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Russia To Keep Independent Policies From OPEC

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  • Russia To Keep Independent Policies From OPEC


    Budapest Business Journal
    October 22nd, 2008

    Russia will stick to constructive dialogue with OPEC but keep its
    policies independent, its energy minister said on Tuesday after OPEC
    called on producers like Russia to join production cuts.

    Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko was speaking just before OPEC
    Secretary General Abdullah al-Badri landed in Moscow for talks with
    top Russian officials. "I know they (OPEC) are very interested that
    we cooperate with them as closely as possibly," Shmatko told Reuters
    in the Armenian capital, Yerevan, where he was traveling with the
    delegation of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. "We will stick to the
    formula of bilateral strategic partnership between Russia and OPEC. We
    see a lot of positive things (in this partnership) but we want to
    have the possibility of having fairly independent policies," he said.

    OPEC countries, which pump about 40% of the oil produced globally,
    are widely expected to agree on cutting output at an emergency meeting
    on Friday in an attempt to support oil prices that have halved since
    peaking in July. OPEC President Chakib Khelil said on Monday non-OPEC
    oil producers like Russia, Norway and Mexico should contribute to
    production cuts because, if oil prices fall below $70 a barrel,
    many international oil projects "will be delayed or die."

    Shmatko said he was aware that OPEC would decide to cut production
    but could not say by how much. "This is an extraordinary meeting and
    it may take some important decisions, maybe (to cut) in two stages,"
    he said. He added that Russia would rather cooperate with OPEC on
    research and technology issues. â~@~^It is one thing cutting or not
    cutting oil output. But there is also the general assessment of the
    production sector, of new technologies that need to be developed and
    investment that is required," Shmatko said. "Possible international
    cooperation in order to share these technologies and mutually develop
    is what we are really interested in."

    Russia's prospects

    Shmatko said falling oil prices and the global financial crisis
    were likely to persuade Russian oil companies to cut spending
    significantly. "The oil price is now falling. I think investment
    programs will of course be revised ... I also think there will be
    a significant correction in the oil sector as far as the current
    spending is concerned," he said. Shmatko said his ministry was not
    going to revise its positive oil production forecast for this year,
    despite a 0.8% year-on-year decline in the first nine months of
    2008. He said his ministry had started talks with companies on the
    possible impact of the financial crisis on production). â~@~^So far,
    there's been no panic," he said.

    Oil production in Russia, the world's second-largest oil exporter
    and the largest producer outside OPEC, rose rapidly in the first
    part of the decade, including a record 11% increase in 2003. Growth
    has slowed in the last few years as oil deposits in western Siberia
    become depleted and companies switch their attention to developing
    hard-to-reach deposits further east. "Everyone is talking about slowing
    demand. This is what automakers, metal producers are suffering from,"
    said Shmatko. "But oil is always sold. There's the question of price,
    but we had this price 18 months ago and nothing happened. We were
    increasing production." (Reuters)

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