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Economic Cooperation Considers All The Spheres

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  • Economic Cooperation Considers All The Spheres

    Gevorg Haroutyunyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    21 Oct 2008

    Yesterday morning, the Intergovernmental Committee on Economic
    Cooperation between Armenia and Russia convened its 10th plenary
    session in the conference hall of "Metropol" hotel.

    IGOR LEVITIN, RF Minister of Transport and Co-Chair of the
    Inter-Governmental Committee, underlined that, "The economic
    cooperation between Armenia and Russia develops consistently. Although,
    in 2008, the volumes of good circulation will exceed the sum of 1
    billion dollars, we continue the progress and envisage more ambitious

    The committee has studied a number of trends requiring an urgent

    As a result, the problematic issues related to the operation of the
    institutions, (particularly those which are considered the property of
    Russia) dealing with the problems of energy, transport, humanitarian
    issues and environmental conservation - problems that aroused heated
    debates quite recently, have now found a solution. The Central Banks
    of both countries are elaborating long-term effective programs."

    At the end of the meeting, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan and Igor
    Levitin signed the protocol of the 10th session of the Armenian-Russian
    Inter-Governmental Committee, and then, during the meeting with the
    journalists, summed up the results.

    Co-Chair of the Committee TIGRAN SARGSYAN considered it symbolic t hat
    the 10th jubilee session of the inter-governmental cooperation had been
    convened on the eve of RF President D. Medvedev's visit to Armenia.

    "The session was held in the traditional constructive atmosphere of
    the mutual understanding. I am satisfied with the agreements achieved,
    and I hope that they all will be successfully implemented in the near
    future. I am sure that the high-level warm relations will foster
    an equally effective and full cooperation in the private sector as
    well. Our principal goal is to ensure a favorable atmosphere for
    cooperation in all the possible spheres."

    RF Minister of Transport Igor Levitin confirmed that the
    inter-governmental committee had, over the past ten years, become
    an effective tool assisting and supporting the private business
    sector. "All our sessions are necessarily participated by the
    representatives of the private business sector. It is due to their
    assistance that we managed to consistently solve all the problems
    which were difficult to settle on the inter-state level. We have even
    managed to overcome the legal-contractual obstacles.

    In particular, 'Mars' factory will be handed over to 'Citronix'
    company which has submitted a new production business-plan to the RA
    Government or a free economic zone will be created.

    If the submitted business plan is approved and adopted, the most
    up-to-date high technologies will be imported.

    As reg ards the prospect of building an oil refinery in Armenia,
    I don't think we are now facing the economic necessity of building
    an enterprise with the project power of 5 million tons. First, it is
    necessary to find the markets on which the production of this factory
    can be realized".

    Characterizing the volumes and spheres of the Armenian-Russian economic
    cooperation, T. Sargsyan mentioned, "All the spheres of our life and
    vital activity are within the frames of bilateral interests. There
    is no sphere that slipped our attention. Today, we can state that
    all the problems in the sphere of energy have been resolved, and we
    now have the opportunity to create a new field of cooperation and
    to extend it. We believe that before the end of the current year,
    the law prohibiting bilateral taxations will enter into force.

    There were also discussions over the Russian side's participation
    in the construction of the Iran-Armenia railway and the new nuclear
    power plant.

    The final decisions will be made when the expert groups study the
    effectiveness of these projects and submit their conclusions."