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Support Our Friends From California In The House

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  • Support Our Friends From California In The House


    Armenian Reporter =1F6BF3B2-3FF3-752C-24F67A24E8854A08
    October 21, 2008

    The Armenian Reporter and USAPAC endorse candidates for the U.S. House
    of Representatives from California.

    Almost all of the members of California's congressional delegation
    are responsive to Armenian-American concerns. Several members of
    Congress from California have taken a leadership role in addressing
    issues that matter strongly to Armenian-American voters.

    This is not surprising. Representing a state that is home to
    the largest concentration of Armenian-Americans, they have many
    opportunities to meet Armenian-Americans and become familiar with their
    concerns. In fact, two members of the California delegation, Anna Eshoo
    and Jackie Speier, are themselves Armenian-American. Many California
    members of Congress have Armenian-Americans on their staff. And,
    of course, they seek the votes, the campaign contributions, and the
    volunteer help of California-Armenians.

    While the responsiveness of the California delegation is not
    surprising, it should not be taken for granted. Our community has
    become increasingly involved - and assertive - in the political
    process, and Armenian-Americans have taken years to cultivate
    relationships with elected officials.

    The Armenian Reporter and the U.S.-Armenia Public Affairs Committee
    (USAPAC) jointly urge Armenian-Americans to support our friends in
    the California delegation. In two cases, we urge Armenian-Americans
    to oppose members who have opposed or withdrawn their support of House
    Resolution 106, which affirms the U.S. record on the Armenian Genocide.

    In our endorsements, as always we have given special consideration
    to members of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Affairs. We have
    considered candidates' interest in and support of Armenian-American
    issues, including co-sponsorship and support of H. Res. 106. We have
    also noted where members signed a letter to the secretary of state,
    urging her to condemn Azerbaijan's threats of war against Armenia
    and Karabakh. (See the print version of this editorial in pdf form.)

    â~H~Z3. Dan Lungren. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Mr. Lungren co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    4. No endorsement. We thank retiring Representative John Doolittle
    for his support.

    â~H~Z5. Doris Matsui, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z6. Lynn Woolsey, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As a member of the House Foreign Affairs
    Committee, she voted for H. Res. 106 in committee.

    â~H~Z7. George Miller, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z8. Support Nancy Pelosi Ms. Pelosi is a member of the House Caucus
    on Armenian Affairs and co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As Speaker of the
    House, Ms. Pelosi has been a true friend of the Armenian-American
    community. For her strong support of the Genocide resolution a
    year ago, she endured harsh criticism from the many establishment
    figures who had agreed to be mouthpieces of the Turkish lobby. We
    are particularly grateful to her.

    â~H~Z9. Barbara Lee, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z10. Ellen Tauscher, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z11. Gerald McNerney. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Mr. McNerney co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z12. Support Jackie Speier An Armenian-American who was elected
    earlier this year to complete the term of the late Rep. Tom Lantos,
    Ms. Speier is a strong advocate of issues of concern to the
    Armenian-American community. Her position is consistent with the
    leadership role she took as a member of the California Senate and,
    earlier, of the California State Assembly. Ms. Speier is a member of
    the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs and co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z13. Pete Stark, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z14. Support Anna Eshoo An Armenian-American, Ms. Eshoo has long
    been a strong advocate of issues of concern to the Armenian-American
    community. Ms. Eshoo is a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs and co-sponsored H. Res. 106. She signed a letter to Secretary
    Rice about Azerbaijani threats.

    â~H~Z15. Michael Honda, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106. He signed a letter to Secretary
    Rice about Azerbaijani threats.

    â~H~Z16. Zoe Lofgren, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z17. Sam Farr. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Mr. Farr co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z18. Dennis Cardoza, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106. He signed a letter to Secretary
    Rice about Azerbaijani threats.

    â~H~Z19. Support George Radanovich Mr. Radanovich is a vocal member
    of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs and was one of four original
    co-sponsors of H. Res. 106. He signed a letter to Secretary Rice
    about Azerbaijani threats. Rep. Radanovich has also helped initiate
    a congressional letter in support of additional U.S. assistance to
    Armenia in the wake of Georgia crisis.

