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Barack Obama Thanks Armenians For Obama

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  • Barack Obama Thanks Armenians For Obama

    23.10.2008 10:21

    Senator Barack Obama personally thanked Armenians for Obama for its
    far-reaching grassroots efforts and encouraged the growing nationwide
    Armenian American movement in support of the Obama-Biden ticket to
    escalate its voter outreach in the final days before the November
    4th election.

    In a letter sent today to Armenians for Obama, Senator Obama personally
    expressed his thanks to the voter outreach organization, noting
    that, from the beginning Armenians for Obama has "been one of those
    grassroots groups - whether its canvassing in Nevada and Virginia or
    calling from home in California and New York. I know your hard work
    has made a difference in the past two years, and I know it's going
    to make the difference in these last few days."

    Welcoming Senator Obama's warm words of appreciation, Ibranossian said,
    "On behalf of all our Armenians for Obama activists around the country,
    I want to thank Senator Obama for his sincere expression of gratitude
    to our grassroots organization and community. We are inspired by
    his kind words to our team and take from them an added measure of
    energy and devotion, in these last days, to engage in fieldwork, media
    outreach, and get-out-the-vote efforts, to do our part to ensure that
    Senator Obama wins a decisive victory on November 4th."

    Separately, the campaign has issued a campaign certificate,
    bearing the Armenians for Obama logo, in which the Armenian
    American National Leadership Committee officially endorses the
    Obama-Biden ticket. Serving on this select Leadership Committee are
    U.S. Representatives Anna Eshoo, Jackie Speier, and Adam Schiff,
    California Assemblyman Paul Krekorian, and former South Carolina
    State Democratic Chairman Richard Harpootlian.

    The full text of Senator Obama's letter is provided below:

    Dear Friends, I want to thank you for all you're doing to build our
    movement for change.

    Grassroots groups have seized on the desire of ordinary Americans to
    take back our country, and organized this energy and enthusiasm into a
    strong, disciplined campaign. You've taken responsibility for reaching
    out to your neighbors and fellow citizens to make the case for change.

    >From the beginning, Armenian Americans for Obama has been one of those
    grassroots groups - whether it's canvassing in Nevada and Virginia or
    calling from home in California and New York. I know that your hard
    work has made a difference in the past two years, and I know it's
    going to make the difference in these last few days. Let me be clear:
    we're not there yet.

    This race will tighten as we get closer to the end. And the difference
    between the change we seek and more of the same is you.

    We have asked a lot from our supporters, and you have taken ownership
    of our movement, because you know that "change happens from the
    bottom-up" is not just a slogan - it is the story of this campaign. At
    every test, you have succeeded. With the final test just a few days
    away, I have no doubt that you will rise to the occasion again. And
    together we will succeed, and together, we will change America."