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Casualties among foreign migrants in Russia in 2008

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  • Casualties among foreign migrants in Russia in 2008

    Moscow Bureau for Human Rights
    115455 Moscow, Russia, p/o box 6
    telfax 7 (495)670-69-75, 7(495)506-02-24
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Director of Moscow Bureau for Human Rights
    Alexander Brod
    In case of reprinting reference to Moscow Bureau for Human Rights is

    23 October 2008

    Xenophobia manifestations: January - October 2008

    Review of Moscow bureau for human rights

    During the period since January till October 15, 2008 250 attacks at least
    based upon xenophobia were recorded and 112 deceased and 337 victims at
    least were their result.

    According to the data of the Ministry of home affairs announced on September
    23, 250 crimes of extremist character were recorded since the beginning of
    the year. On October 8 representatives of Investigatory committee of the
    office of public prosecutor of RF announced that since the beginning of the
    year 380 crimes of extremist orientation were recorded in Russia, and 322 of
    them were already disclosed.

    The largest number of attacks was committed in Moscow and Moscow region (48
    deceased, 162 victims at least), they are followed by St. Petersburg and
    Leningrad region (19 deceased, 35 victims at least), Sverdlovsk region (6
    deceased, 8 victims), Yaroslavl (4 deceased), Ulyanovsk region (3 deceased,
    3 victims), Ingushetia (2 deceased, 3 victims), Omsk (2 deceased, 2
    victims), Novosibirsk (2 deceased), Dagestan (1 deceased, 23 victims at
    least), Voronezh (1 deceased, 16 victims at least), Nizhni Novgorod region
    (2 deceased, 4 victims), Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Udmurtia (by 1 deceased and 3
    victims), Stavropol, Tula, Chelyabinsk region (by 1 deceased and 2 victims),
    Togliatti, Obninsk and Saratov region (by 1 deceased and 1 victim), Kaluga
    region (1 deceased). Nalchik (29 victims at least), Bryansk (14 victims),
    Vladivostok (13 victims), Lipetsk (8 victims at least), Kazan, Kaliningrad
    (by 6 victims), Ryazan region (5 victims), Republic of North Ossetia, Ufa
    (by 4 victims), Arkhangelsk region (3 victims), Republic of Chuvashia, Amur,
    Tver, Volgograd and Vladimir regions (by 2 victims), Kursk, Penza,
    Pervouralsk, Oryol, Yaroslavl, Novgorod region, Rostov-on-Don, Republic of
    Kalmykia, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Vologda, Tambov (by 1 victim).

    The following were attacked most often: Uzbeks (17 deceased, 22 victims),
    Kirghizes (10 deceased, 5 victims), Tajiks (9 deceased, 35 victims),
    Russians (8 deceased, 34 victims), Azerbaijanians (7 deceased, 23 victims),
    Armenians (4 deceased, 3 victims), Dagestans (2 deceased, 26 victims at
    least), Chechens (2 deceased, 22 victims), Kalmyks (2 deceased, 6 victims at
    least), Ingushes (2 deceased, 4 victims), Turks (2 deceased, 1 victim),
    Gypsies (2 deceased), Chineses (1 deceased, 13 victims), Moldavians,
    Germans, Tuvinians (by 1 deceased), natives of the countries of Near East
    and North Africa (12 victims), Indians (4 victims), Koreans, Jews (by 3
    victims), Englishmen, Mongols, Georgians (by 2 victims), Kazakhs (2

    During the period since January till October 15, 2008 145 persons were
    convicted for manifestations of aggressive xenophobia. At the same time 7
    persons were sentenced to correctional works, 5 - to imprisonment in
    colony-settlement, 36 - to conditional imprisonment, 3 - got the terms of
    imprisonment up to 1 year, 26 - from 1 to 5 years, 36 - from 5 to 10 years,
    7 - from 10 to 15 years, 4 - from 15 to 20 years and five people else were
    sentenced to life imprisonment.