    â~H~Z20. Support Jim Costa.

    Mr. Costa is a vocal member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs
    and co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As a member of the House Foreign Affairs
    Committee, Mr. Costa voted for H. Res. 106 in committee. He signed
    a letter to Secretary Rice about Azerbaijani threats. As a member of
    the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. Costa voted for H. Res. 106
    in committee. He signed a letter to Secretary Rice about Azerbaijani

    â~H~Z21. Devin Nunes, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z22. Kevin McCarthy. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Mr. McCarthy co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z23. Lois Capps, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z24. Elton Gallegly, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As a member of the House
    Foreign Affairs Committee, however, he voted for the resolution in
    committee. He also signed a letter to Secretary Rice about Azerbaijani

    â~H~Z25. Buck McKeon, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106. Mr. McKeon signed a letter to Secretary
    Rice about Azerbaijani threats.

    â~H~Z26. David Dreier, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z27. Support Brad Sherman Mr. Sherman is a vocal member of the
    House Caucus on Armenian Affairs and co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As
    a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. Sherman
    worked actively for the H. Res. 106 passage in committee and voted
    for it. He signed a letter to Secretary Rice about Azerbaijani
    threats. Mr. Sherman is passionate advocate for U.S. aid to Armenia,
    most recently in the wake of Georgia crisis, and support for Karabakh's
    right of self-determination.

    â~H~Z28. Support Howard Berman Mr. Berman is a member of the House
    Caucus on Armenian Affairs and co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As a member of
    the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. Berman voted for H. Res. 106
    in committee. Mr. Berman now chairs the committee.

    â~H~Z29. Support Adam Schiff Mr. Schiff is a vocal member of the House
    Caucus on Armenian Affairs and is one of the original co-sponsors of
    H. Res. 106. He signed a letter to Secretary Rice about Azerbaijani
    threats. A passionate advocate for Armenian issues, Mr. Schiff is a
    member of the key Foreign Operations Subcommittee and earlier this
    year crossed party lines to vote to zero out U.S. military aid to

    â~H~Z30. Henry Waxman, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z31. Xavier Becerra, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z32. Hilda Solis, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z33. Diane Watson, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As a member of the House Foreign
    Affairs Committee, Ms. Watson voted for H. Res. 106 in committee. She
    signed a letter to Secretary Rice about Azerbaijani threats.

    â~H~Z34. Lucille Roybal-Allard, a member of the House Caucus on
    Armenian Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z35. Maxine Waters. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Ms. Waters co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    O36. Oppose Jane Harman, Ms. Harman, who co-sponsored H. Res. 106,
    publicly and privately worked against the adoption of the resolution.

    â~H~Z37. Laura Richardson. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Ms. Richardson co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z38. Grace Napolitano, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106. She signed a letter to Secretary
    Rice about Azerbaijani threats.

    â~H~Z39. Linda Sanchez, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As a member of the House Foreign
    Affairs Committee, Ms. Sanchez voted for H. Res. 106 in committee.

    â~H~Z40. Support Edward Royce Mr. Royce is a vocal member of the House
    Caucus on Armenian Affairs and co-sponsored H. Res. 106. As a member of
    the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. Royce voted for H. Res. 106 in
    committee. He has spoken out frequently in support of Armenian issues.

    41. No endorsement.?

    â~H~Z42. Gary Miller, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z43. Joe Baca, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z44. Ken Calvert, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z45. Mary Bono Mack. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Ms. Bono Mack co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z46. Dana Rohrabacher. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Mr. Rohrabacher co-sponsored H. Res. 106 and as a member of the House
    Foreign Affairs Committee, voted for H. Res. 106 in committee.

    â~H~Z47. Loretta Sanchez, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z48. John Campbell. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Mr. Campbell co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z49. Darrell Issa, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian
    Affairs, co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z50. Brian Bilbray. Though not a member of the Armenian Caucus,
    Mr. Bilbray co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    â~H~Z51. Bob Filner, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.

    52. No endorsement?. We thank retiring Representative Duncan Hunter
    for his support.

    â~H~Z53. Susan Davis, a member of the House Caucus on Armenian Affairs,
    co-sponsored H. Res. 106.
