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Violation of Armenian Minority Rights by the Georgian Authorities

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  • Violation of Armenian Minority Rights by the Georgian Authorities

    12 Sayat-Nova ave., apt. 4, Yerevan, Armenia

    Contact: Robert Tatoyan,
    Tel. +(374 10) 46 48 28
    +(374 94) 36 17 93
    E-mail: [email protected]

    October 24, 2008
    Yerevan, Armenia


    Despite international obligations assumed by the Georgian government for
    the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities in Georgia, despite
    numerous recommendations and appeals by international organizations,
    including the UN Human rights commission and human rights NGO-s to respect
    these obligations, the Georgian authorities continue to ignore and disregard
    issues of concern to the Armenian minority, contributing moreover, by a
    number of new steps, to the aggravation of tensions and the increase of

    Within this context, the Georgian authorities have not only continued to
    disregard repeated demands by the Georgian Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church asking to be handed over Armenian churches of Georgia and
    particularly the Norashen church in Tbilisi, confiscated in the soviet era,
    but have also tacitly encouraged and sometimes even actively helped hostile
    actions on behalf of the Georgian clergy which is actively embarked for a
    certain time now in the process of self-appropriation of the Armenian
    churches in Georgia. In this line of action, the Georgian authorities
    recently provided once again construction permits to the clergy of the
    Georgian church neighboring Norashen, allowing it to build around Norashen a
    surrounding wall carrying Georgian religious ornaments, considerably
    complicating in this way the access to the Armenian church.

    Due to protest actions of the Armenian community of Tbilisi and to appeals
    emanating from Armenian Apostolic Church authorities, several Armenian NGOs,
    including "Yerkir" Organization, it was possible to temporarily halt in May
    of the current year the hostile activities of Georgian priests, but
    construction works around the Armenian Norashen church resumed on a wide
    scale a few days ago (see attached photos).

    In addition to this hostile policy towards the Armenian Apostolic Church in
    Georgia, while dealing with the Armenian minority in their country,
    Georgian authorities continue to violate basic international human rights'
    and democratic norms pertaining to this field. Thus, among other
    shortcomings within this context, they continue to maintain
    politically-motivated criminal charges against the political activists of
    the Armenian populated Javakheti region and their family members, lately
    arrested and imprisoned without real foundations.

    Thus, Arthur Poghosyan, an activist of the political movement "Democratic
    Alliance "United Javakhk", was recently sentenced to 2.5 years of
    imprisonment on the basis of fabricated charges. Another activist of the
    movement, Gurgen Shirinyan, has a search warrant issued against him by the
    authorities, while his father and aunt are detained and waiting trial. The
    leader of "United Javakhk", Vahagn Chakahlyan, in turn, as well as his
    juvenile brother, are also in detention in Tbilisi, while their father,
    Rouben Chakhalyan, has been set free on bail.

    Other issues which are a matter of concern for the Armenian minority still
    remain unresolved:
    - the Armenian Apostolic Church continues to be deprived of a status of
    legal entity;
    - the Armenian Minority in Georgia, particularly the part of it living
    compactly in the Javakheti region, continues to be under-represented in all
    spheres of public life;
    - the Georgian central Government continues to enforce the laws obliging
    minorities to use exclusively the Georgian language in all fields of public
    activity, and particularly in the local administrations and local
    educational system within the context of regional self-government.
    - posts in the local administration, educational sphere or any other post
    for the holders of professional diplomas continue to be contingent on the
    knowledge of the Georgian language.

    Under the actual circumstances, while Georgia is still recovering with
    difficulty from the consequences of the recent armed conflict with Russia
    and is announcing the launching of a wave of democratization reforms and the
    enforcement of the rule of law, such a treatment by the Georgian authorities
    of its Armenian minority looks in fact much more irrational.

    Taking into consideration the above mentioned facts, "Yerkir" Union calls
    upon the appropriate and specialized structures of the United Nations, the
    European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the
    Council of Europe, as well as of all other concerned international
    organizations and human rights bodies, to take immediate and direct measures
    to restrain Georgia's negative current behavior against its Armenian
    minority, to put an end to the political persecutions in Javakheti, and to
    facilitate the emergence of a solution for the Armenian community of
    Georgia, as far as its minority rights are the issue, and in particular, to
    ensure this result by obtaining from the Georgian authorities to:
    1.. Set free all political prisoners recently detained in Javakheti and
    withdraw all politically motivated criminal charges against them;
    2.. Implement the rule of law and guarantee the security of the Armenian
    population of Javakheti;
    3.. Ensure the freedom of faith in the country and register the Armenian
    Apostolic Church as a legal entity in Georgia;
    4.. Return all confiscated places of worship to their legitimate owners;
    5.. Allow by law the use of the Armenian language in all spheres of public
    life in the local administrations of all regions where Armenians represent a

    The international community must act now to avoid further aggravation of the
    situation and prevent the emergence of a new seat of conflict.