    During first two weeks of October eight attacks were recorded, and 4
    deceased and 7 victims were their results.

    Early in October a group of citizens of Uzbekistan was beaten in suburban
    electric train in Vladivostok. One of the victims got 5 knife wounds.

    On October 7 a citizen of Chinese People's republic was beaten in

    On October 11 night a citizen of Uzbekistan was killed in Moscow.

    On October 12 an attack was committed at two citizens of Tajikistan in the
    center of Moscow; they both got knife wounds and died because of the wounds
    later, and on October 12 an Azerbaijanian was wounded in electric train near

    In October an attempt of use of "Kondopoga political technology" was also
    recorded. The rape and murder of 15-year-old A. Beshnova committed in the
    Western district of Moscow became the cause for nationalistic hysteria on
    the part of the ultra-rights. Though the case it not yet investigated, the
    nationalists accused two Dagestans of the crime at once and arranged an
    unapproved meeting. Some of agitator-nationalists were arrested.

    Within the election campaign to the regional Legislative assembly in
    Kemerovo region in September 2008 local mass media accented the attention
    negatively that No. 2 in the list of CPRF D. Kochadze in an ethnic Georgian.

    Early in October the leaflets were thrown about in the village Ardy of
    Kilemarsky district of the Republic of Mariy El; in the opinion of
    investigators, they were directed at kindling of hate between Russians and

    Early in October xenophobe inscriptions appeared in Vladivostok.

    On October 4 an Orthodox Christian cross was destroyed and desecrated at
    Staropanovsky cemetery in Leningrad region.

    On October 6 a motorcar with explosives parked beside the mosque was
    neutralized in St. Petersburg.

    On October 10 the anti-Christian inscriptions were written upon the Orthodox
    Christian Assumption temple in Voronezh, and in Kaliningrad the old Jewish
    cemetery was desecrated.

    On October 12 night the unknown people set fire to a bell tower on the
    territory of the church of Nativity of the Virgin in Sovetsky district of

    During the first half of October 7 people were convicted for the crimes
    based upon xenophobia (5 of them got conditional punishment, 1 was sentenced
    to imprisonment in colony-settlement, 1 - was sent to a prison).

    On October 1 an accusation was preferred to five inhabitants of Dzerzhinsk
    accused of murder of a student from Tajikistan.

    On October 3 Leninsky district court of Novosibirsk sentenced the former
    militiaman Alexander Budnikov to two years of conditional imprisonment for
    public appeals to extremist activity: placement of anti-Semitic orientation
    articles in Internet.

    On October 8 an accusation was preferred in Orenburg to 5 skin-heads who
    beat "non-Russians" and placed video-records in Internet.

    On October 8 the procedure started in Central district court of Khabarovsk
    on the case of the leader of regional branch of "Union of Russian people"
    (SRN) Pavel Onopriyenko and press-secretary of the branch Viktor Chulkin
    accused by clauses of the CC on "creation of extremist community and
    participation in it" as well as on "stimulation of hate or hostility as well
    as humiliation of human dignity".

    On October 9 the investigatory department of the investigatory committee of
    the office of public prosecutor of RF for St. Petersburg sent the criminal
    case on the fact of might-have-been explosion in the city "Rocks-club" to
    the court.

    On October 13 Krasnoselsky federal court of St. Petersburg sentenced the
    leader of nationalist "Party of freedom" Yuri Belyayev to six months of
    imprisonment in colony-settlement.

    On October 14 the Supreme court of Tatarstan upheld the sentence for the
    members of Tatarstan group of Russian National Unity (RNE).

    On October 14 the Investigatory department of the Investigatory committee of
    the office of public prosecutor for Tver city completed the preliminary
    investigation towards 19 members of organization "Russian National Unity"
    accused of attacks, desecration of graves and robberies.

