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Opposition Wants, Authorities Refuse

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  • Opposition Wants, Authorities Refuse

    Lilit Poghosyan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    23 Oct 2008

    Below we present some interesting episodes from yesterday's "heated"
    parliamentary debate over the changes envisaging a broader scope of
    competences for the opposition.


    Head of "Heritage" faction

    "The authorities need a counterbalance on the political arena. And
    that role should be vested in the opposition. The Government
    is actually making all the steps which it is required to. The
    opposition should be vested with the competences that imply supervisory
    functions. In particular, the Parliament may have committees dealing
    with financial-credit and budgetary affairs, defense issues, human
    rights etc.

    The Government brings the Budget to the Parliament, receives the
    approval of the document and executes it. The opposition should
    be responsible for supervising the Budget. The Supervisory Chamber
    should be headed by a representative of the opposition. The Head and
    the members of the National Committee on Television and Radio should
    also be representatives of the opposition.

    The Head of the Central Election Commission should also be a
    pro-opposition figure, because no matter how much the opposition
    may desire to falsify the election results, it can't do that as it
    doesn't have relevant resources. The resources are in the hands of
    the authorities."


    RPA Faction

    "There can't be pro-opposition authorities or a pro-government
    opposition. By trying to involve the human resources of the
    pro-opposition parties in the state government system we eliminate
    rather than assist the opposition. If we give positions to all the
    members of 'Heritage' party" a question will arise as to whether
    "Heritage" is a pro-government or a pro-opposition faction. In this
    way, we'll mix up everything.

    I have been against the idea from the outset and continue saying that
    we have chosen the option of setting up a parliament and forming a
    government through elections, and any attempt of deviating from this
    path is unconstitutional.

    A party may be a pro-opposition faction during and after the campaign
    or before it. If a party which represented the opposition during
    the campaign participates in the formation of the Government after
    the elections, and its program is included in the program of the
    Government, how can it be a pro-opposition party? Should we enlarge
    the resources of the opposition? Of course, we should. Should we
    strengthen it? Sure, but not in that way. This is not the way of
    strengthening the opposition. By doing so, we will only suppress it.