    amazing coach Stephanie Spruill, working on songs alone or with other
    writers and producers, recording some of these songs in the studio,
    then dance or acting and then finally I like to take a hot shower sit
    on the couch and watch TV with the love of my life, my dog Mish Mish.

    What are your career plans for the immediate future?

    My plan is to put out my record and go on a world tour. When I think
    of my career I think of it globally because my music has a very global
    and international message. I would love to just travel to all different
    places in the world and share my message, music and God given talent
    with people.

    Where would you like to be in 10 years?

    In 10 years I would love to have a successful music career and
    keep writing songs for myself and for other artists. Also, it would
    be another of my dreams to settle down and start a family. I love
    family and to be able to get married and have children would be such
    a blessing.

    What do you think you will take from this performance?

    This performance will be such a significant and memorable experience
    for me. It's funny because I have always wanted to go to a Christina
    Aguilera concert and for some reason or another never was able to,
    but I never thought, I would be going to her concert opening for her
    in Abu Dhabi, like this! I'm so appreciative to my team, to Flash,
    the people of Abu Dhabi who have made this dream possible for me. I
    feel so blessed. Thank you.