    On Haider syndrome

    (Statement of Moscow bureau for human rights)

    On October 10, 2008 an odious Austrian politician Joerg Haider perished in
    traffic accident. Having doubtless features of charismatic leader, Haider
    became a banner of right radicals and openly supported neo-Nazi moods.

    Leading the "Austrian party of freedom" and being a governor of Karintia,
    Haider made a statement that the Third Reich conducted more worthy
    employment policy than the today's government does. He promised to "throw"
    the migrants out of Austria in person and spoke with demand to reject the
    payments to Jews who suffered during Nazi terror in Austria.

    Being already a leader of new party "Alliance for the future of Austria",
    Haider demanded to provide no full-fledged membership to the new EC
    countries, adopt tough migratory laws etc. He enabled these subjects that
    were discussed just within discussions among the nationalists to become a
    part of all-Austrian political discourse. His parties gained unprecedented
    success during regional and federal election causing shock in Europe.

    The history and success of Haider's political carrier are the visual
    demonstration what can be a result of inability of the authorities to
    explain and cushion the difficulties of transitional period as well as are
    an example of the fact how legitimacy is provided to xenophobe and often
    pro-Nazi slogans under the shelter of popular and populist slogans. The
    parties led by him collected considerable number of votes due to inability
    of authorities to smooth the negative consequences of globalization, side
    effects of mass immigration and of joining the EC, and inability to explain
    the crisis events in economy.

    MBHR thinks that dangerous Haider's popularity in Austria and success of his
    parties should be a serious lesson for Russian authorities. Objective
    economic and political problems of post-Soviet space, mistakes in migratory
    policy, failures of citizens' social protection, inactivity of
    law-enforcement bodies lead to the growth of nationalistic moods, race and
    religious hate. Russia is living through a splash of murders and crimes
    based upon national hate, growth of activity of the groups of frankly
    pro-Nazi orientation. Such moods are kindled and directed by leaders of
    right-radical organizations, and many of them express much more radical
    views than Haider's ones being subject to no court persecution.

    Such a situation in Russia looks most dangerous. And this is most important
    now, under conditions of the world financial and equity crisis the
    consequences of which may be felt by Russian citizens. It can be already
    seen that many primitive provokers already speak with accusations of
    representatives of "non-titular" nations, migrants of the crisis. Somebody
    already tries to provoke the protest moods in the army.

    While in European countries including Austria a developed civil society
    withstands the growth of nationalist moods to some extent, in Russia such a
    society is not yet created. Under these conditions the special
    responsibility is laid upon the authorities and rights defending
    organizations that must do their best to prevent to development of the
    events according to the worst scenario.

    On the attempts of rehabilitation of Nazism in Ukraine and Baltic countries

    Statement of Moscow bureau for human rights

    During recent week the Ukrainian and Russian mass media were full of reports
    about conflicts and squabbles in Ukraine in connection with celebration
    concerning 66th anniversary of creation of Ukrainian insurgent army.

    A sad regularity is traced in the political life of some independent states
    upon the post-Soviet space: building of the new statehood is inseparable
    from the growth of nationalist moods when the enemy is searched strenuously
    within the country and abroad to which all the disasters can be ascribed.
    Russia and Russian-speaking population take shape as such an enemy. But
    during recent years we are the witnesses of even sadder picture: growth of
    anti-Russian moods is often accompanied by laudation of "people's heroes"
    who cooperated with Nazis in any way.

    It deals with Ukraine and Baltic countries.

