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Baku: Azerbaijan's Former Presidential Contenders Says Changes In Ne

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  • Baku: Azerbaijan's Former Presidential Contenders Says Changes In Ne

    [email protected]

    Trend News Agency
    22.10.08 11:02

    Azerbaijan, Baku, 21 October/ TrendNews, corr A. Huseynbala/ The
    ruling New Azerbaijan Party says there is no need for any changes in
    the government after re-elected President Ilham Aliyev inaugurates.

    "The important for us is society's being able to elect their leader
    in a fair way which has already happened," MP Aydin Mirzazade, member
    of NAP Political Council said to TrendNews.

    The presidential election in Azerbaijan was held on 15 October. NAP
    chairman and current President Ilham Aliyev won 88.73% of votes.

    Igbal Agazade, chairman of opposition Umid (Hope) Party, gained 2.86%,
    Fazil Gazanfaroglu, chairman of Great Establishment Party, 2.47%,
    Gudrat Hasanguliyev, chairman of Unified Popular Front Party , 2.28%,
    Gulamhuseyn Alibayli, independent candidate, 2.23%, Fuad Aliyev ,
    chairman of Liberal Democrat Party 0.78% and Hafiz Hajiyev, chairman
    of Muasir Musavat Party 0.65%.

    According to Azerbaijan's constitution, Cabinet of Ministers resigns
    after new president inaugurates and new government is formed.

    New President forms his team once again within the powers given by
    the Constitution, Mirzazade said.

    "Of course, The President will select members of his team," he added.

    The main point is not new members of the team, but President's
    continuing his political line at a faster pace. The society
    needs resolution of social problems, strengthening of Azerbaijan,
    settlement of Karabakh problem and rise in Azerbaijan's reputation
    in international arena, Mirzazade said.

    Hafiz Hajiyev, former opposition presidential contender and chairman
    of Muasir Musavat Party says changes in the government are inevitable.

    " Azerbaijan's some government figures can not do their task in a
    proper way. It means that they do not fulfill presidential decrees,"
    Hajiyev said to TrendNews.

    But there are official who do their best for Azerbaijan and people
    of Azerbaijan. But there are those who create obstacles for the work
    of the head of state. They do not allow presidential decrees to be
    implemented in local level, he said.

    "Ilham Aliyev, who is elected for a second term, must take advantage
    of powers granted him by the Constitution. He should dismiss the
    officials who commit treason. These officials think they have immunity
    for their posts. The government will face danger of treason until
    they retain their posts," Hajiyev said.

    "Though we expected changes in the government after 2003 presidential
    election, it did not take place," Fuad Aliyev, former presidential
    contender and chairman of Liberal Democratic Party of Azerbaijan
    told TrendNews.

    Fuad Aliyev believes that President Ilham Aliyev will make changes
    in his team this time. "I think at least 50% of officials will be
    dismissed. New persons should take posts in the government regardless
    of how hard former officials, who have been in office for 15 years,
    will work," he said.

    "It is President who decides to make changes in the government. I
    do not want to meddle with his authorities," Gudrat Hasanguluyev,
    former presidential contender and chairman of the Unified Popular
    Front Party of Azerbaijan (UPFPA) said to TrendNews.

    UPFPA chairman said he planned to form government of national
    confidence if he was elected President.

    "All political forces representing different wings would be represented
    in the government. Proportional election system would be restored
    and political party, who wins parliamentary election, would form the
    government. I can not say anything about changes in the government as
    this President Ilham Aliyev will decide it himself," Hasanguluyev said.

    "This government should be changed completely as it did not do
    anything for Azerbaijan for over 10 years," Gulamhuseyn Alibayli,
    former presidential contender and member of Initiative Group of
    Aydinlar Party said to TrendNews.

    "Several Ministries should be united and their authorities should be
    distributed in the new government. I think people are bored with the
    ministers who have been in office for 10 to 15 years," he said.

    Igbal Agazade, former presidential contender and chairman of
    opposition Umid Party refused to comment o this issue as this is not
    his authority.