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24 Base Stations Of Komstar OTS' WiMax Network Put Into Operation In

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  • 24 Base Stations Of Komstar OTS' WiMax Network Put Into Operation In


    Noyan Tapan
    Oct 22, 2008

    YEREVAN, OCTOBER 22, NOYAN TAPAN. Komstar-OTS OJSC (Russia) and its
    Armenian subsidiary Cornet-AM company have launched a WiMAX network
    of 24 base stations that covers Yerevan (6 stations) and another 18
    cities in Armenia, the president of Komstar-OTS Sergei Pridantsev
    and the director general of Cornet-AM Boris Demirkhanian announced
    at a joint press conference on October 21.

    According to S. Pridantsev, this is the first network in the world
    to be completely built based on WiMAX technologies. It covers an area
    where 60% of Armenia's population lives.

    B. Demirkhanian said that it is envisaged increasing the number
    of stations to 40 in order to expand the area covered by the
    network. Investments of 4.6 million dollars have been made in the
    construction of the currently operating network. The amount of
    future investments will be determined based on the results of the
    network's operation in 2008 and the development tendencies of Armenian
    telecommunication market. The base stations of the network are linked
    to each other by fiber-optic and radio relay lines which are either
    rented lines or Komstar OTS's own ones. Komstar-OTS conducts a policy
    of ensuring similarity of the prices of services provided in Armenia.

    Komstar OTS's network in Armenia enables to deliver complex services:
    digital phone connection, conference connection, and organization
    of corporate networks. The company currently offers its services to
    corporate users, but it has the strategic goal of servicing private
    users as well.

    The director general of Cornet-AM informed those present that the
    company currently has more than 600 subscribers and over 1,000
    connection points that ensure the connection of their services. The
    company plans to increase the number of subscribers by at least
    400 until late 2008. S. Pridantsev pointed out the development
    disproportion between the capital city and marzes (provinces) from
    the viewpoint of Internet access. Only 4% of the country's population
    has an Internet access now. In his opinion, taking into account the
    fact that "the region is developing normally, the level of access may
    reach at least the current level of fixed-line phone connection access
    which is over 20%". The matter concerns broadband Internet access.

    In the words of B. Demirkhanian, in the summer of 2008, Cornet-AM
    submitted a bid to the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission with
    the request to receive permission for provision of fixed-line phone
    services for 60 thousand phone numbers.

    It is noteworthy that Komstar-OTS is the biggest operator of fixed-line
    phone communication in Moscow. Using the base network of fixed-line
    communication, it provides phone, data transfer, Internet access,
    digital television and other services to retail operators, corporate
    customers and private users. In addition to the indicated base
    network, a WiMAX network will be launched soon. The ultimate users
    of the company's services provided by fixed phone lines make up 97%
    of Moscow households. Besides, the company provides telecommunication
    services in 67 cities in five okrugs (regions) of Russia, as well as
    in Ukraine. Komstar-OTS is likely to enter Kazakhstan's market as well.