    Numerous celebrations in honor of Insurgent army veterans are conducted in
    Ukraine, a title of the hero of Ukraine was awarded to its commander Roman
    Shukhevich who sullied his name with immediate cooperation with Hitlerites.
    Museums of Ukrainian insurgent army (UPA-UNSO) are created, and the uniforms
    of the World War II are much in demand. Laudations of Bandera followers are
    permanently combined with curses addressed to the "Muscovites". The common
    tragedy of the people of the Soviet Union that lived through inconceivable
    sufferings during the Stalin's regime, the tragedy of multi-national
    population of Ukraine that died because of hunger early in 1930s are
    transformed into the idea of Golodomor as a conscious genocide of Ukrainians
    by Russian authorities - it looks like the hunger consciously avoided the
    houses where the Russians lived. It looks like inhabitants of Urals and
    other regions of Russia didn't starve. At the same time nationalistic mass
    media relish the Jewish names in the list of the Ukrainian leaders of that
    time and don't mention many Ukrainian names. The myrmidons and bearers of
    Stalin's regime whose activity is disgusting no matter what was their
    nationality, are thoroughly sorted into one's owns and aliens. And the
    aliens - "Muscovites" and "Jewmen" prove to be the only culprits of
    Ukrainian tragedy.

    As wild anti-Russian and pro-fascist hysteria also takes place recently in
    the Baltic countries. Indeed, the Baltic countries suffered much from the
    Soviet regime. Dozen thousands of the Baltic residents were executed, exiled
    to Siberia, deprived of the right to maintain their cultural and religious
    traditions. But for unknown reason the blame is put again upon Russia and
    Russians - it looks like millions Russians were not executed, exiled to the
    camps, deprived of elementary human rights by the same Stalin's regime. It
    looks like Baltic Communists and chekists didn't take part in repressions
    and like the Latvian riflemen didn't participate in the revolution. And
    people are sorted again basing upon their nationality, and the "aliens" are
    called enemies. As a result the Russians and representatives of other
    non-native nationalities are deprived of civil rights and possibility to
    study in native language. At the same time rallies and marches of "Waffen
    SS" veterans are conducted, medals are presented to the veterans of
    volunteer Nazi legions, graves of Soviet warriors are desecrated, monuments
    to warriors-liberators are destroyed and criminal proceedings are instituted
    against old men-partisans who fought against fascism.

    Both in Ukraine and in Baltic countries the officials often treat
    protectively the glorification of Nazi myrmidons and sometimes participate
    themselves in the marches of "veterans". Thus, the president of Ukraine V.
    Yushchenko initiated the celebration of UPA-UNSO anniversary in person. Even
    the European structures that often try to take no notice of human rights
    breaches in some countries to please the political considerations expressed
    more than once their indignation due to open demonstration of neo-Nazi moods
    in Baltic countries and anti-Semitism in Ukraine.

    The abrupt growth of anti-Semitic moods should be specially stressed being
    an integral part of nationalistic and pro-Nazi moods. Right-radical mass
    media, nationalist parties and various movements use the anti-Semitic
    rhetoric. It's sufficient to mention just the regrettably known MAUP that
    was putting anti-Semitism without difficulty into the center of its activity
    for many years.

    A special cynicism can be seen in all this if one takes into account that it
    was right in Ukraine and Baltic countries that the Jewish population lived
    throw the terrible tragedy. Many hundred thousands Jews in Ukraine, almost
    whole Jewish population of the Baltic region were eliminated during Nazi
    occupation. And it's well-known that local population from among Nazi
    myrmidons actively and sometimes immediately participated in elimination of
    the Jews. Latvian punitive detachments not just conducted the executions of
    Jews on the territory of Latvia itself but were also "sent on a business
    strip" to other Baltic countries. None of other European countries knew such
    an active participation of local population in the Holocaust like the Baltic

    And neo-Nazi moods are actively implanted and disseminated in these
    countries instead of giving the righteous that sheltered the Jews their due,
    and instead of taking care of monuments and graves of Soviet soldiers who
    gave their lives for salvation of the world from Nazism. And such a
    situation seems intolerable under conditions of today's world political and
    economical cataclysms and aggravation of inter-national and inter-religious
    conflicts. The authorities and the public of Ukraine and Baltic countries,
    European rights defending structures should do their best to prevent the
    growth of fascism and its irreversible consequences.

