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ANCA: Obama-Biden the Right Choice for Armenian Americans

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  • ANCA: Obama-Biden the Right Choice for Armenian Americans

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    [email protected]


    For Immediate Release
    October 22, 2008
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Nationwide Grassroots Organization Reaffirms Earlier Primary
    Endorsement in January

    -- Expands on Nine Months of Nationwide Voter Mobilization to
    Secure Obama-Biden Win on November 4th

    WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    today formalized its longstanding support for Barack Obama with an
    official endorsement of the Obama-Biden campaign for the Presidency
    of the United States.

    "The Armenian National Committee of America is proud today to
    formally announce our support for Barack Obama - whom we endorsed
    this January in the Democratic Primary and have energetically
    backed with sustained, grassroots voter mobilization for the past
    nine months," said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. "Based on Senator
    Obama's strong record in office, his bold statements as a
    candidate, and our judgment as to the types of policies he will
    pursue as President, we believe that an Obama-Biden Administration
    would be far better positioned than a McCain-Palin one to reflect
    the views and values of the Armenian American community."

    Barack Obama: The Choice for Change

    In a powerful statement, issued on January 20th, Senator Obama
    voiced his strong support for passage of the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution and pledged that, as President, he would recognize the
    Armenian Genocide. The Presidential hopeful also reaffirmed his
    support for a strong "U.S.-Armenian relationship that advances our
    common security and strengthens Armenian democracy." Unlike other
    Democratic candidates, he also pledged to "promote Armenian
    security by seeking an end to the Turkish and Azerbaijani
    blockades, and by working for a lasting and durable settlement of
    the Nagorno Karabagh conflict that is agreeable to all parties, and
    based upon America's founding commitment to the principles of
    democracy and self determination."

    The key elements of the Obama record that led to the ANCA
    endorsement include the following:

    * Public criticism of the Bush Administration for firing former
    U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans over his truthful remarks
    recognizing the Armenian Genocide. He has publicly asserted that,
    "An official policy that calls on diplomats to distort the
    historical facts is an untenable policy."

    * Strong support for the passage of the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution currently before Congress, in his capacity as Chairman
    of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs.

    * A written pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide as President,
    clearly spelling out his "firmly held conviction that the Armenian
    Genocide is not an allegation, a personal opinion, or a point of
    view, but rather a widely documented fact supported by an
    overwhelming body of historical evidence. The facts are

    * A commitment to ending the cycle of genocide. He has said, on
    the record, that, "America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully
    about the Armenian Genocide and responds forcefully to all
    genocides. I intend to be that President."

    * Letters to President Bush urging him to properly recognize the
    Armenian Genocide and a record of defending that position, when
    challenged. While visiting Azerbaijan in August 2005, in response
    to media inquiries about why he signed these letters, Senator Obama
    publicly defended his decision by stating that the Armenian
    Genocide was a historical fact.

    * Commitment to promoting Armenia's security "by seeking an end to
    the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades."

    * Support for "a lasting and durable settlement of the Nagorno
    Karabagh conflict that is agreeable to all parties, and based upon
    America's founding commitment to the principles of democracy and
    self determination."

    Joe Biden: Leading Senate Advocate on Armenian American Concerns

    For over three decades, Vice-Presidential Nominee Senator Joe Biden
    has been a voice of moral clarity on issues of concern to the
    Armenian American community including:

    * Support for U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide, dating
    back to his work with Senator Bob Dole to pass the Armenian
    Genocide Resolution (S.J.Res.212) in 1990, and to promote stronger
    U.S.-Armenia relations.

    * Consistent support for Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act,
    adopted in 1992, which restricted U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan due
    to its ongoing blockades of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh.

    * Leadership in pressing the Administration to explain its firing
    of U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John Evans and ensuring that future
    nominees as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia and Turkey do not deny the
    Armenian Genocide.

    The McCain-Palin Campaign:

    Throughout the primary and general election cycles, the ANCA
    invited all of the major candidates - including Senator McCain - to
    share their views on Armenian Americans issues and to comment on
    both the growing relationship between the U.S. and Armenian
    governments and the enduring bonds between the American and
    Armenian peoples.

