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Estimate Medical Employees' Work Demanding Qualitative Care

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  • Estimate Medical Employees' Work Demanding Qualitative Care

    Estimate Medical Employees' Work Demanding Qualitative Care

    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    October 21, 2008

    Today, the NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has met with responsible
    personnel of the health care sphere of the Republic. The Prime Minister
    declared that it is foreseen to increase financial allotments to
    the sphere from the NKR State Budget 2009 by 400 mln drams, which
    will be completely aimed at increase of the salaries of the sphere's
    employees salaries on average 30 percent. The aim of the meeting was
    to hear out opinions and proposals of the participants according to
    whose calculations the Government will adopt appropriate resolution.

    Before exchange of views, the Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan has
    attracted the meeting participants' attention at a number of important
    facts and occurrences. As a whole, he has considered the proceeding
    of the reforms in the sphere unsatisfactory. The circumstance of
    death-rate increase in the Republic, when in Karabakh considerably more
    state financing per a person than in Armenia and numerous European
    countries is carried out, arises particular anxiety. According
    to the Premier's words, for the population's health protection and
    rehabilitation it is necessary to have a complex programme and to make
    it a reality. "The Government continues to invest more means into the
    sphere, but there no desirable results up today"- A.Haroutyunyan
    noted. He has attached importance to parallel increase of the
    sphere's financing and the efficiency of the reforms conducted. Both
    the Government and the population must be satisfied with the work of
    the system, he emphasized. For realization of new purposeful policy
    in the sphere of health care A.Haroutyunyan has assigned the leaders
    of the system with a task to create a working group and to draft a
    new programme for the sphere's development on the basis of studies
    and proposals.Priority will be given to increase of the health care
    services and exclusion of negative occurrences.

    A number of heads of the sphere's establishments present at the
    meeting spoke with their proposals and considerations.

    The NKR Minister of Finance S.Tevosyan and the Minister of Health
    Care A.Khachatryan were present during exchange of views.