    "Europe got to know about the tragedy of South Ossetia"

    A press conference "Europe got to know about the tragedy of South Ossetia"
    took place in press center of "RIA News". Members of the Public chamber of
    RF told about their participation in PACE session devoted to humanitarian
    catastrophe in South Ossetia and in OSCE conference on human dimension in

    The member of the RF Public chamber, director of Moscow bureau for human
    rights Alexander Brod greeted the proposal of Parliamentary Assembly of the
    Community of Europe on conduction of full-scale investigation. He also
    stated that Russian rights defenders would like to visit Gori and Poti.
    "Information about the victims both on Ossetin and Georgian parts is equally
    important for us. All the facts of human rights breaches, destructions,
    cases of marauding should be thoroughly investigated, and the refugees must
    get a chance to return to their houses", he said.

    According to A. Brod, more than 200 applications from the citizens of South
    Ossetia to Moscow bureau for human rights in August 2008 were handed-over to
    the European court of human rights. Moscow bureau for human rights, Guild of
    Russian lawyers, National rights defending Union "Man and Law", movement
    "Resistance" would provide the juridical support to the citizens of South
    Ossetia as before.

    Alexander Brod stressed that PACE deputies who visited Tskhinval in person
    spoke more objectively than those who didn't go to Ossetia. Hysterical
    appeals to "stop the Russian bear, empire of evil" and that "Russian tanks
    entered Tbilisi and the city is in ruins. These tanks are already in the
    heart of Europe, in this hall" were heard in the hall of the European
    Council. The members of the Public chamber presented the book "South
    Ossetia. Chronicle of the booked murder" prepared together by the commission
    of the Public chamber on investigation of military crimes and rights
    defending movement "Resistance". The book tells about the victims of
    Georgian aggression, reproduces the chronology of the August events and the
    evidences of eye-witnesses. Documentary materials are supplemented by photos
    shot by journalists during the battle for Tskhinval. This book caused big
    interest in Strasbourg and Warsaw.

    At present the negotiations are conducted on arrangement of similar briefing
    in European parliament in Brussels and UN headquarters in New York.

    According to the member of the Public chamber, lawyer Pavel Astakhov, public
    investigation of all the circumstances of 5-day August war will continue by
    all means. Though the Europeans acknowledged in general that it was Georgia
    that inflicted the first blow upon South Ossetia, the members of the Public
    chamber don't loose their hope to persuade the West that Russia behaved in
    the only possible way during the conflict and that the Georgian leaders
    should answer for their crimes in the international tribunal.

    "Criminal proceedings were instituted by the Russian part. Political
    investigation took place within PACE. But the conclusions were different.
    And there is a field for the work of public organizations. The conflict took
    place but it isn't solved", P. Astakhov said.

    According to the collected evidences, the Georgian servicemen executed the
    refugees who tried to escape to Russia, used the inhabitants of Ossetin
    villages as the living shield during the attack at Tskhinval and applied the
    cassette ammunition during bombardment of Ossetin houses.

    Member of the RF Public chamber Sergey Ryakhovsky noted the importance of
    development of inter-religious dialogue of Russia and Georgia as well as of
    humanitarian and cultural ties between the people of our countries.

    Executive secretary of the "People's forum 'Ossetia accuses'" Oleg Kudukhov
    noted that his compatriots also have reproofs towards the European
    structures themselves. In particular it is known that several days before
    the start of war the OSCE and Red Cross missions that worked in Tskhinval
    hurriedly left South Ossetia. "This means the Georgian OSCE representation
    knew about the attack that was under preparation and warned its colleagues,
    Kudukhov said. But why were the Ossetins not warned then? Why didn't
    Europeans try to interfere into the conflict?"

    Executive director of Moscow bureau for human rights Natalya Rykova spoke
    with the demand to create an international tribunal for condemnation of
    Georgian aggression thus supporting the idea stated by the Commissioner on
    human rights V. Lukin in August 2008. N. Rykova also stressed that the
    response of the international rights defending community to the war in South
    Ossetia was inert and delayed. In her opinion, it was just inactivity of
    armed peace-maker contingent in Bosnia and Herzegovina that led to the
    tragedy of Srebrenitsa and mass elimination of Moslem and Serbian
    population. And Russian peace-makers did their utmost in South Ossetia to
    prevent the growth of ethnic war.