    Senator McCain, in a letter to the ANCA this February and a follow
    up open-letter to Armenian Americans in September of this year,
    formally asked for the support of Armenian American voters, but
    failed, in both instances, to outline his stands on core Armenian
    American issues. In his letters, the Arizona Senator praised the
    Armenian American contribution to American society, and Armenia's
    contribution to Coalition operations in Iraq and NATO peacekeeping
    in Kosovo, but remained silent on Nagorno Karabagh, the Turkish and
    Azerbaijani blockades, U.S. aid to Armenia, and the broader issue
    of U.S.-Armenia relations. He did, as he has done over the years,
    echo the Bush Administration's practice of employing euphemistic
    language such as "terrible tragedy" to avoid mentioning the
    Armenian Genocide by its proper name.

    Senator McCain has, throughout his tenure in the Congress, largely
    opposed or was passively indifferent to a broad array of Armenian
    American issues. As recently as October of last year, Senator
    McCain publicly opposed Congressional recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide. In 1999, he voted against restricting U.S. aid to
    Azerbaijan over its blockades and other offensive uses of force
    against Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh. He voted against Senator Bob
    Dole's Armenian Genocide Resolution in 1990. Governor Sarah Palin
    has no record on Armenian American concerns.

    The Armenian American Vote:

    Armenian Americans, in key battleground states and throughout the
    country, represent a motivated and highly networked constituency of
    more than one and a half million citizens. The ANCA mobilizes
    Armenian American voters through a network of over 50 local
    chapters and a diverse array of affiliates, civic advocates, and
    supporters nationwide. ANCA mailings reach over a quarter of a
    million homes and, with the addition of internet outreach, updates
    and action alerts, reach well over 350,000 households. The ANCA
    website, which features election coverage from an Armenian American
    point of view, attracts over 100,000 unique visits a month. The
    ANCA also has broad reach to Armenian American voters via a
    sophisticated media operation of newspapers, regional cable shows,
    satellite TV, blogs, and internet news sites.

    Along with its presidential endorsement, the ANCA reminds Armenian
    Americans that their ability to impact policy-level decision-making
    depends, first and foremost, on the continued expansion of advocacy
    efforts at all levels of government. The ANCA's Congressional
    endorsements represent an important element of this process by
    providing Armenian American voters with the information they need
    to solidify the strong, bipartisan support our community enjoys in

    ANCA Presidential endorsements are offered against the backdrop of
    several decades of disappointing experiences, during which
    Presidents, while running for office, have affirmed the Armenian
    Genocide to win hearts and minds among Armenian American voters,
    only to retreat from this recognition once in the White House and
    then, in the case of each of the past four administrations, to
    aggressively pressure the U.S. Congress from properly commemorating
    the very same crime against humanity they once condemned as

    As always, the ANCA welcomes feedback on its service to the
    Armenian American community. Please forward your thoughts and
    suggestions about the 2008 Presidential election by email to
    [email protected].


    Note to the Editor: Please visit the ANCA website for additional
    information on the ANCA Endorsement and the Presidential
    candidates, as listed below.

    Additional Materials:

    To read Senator Obama's pledges on Armenian Americans on his
    official website: ack_obama_on_the_importance.php

    To read a 2-page summary of Senators Obama and Biden's record of
    support for Armenian American issues, visit: n_record.pdf

    To read a 2-page listing of the Bush-Cheney's opposition to
    Armenian American issues, visit: y_record.pdf

    To view/print an Obama/McCain comparison one-page, visit: n.php

    For information on Armenians for Obama visit:

    To view Samantha Power's YouTube video in support of Senator Obama,
    visit: XsV-Dg

    To read "McCain's Armenia Problem" in The Atlantic, visit: nian-american-vote

    To Read Sen. John McCain's Letters to the Armenian Community,
    visit: es/press_releases.php?prid=1602

    ______________ _______________________
    Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Communications Director
    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]