    N. Rykova also noted that on October 10 the Nobel price of peace was awarded
    to the Finnish politician and diplomat, 71-year-old Marti Ahtisaari being
    the author of the plan of separation of Kosovo from Serbia "for outstanding
    service <...> for solution of international conflicts". In her opinion,
    despite the service of Marti Ahtisaari in the field of peace-making, the
    decision of the Nobel committee is most politicized and obviously connected
    with the recent events in South Ossetia.

    The public prosecutors checked the observance of laws on federal security,
    inter-national relations and counteraction against extremism

    According to the data of the RF Office of general public prosecutor, the
    offices of public prosecutor of Russian Federation conducted 25661
    inspections of implementation of laws on federal security, inter-national
    relations and counteraction against extremism during the period since
    January till June, 2008 (including 441 inspections in the authorities of RF
    subjects, 8280 - in local government bodies, 244 - in territorial
    Rosregistration bodies, 50 - in territorial Rosokhanculture bodies, 1540 -
    in territorial migratory inspection bodies, 1366 - in public associations,
    1659 - in religious associations and 2160 - in mass media).

    50398 legislation breaches were discovered (including 289 - in the
    authorities of the RF subjects, 19549 - in local government bodies, 80 - in
    territorial Rosregistration bodies, 24 - in territorial Rosokhanculture
    bodies, 2047 - in territorial migratory inspection bodies, 617 - in public
    associations, 578 - in religious associations, 357 - in mass media), among
    them 2636 - in the field of inter-national relations (including 12 in the
    authorities of the RF subjects, 126 - in local government bodies, 2 - in
    territorial Rosokhanculture bodies, 942 - in territorial migratory
    inspection bodies, 136 - in public associations, 14 - in religious
    associations, 3 - in mass media), 11460 - in the field of counteraction
    against extremism (including 161 in the authorities of the RF subjects, 7250
    - in local government bodies, 72 - in territorial Rosregistration bodies, 12
    - in territorial Rosokhanculture bodies, 713 - in territorial migratory
    inspection bodies, 327 - in public associations, 524 - in religious
    associations, 340 - in mass media) and 36302 - in the field of counteraction
    against terrorism (including 116 in the authorities of the RF subjects,
    12173 - in local government bodies, 8 - in territorial Rosregistration
    bodies,10 - in territorial Rosokhanculture bodies, 392 - in territorial
    migratory inspection bodies, 154 - in public associations, 40 - in religious
    associations, 14 - in mass media). Also 1684 illegitimate legal acts were
    discovered during the inspections (including 12 in the authorities of the RF
    subjects, 1011 - in local government bodies, 7 - in territorial
    Rosregistration bodies, 260 - in territorial migratory inspection bodies, 13
    - in public associations, 182 - in religious associations, 1 - in mass
    media), among them 318 in the field of inter-national relations (including 5
    in the authorities of the RF subjects, 6 - in local government bodies, 184 -
    in territorial migratory inspection bodies, 4 - in public associations, 3 -
    in religious associations) , 839 - in the field of counteraction against
    extremism (including 4 in the authorities of the RF subjects, 563 - in local
    government bodies, 7 - in territorial Rosregistration bodies, 44 - in
    territorial migratory inspection bodies, 9 - in public associations, 178 -
    in religious associations, 1 - in mass media) and 527 - in the field of
    counteraction against terrorism (including 3 in the authorities of the RF
    subjects, 442 - in local government bodies, 32 - in territorial migratory
    inspection bodies, 1 - in religious associations).

    1362 protests were passed concerning illegal actions (including 8 concerning
    the actions of the authorities of the RF subjects, 828 - of local government
    bodies, 7 - of territorial Rosregistration bodies, 260 - of territorial
    migratory inspection bodies, 13 - of public associations, 168 - of religious
    associations, 1 - of mass media). 10 protests were declined (2 concerning
    the actions of local government bodies, 4 - the actions of territorial
    migratory inspection bodies, 1 - the actions of religious organization).
    According to the results of 1056 protests, illegitimate legal acts were
    cancelled (or changed) (including 7 concerning the actions of the
    authorities of the RF subjects, 714 - of local government bodies, 2 - of
    territorial Rosregistration bodies, 196 - of territorial migratory
    inspection bodies, 6 - of public associations, 84 - of religious
    associations). 3545 suits were directed to the court (including 9 concerning
    the actions of the authorities of the RF subjects, 1539 - of local
    government bodies, 344 - of territorial migratory inspection bodies, 14 - of
    public associations, 32 - of religious associations, 107 - of mass media),
    among them 305 - in correspondence with the Federal Law "On counteraction
    against extremist activity" (including 132 concerning the actions of local
    government bodies, 11 - of public associations, 6 - of religious
    associations, 105 - of mass media). The courts declined 45 suits (among them
    30 concerning the actions of local government bodies), including 18 that
    were forwarded according to the Federal Law "On counteraction against
    extremist activity" (all of these - concerning the actions of local
    government bodies).

    14968 adductions were introduced (including 123 concerning the actions of
    the authorities of the RF subjects, 7925 - of local government bodies, 43 -
    of territorial Rosregistration bodies, 8 - of territorial Rosokhanculture
    bodies, 293 - of territorial migratory inspection bodies, 231 - of public
    associations, 188 - of religious associations, 73 - of mass media). 4481
    persons were called to account basing upon the adductions of the public
    prosecutor (among them 31 - from among the employees of the authorities of
    the RF subjects, 1239 - employees of local government bodies, 94 - from
    territorial migratory inspection bodies, 32 - from public associations, 10 -
    from religious associations, 22 - from mass media). 6721 persons else got
    the warning on impossibility of the breach of law (among them 241 - from
    among the employees of the authorities of the RF subjects, 2212 - of
    employees of local government bodies, 2 - from territorial Rosregistration
    bodies, 3 - from territorial Rosokhanculture bodies, 31 - from territorial
    migratory inspection bodies, 255 - from public associations, 181 - from
    religious associations, 259 - from mass media). 148 persons else got the
    warning (among them 19 from among the employees of local government bodies,
    9 - from public associations, 12 - from religious associations, 17 - from
    mass media). 3738 persons were called to account administratively (among
    them 1 from among the employees of the authorities of the RF subjects, 352 -
    from local government bodies, 235 - from territorial migratory inspection
    bodies, 157 - from public associations, 18 - from religious associations, 42
    - from mass media). 32 criminal proceedings were instituted basing upon the
    materials directed by the public prosecutor in correspondence with clause 37
    part 2 of the Criminal-procedural code (CPC) of RF (among them 1 concerning
    the employees of the authorities of the RF subjects, 2 - employees of local
    government bodies, 4 - of territorial migratory inspection bodies, 2 - of
    public associations, 1- of religious associations, 6 - of mass media). 105
    materials else were directed for examining the possibility of instituting
    the criminal proceedings (among them 5 against the employees of local
    government bodies, 13 - of territorial migratory inspection bodies, 10 - of
    public associations, 6 - of religious associations, 16 - of mass media).
    1113 informational references and adductions were sent to the authorities
    concerning the state of legality, 448 addresses were received concerning
    breaches of law: 285 in the sphere of inter-national relations (13 were
    upheld), 140 - in the sphere of counteraction against extremism (19 were
    upheld), 23 - in the sphere of counteraction against terrorism (15 were

    90 cases of extremist orientation were passed to the court (among them 1 by
    clause 141 of the CC of RF, 8 - by clause 280 of the CC, 31 - by clause 282
    of the CC, 2 - by clause 282-1, 2 - by clause 282-2, 5 - by clause 105, 4 -
    by clause 111, 2 - by clause 112, 5 - by clause 115, 6 - by clause 116, 4 -
    by clause 119 of the CC, 13 - by clause 213, 3 - by clause 214, 2 - by
    clause 244). 35 of them were investigated by the investigators of
    Departments of home affairs (OVD) (3 by clause 111, 1 - by clause 112, 5 -
    by clause 115, 6 - by clause 116, 3 - by clause 119 of the CC, 11 - by
    clause 213, 3 - by clause 214, 2 by clause 244), 52 - by the Investigatory
    committee (IC) of the Office of public prosecutor of RF (among them 1 - by
    clause 141 of the CC, 5 - by clause 280 of the CC, 31 - by clause 282 of the
    CC, 2 - by clause 282-1, 2 - by clause 282-2, 5 - by clause 105, 1 - by
    clause 111, 1 - by clause 112, 1 - by clause 119 of the CC, 2 - by clause
    213). 184 of the accused were called by these cases: 78 - by cases
    investigated by OVD (among them 6 by clause 111, 2 - by clause 112, 8 - by
    clause 115, 10 - by clause 116, 3 - by clause 119 of the CC, 30 - by clause
    213, 6 - by clause 214, 4 - by clause 244) and 103 - by cases investigated
    by IC (among them 1 by clause 141 of the CC, 7 - by clause 280 of the CC, 42
    - by clause 282 of the CC, 5 - by clause 282-1, 3 - by clause 282-2, 32 - by
    clause 105, 3 - by clause 111, 1 - by clause 112, 2 - by clause 119 of the
    CC, 3 - by clause 213). Besides, 9 cases (3 by clause 280, 5 by clause 282,
    1 by clause 214) against 9 persons were stopped (1 by clause 214 by OVD
    investigators and 5 by clause 282 - by investigators of IC) - including 5
    due to lack of the criminal event or corpus delicti (2 by clause 280 and 3
    by clause 282 (all of them - by investigators of IC). 50 cases were
    suspended, including by clause 208 part 1 item 1 of the CPC - 41 (among them
    1 - by clause 141 of the CC, 22 - by clause 282 of the CC, 3 - by clause
    282-2, 2 - by clause 105, 2 - by clause 116, 1 by clause 213, 6 - by clause
    214, 3 - by clause 244), by clause 208 part 1 item 2 - 6 (2 - by clause 280
    of the CC, 4 - by clause 282 of the CC), by clause 208 part 1 item 3 - 2 (1
    - by clause 282 , 2 - by clause 213), by clause 208 part 1 item 4 - 1 (by
    clause 282 of the CC). 69 cases were also passed to the court with
    accusation of terrorism: among them 47 were investigated by OVD (including 2
    - by clause 206 and 44 - by clause 208) and 19 - by IC (2 - by clause 205, 1
    - by clause 205-1, 1 - by clause 206, 15 - by clause 208) with 101 accused:
    68 - by cases investigated by OVD (including 2 - by cases by clause 206, 65
    - by cases by clause 208), 31 - by cases investigated by IC (including 1 by
    cases by clause 205-1, 1 - by cases by clause 206, 18 - by cases by clause
    208). 4 cases (among them 3 - by investigators of IC: 1 - by clause 205, 2 -
    by clause 208) against 6 persons (including1 - by cases investigated by OVD,
    4 - by cases investigated by IC) were stopped including 1 - by investigators
    of IC due to lack of corpus delicti. Besides, 26 cases else were suspended
    including by clause 208 part 1 item 1 of the CPC of RF - 17 (among them 10 -
    by clause 205 of the CC, 4 - by clause 208 of the CC, 2 - by clause 278, 1 -
    by clause 282-1), by clause 208 part 1 item 2 - 9 (1 - by clause 205 of the
    CC, 7 - by clause 208, 1 - by clause 277).